The history of Vikramajeet, the most illustrious
and virtuous sovereign of his age, has been transmitted
to posterity in the legends which still remain
among his countrymen. It is said that he
passed the early part of his life among holy men,
affecting poverty, and performing penance. At the
age of fifty he assumed the command of an army,
and in the course of a few years conquered the
whole country of Nehrwala
and Malwa, over
which he ruled with justice. The Hindoos are of
opinion, that he was inspired, and could foretell
coming events: he avoided all display of pomp,
living in the same manner as his subjects, using
earthen utensils instead of gold, and sleeping on a
mat instead of a bed. Oojein became well inhabited
during his reign, on account of the idol dedicated
to Mahkaly which he set up in that city.
He also built the fort of D'har. From the death of
Vikramajeet, the Hindoos date one of their eras,
which at the present day is 1663, answering to
the year 1015 of the Hijra. He was contemporary
with Ardsheer Babegan, and some say with Shah-
Four years after this event, proceeding to Malwa,
he reduced it, and built many towns and cities in
that kingdom; among which was Nurwur, where
having left a garrison of rahtories, he deputed an
embassy to Shew Ray, Raja of Beejanuggur,
soliciting his daughter in marriage. That Prince,
dreading the power of Ramdew, sent her with
valuable presents, along with the ambassador. Ram-
Ramdew was employed five months in making the journey, having subjected, during that period, upwards of five hundred rajas, after which he returned to his capital, where he gave presents to his soldiers, and celebrated a feast on the occasion. Ramdew reigned for upwards of fifty-four years, and then died: he was contemporary with Feroze, the Sassanian, whose son Keikobad succeeded him, to both of which monarchs annual tribute was paid by India. After the death of Ramdew, his numerous sons all disputing the succession, civil wars ensued. Purtab Chund, the general of Ramdew, of the tribe of Sesodia, taking advantage of these events, and collecting a force, ascended the throne, in spite of the endeavours of the princes, whom he seized and put to death, and thus established his authority. Having raised himself to the same elevation as his predecessor, Purtab Chund refused to pay tribute to Persia, and the ambassador of Nowsherwan returned empty-handed. In consequence of this defection, the Persian troops invaded Mooltan and Punjab; and Purtab Chund sent peace-offerings both to the generals and to the Persian King himself, to prevent further devastation. From this, he transmitted the annual tribute as usual. After the death of Purtab Chund each of his generals seized on a province; while his progeny, flying from Kunowj, occupied a small tract of country in the hills of Koombulmere, in the neighbourhood of Chittoor and Mundsoor; the descendants of whom at present hold it in sovereignty. They are distinguished by the appellation of Rana, significant of a petty prince.*
Among the other generals and rajas who became powerful after the death of Purtab Chund, was Anund-dew Rajpoot, of the tribe of Beis. Having collected a large force in Malwa, he conquered the countries of Nehrwala and Marhatt, in the Deccan. He built also the forts of Ramgir and Mahoor in Berar, as well as the fort of Mando in Malwa. He lived in the age of Khoosrow Purvees, and died after a reign of sixteen years.
At this time a Hindoo named Maldew, having collected a force in the Dooab, attacked and seized the cities of Dehly and Kunowj. He made the latter city his residence, which attained a condition so flourishing that it has seldom been equalled An idea of its population may be formed, when it is stated that Kunowj contained 30,000 shops for the sale of pan†, * and 60,000 families of public dancers and singers. After having reigned forty-two years, Maldew died; but leaving no sons fit to succeed him, anarchy and civil war every where prevailed. From that time till the Mahomedan invasion no single raja ruled over India; for when Sooltan Mahmood Ghizny invaded it, the country was divided into principalities, as follows:
Kunowj | Koowur Raj. |
Meerut | Hurdut Raj. |
Mahavun* | Goolchunder Ray. |
Lahore | Jeipal, the son of Hutpal. |
Thus also Malwa, Guzerat, Ajmeer, Gualiar, &c. had each separate rajas.