PRAISE and adoration to that sovereign, who by the power of his perfection hath given form to a single drop of water in the womb; and hath brought the uncreated pearl into existance; and hath made me a king of the universe. It is therefore requisite that in the different regions and quarters of the world; particularly in the countries of Bijapoor, Golconda and Behakunker, and as far as the sea shore, you make use of the Khutbeh, the Coin and Measure of Shahjehan. And for you, who in your own country and territories, like Lapwings, cause yourselves to be called kings, it is proper, that having put around your necks the rope of submission, you prohibit in future, in your own cities, the Khutbeh, Coin and Measure of your own name. Otherwise having torn your skin and flesh with the talons of the swift royal Falcon, and his cruel beak, you will become a prey to the common Kites. Listen therefore to these words with the ear of understanding, and do not sleep like the Hare whilst the Eagle is in quest of her. On this account there is dispatched Mukermut Khan, the flower of generous Noble­men; the perfection of intelligent Statesmen; one who is per­mitted to sit with me in private. Be diligent in that which you judge expedient.