
[Sulaimán writes the name “Táfak;” Ibn Khurdádba and Mas'údí have “Táfan.” Reinaud cites also the variations “Tákan” and “Tában.” Founding his opinion on the statement as to the beauty of the women, whom he supposes to be Mahrattas, Reinaud places this country in the neighbourhood of Aurangábád.* His argument is amusing, but is untenable, for it is inconsistent with the account given of the country by the Arab writers. Mas'údí says, “Some kings have their territory in the mountains away from the sea, like the king of Kashmír, the king of Táfan, and others;” and again, “the Míhrán (Indus) comes from well-known sources in the highlands of Sind, from the country belonging to Kanauj in the kingdom of Bauüra, and from Kashmír, Kandahár and Táfan.” Sulaiman says that “Táfak” lies by the side of the kingdom of Juzr, and this is inconsistent with Reinaud's view of Juzr being Kanauj and Táfak being Aurangábád; for if Juzr be Guzerát, Táfak must be placed to the north of it, as the dominions of the Balhará were on the south-east. The mountains in this direction are, first, the Árávalí mountains; next, the Salt-range, and lastly, the Himalayas. In Kazwíní there is a notice of the fort of “Taifand,” subdued by Mahmúd of Ghazní, in the year 1023 A.D.* This fort he represents as being on the summit of a mountain, to which there was only one way of access, and when taken, there were 500 elephants in the place. The names are sufficiently similar, and the descriptions point to the same locality. In the absence of more definite information, the Salt-range seems to com­ply most closely with what we are told about the position of Táfand.]