Attacks Kalpy, which is evacuated by its governor. — The King of Malwa resents the injury.— Peace concluded. — Mahmood Shah attacks Dehly — is compelled to retreat, and loses a great portion of his baggage and elephants during the operation. — War continued with Bheilole Lody, King of Dehly. — Death of Mahmood Shah Shurky.
AFTER the death of Ibrahim Shah, he was suc-
A. H. 847.
A. D. 1443.
ceeded by his eldest son Mahmood. In
the year 847, he sent an envoy to the
court of Malwa to inform Sooltan Mah-
A. H. 848.
A. D. 1444.
place Sooltan Mahmood of Malwa proceeded, in the year 848, with his army. * On his approach, Mahmood Shah Shurky marched to Eerich, where a partial engagement