When, in the year 947 (A. D. 1540), Shere Khan Afghan, commonly called Fureed, the son of Husun Afghan, became rebellious in the eastern countries, on the 10th of Mohurrum of that year, Hoomayoon marched against him. There were two or three battles between them on the river Joosa. In short, the royal army was defeated, when the king turned the bridle of his intentions towards Juwunpoor, whence with expedition he went to Agra. In the previous year (946), Shah Hoosain sent Meer Abeek Urghoon to Badshah Hoomayoon, offering his congratulations on the conquest of Guzerat and Bengal; he also sent Meer Khoosh Mahomed Urghoon with a similar message to Meerza Kamran on his conquest of Kandahar, and the destruction of Answar Khan. Both of these were good sepoys, men of wisdom and council. When Meer Abeek presented himself to the king, seeing his carelessness and pride, he understood that the foreign sepoys in a short time would write in their hearts the words of mutiny. Without asking the permission of the king, he left his army, conveying himself with great diligence to Shah Hoosain, who, on hearing of his arrival, became anxious. When Meer Abeek had an interview with him, he asked what had occurred; he replied: “I found the king in such disorder, that in a short time the rebellious people will find strength against him; underneath him there will be roads of discord; and I have come to give this news, that you may be on the alert.” Shah Hoosain several times summoned his nobles to the assembly, to deliberate with them. At that time the news of the defeat of Hoomayoon arrived, when all gave great credit to the wisdom of Meer Abeek, praising him much. It was decided upon to leave the country, and destroy the cultivation from Ooch to Bukkur on both sides of the river.
When the news of the flight of the king was confirmed, he erected buildings in four gardens at Baburloe, and placing in these all the requisites, with munitions of war, he caused all the country and towns about Bukkur to be entirely deserted. In the minds of Shah Hoosain and his people it became fixed that the king would come to Sind, because Meerza Kamran and Meerza Uskuree had left the paths of friendship towards him. When, on the 1st Rubee-ool- Awul, 947 (A. D. 1540), the king arrived at Lahore, all his brethren and nobles were collected there, but these had not gained knowledge, though they had seen what had occurred; and they did not bind the girdle of truth around the loins of spirit; so much so, that one day Khwaja Kodawund Mahomed, Meer Abdool Buga, and other men of consequence in the kingdom, assembled together, and wrote a bond of friendship between themselves, to which all those Ameers put their signatures as witnesses. When this bond was perfect, they collected to deliberate, but their language was not from their hearts: on this account the assembly broke up, and the matter on which they were deliberating was unfinished.
In the latter days of Jumadee-oos-Sanee 947, Hoomayoon Badshah, Meerza Mahomed Kamran, Mahomed Humdal Meerza, with other princes and nobles, and all the army, crossed the river at Lahore, and Shere Khan drew near that city. The Afghans stretched forth the hand of violence against the Moguls wherever they found them, looting and destroying their families and property; for this reason the whole of the Moguls, having joined Hoomayoon, went towards Kabool. When they reached the Chunab, Mahomed Kamran Meerza, and Mahomed Uskuree Meerza, with Khwaja Kodawund Mahomed and Khwaja Abdool Huk, without the permission of the king, turned their faces towards Kabool. The king, being helpless, went in the direction of Bheruh, when Mahomed Sultan Meerza, and Ulug Meerza, &c. also separating themselves from the king, joined Mahomed Kamran Meerza. Hoomayoon, seeing the enmity of his brethren, on the 1st of Rujub of that year, turned the bridle of his intentions towards Sind. In the last days of Shaban, the royal army arrived at Ooch, near which lived Bukshoo Lungah, to whom the king sent by Beg Mahomed Bukawul, and Kochuk Beg, a handsome Khilat and Firman, granting to him the title of Khan Juhanee, and presenting him with a standard and Nugarah. On this account he sent to the Badshah many boats full of grain, but he did not take the fortune of an interview with the king. Hoomayoon, with his nobles, and some of his forces, proceeded towards Sind, and the places for the tents of his troops were made about Roree. He himself, with much happiness, went to reside in the gardens (Char Bagh) of Baburloe, which have no fellows in verdure and elegance. Previous to this Sultan Mahomed had cleared all the country about, strengthened the fort of Bukkur, underneath which he had collected and secured all the boats. When the royal army came to Roree, the king sent a Firman to Sultan Mahomed to this effect: “You must come and find fortune by kissing the royal threshold, and deliver up the fort to the king’s sepoys.” He replied: “I am the servant of Meerza Shah Hoosain; until he comes to the royal presence, my going there would not be in accordance with the rules of eating salt, and without the order of Meerza Shah Hoosain, it is not proper that I should give up this fort.” The king held him excused. Grain beginning to become scarce in the imperial camp, Mehtur Ushruf, the Meer Bazar, went to Sultan Mahomed, informing him of this circumstance, who then sent 500 kurwas of grain for the army, and something for the consumption of the king, who approved of this attention.