The King, soon after this conversation with Burny, fell sick at Gondul, a town within fifteen coss of Girnal (Joonagur), where he remained till the arrival of Khwaja Jehan, whom he had previously sent to Dehly to conciliate and bring with him the principal men of the state. The King, having recovered a little from his disorder, mustered his army, and directed boats to be col­lected from Mooltan, Oocha, and Depalpoor, and to be brought to Tutta. Marching thence from Gondel, the army reached the banks of the Indus, which they crossed in spite of some opposition made by Toghan. The King was here joined by five thousand Mogul horse under the command of Altoon Bahâdur, with which reinforcement he proceeded to Tutta, in order to chastise the Soo-mura * Prince of Sind, who had given protection to Toghan. Within sixty miles of that city the King halted, to pass the first ten days of the month of Mohurrum; where, having eaten to excess of fish, he was seized with a fever. He could not be pre­vailed on to remain quiet till he recovered, but em-

Mohurrum 21.
A. H. 752.
March 20.
A. D. 1351.

barked in a vessel, and proceeded to within 30 miles of Tutta, where he ex­pired, on the 21st day of Mohurrum, in the year 752. And thus this cruel tyrant became the victim of death, after a reign of 27 years.