Stanza 4.—See Note to Stanza 4 of Poem XXXIII.
The word bezoar comes from two Arabic roots which signify
the annihilator of poison. Murray gives several examples of its
use by seventeenth and eighteenth century writers in the sense
of an antidote, chiefly to snake bites. Topsell, for instance, in
his book on Serpents (1607), remarks that “the juice of apples
being drunk, and endive, are the proper Bezoar against the
venom of a Phalangie”—whatever that may be. The word was
also applied to various substances held as antidotes, especially to
a concretion found in the stomach of some animals, formed of
concentric layers of animal matter deposited round some foreign
substance. This concretion was called the bezoar stone. The
original sort was the lapis bezoar orientale obtained from the
wild goat of Persia, which was in later times called the bezoar
goat; also from various antelopes, &c. The lapis bezoar occi-