Náṣir-i-Kabír had sent -Ḥasan b. -Qásim to Gílán, bidding him bring the rulers of that province to ´Amul to swear allegiance to him. He wrote to Náṣir that he had persuaded Harúsandán the son of Tídá, Khusraw Fírúz the son of Justán, and Laythám the son of Wardán, with all their tribesmen, to come in. But these bore Náṣir a grudge, because he had not performed all that he promised them, so they swore allegiance, not to him, but to -Ḥasan b. -Qásim (f. 128a). On reaching ´Amul, -Ḥasan alighted at Musallá (the Oratory) and did not go before Náṣir, but came next day with his guards and retainers to ask for provisions for his army. Náṣir was frightened, and fled from his quarters on a mule towards Pá-yi-Dasht, but was pursued and captured by -Ḥasan, who brought him back to ´Amul, and thence sent him to the castle of Láriján, while his allies looted the Palace. Thereafter arose a great strife between the partisans of Náṣir and of Ḥasan; and Laylá b. Nu'mán came from Sárí, and headed an attack on Ḥasan’s palace. They reviled him, took from him his signet-ring, and brought him back to ´Amul before Náṣir, of whom they asked pardon. When Ḥasan, deserted by his followers, was brought before Náṣir, the latter said without one reproach or bitter word, “I forgive thee,” and bade him return to Gílán. But Abu`l-Ḥusayn Aḥmad b. an-Náṣir interceded for him, got him recalled, and gave him his daughter (who was afterwards the mother of Abu`l-Faḍl ad-Dá'í) in marriage; and he was given the government of Gurgán.