Usurps the throne. — The Kings of Ahmudnuggur and Beeja-
THIS enterprising minister united in his person the grand requisites for successful ambition, viz. undaunted courage and consummate art. His power advanced so rapidly after his usurpation, that the kings of Ahmudnuggur and Beejapoor were induced to seek his destruction, and marched their united forces against him. Toofal Khan, unable to oppose both princes, made overtures to Ally Adil Shah and his minister, presenting to that monarch an offering of valuable jewels, to relinquish the war. Moortuza Nizam Shah, having discovered this correspondence, retreated to Ahmudnuggur.
A. H. 980.
A. D. 1568.
But in the year 980 he again marched against Toofal Khan, under the pretence of releasing the imprisoned prince from his confinement in Narnala.
On this occasion, Toofal Khan became alarmed,
and deputed an envoy to beg assistance from Ibra-