BY a letter from Ibrâheem Ali Khân it appears to us, that the Risâladârs, Syed Humeed, Bubi Ali Baig, and Ibrâheem Khân, have received bribes, &c.* from various persons. A copy of this letter, the original of which has been deposited in the Kuchurry of the Jyshe, is enclosed. We, in consequence, direct, that the aforesaid Risâladârs be divested of their commands,* that they be confronted [with their accusers], obliged to refund to the Sircar the money [they have corruptly obtained], and finally, that they be kept under restraint, and the matter reported to us; when we will send other Risâladârs from hence [to supply their places].
This letter does not afford a very favorable specimen of the Sultan`s notions of justice, or of his mode of proceeding against persons charged with crimes or misdemeanors. He acts upon the bare information of Ibrâheem Ali Khân, as if the truth of the charge preferred by the latter were already undeniably established, inflicting every penalty upon the accused before trial, that could be inflicted, in the event of their guilt being completely proved. It is true, that he directs a kind of trial to be instituted; but the possibility of the innocence of the accused is neither contemplated nor provided for. The result is to be communicated to the Sultan; not in order that he may, in case of the acquittal of the accused, give directions for their restoration to their rank, liberty, and property, but only that he may immediately send new officers to supply their vacant places. All this is at variance, not only with common justice, but even with the usual mode of proceeding against military offenders of the rank of officers, prescribed by the Sultan`s own regulations; one of which appears to have directed, that “the sword “of the accused officer to be taken from him, and deposited in the guard-room, there “to be kept during the trial of the accused, and till ordered to be restored to him “by the Sultan.” On the other hand, it must be acknowledged that the enquiry commanded to be made, and the postponement of the appointment of successors to the accused till the result was known, are circumstances, which seem to show that the Sultan, notwithstanding the precipitancy and irregularity of his proceeding, on this occasion, did not deem it absolutely impossible that the Risâladârs might be able to clear themselves; in which case it is, perhaps, only fair to suppose, that he would have made them suitable reparation for the injury they had suffered.