In the year 942 (A. D. 1535), Hoomayoon Badshah, taking numerous forces from Delhi (especially against Infidels), marched upon Chittore, near which were made fixed places for the royal tents. At that time Sultan Bahadoor Guzeratee wrote a petition to the Badshah in behalf of the Raja of Chittore, showing forth his sincerity; but at the latter end of this, some harsh words appeared; seeing which, the heart of the king was offended, and he turned the bridle of the intention of his horse towards warring with Sultan Bahadoor in Guzerat, and getting over the country, he arrived there, looting and killing as he went. On this account Sultan Bahadoor went to a bunder.
During Hoomayoon’s progress, he wrote a Firman to Meerza Shah Hoosain, telling him to preserve the ways of friendship, to turn his face in that direction, and to halt near Puttun, from whence he was to write a petition to him, when he must do as he might be ordered. Shah Hoosain, with a very large force, marched from Nusurpoor by the way of Radhunpoor, on Puttun. Khizur Khan, who was the Hakeem in the fort there, on the part of Sultan Bahadoor, retired within his fortress; seeing which, the Ryuts drove their flocks and herds to a distance. Sultan Mahomed, taking 500 horse, proceeding in advance, arrived at 7 kos from Puttun, where he halted, sending Jan Ali back to Shah Hoosain. He also sent Jonaid and Joonuh, Dharejas, to Khizur Khan in the fort, saying: “Shah Hoosain has come with a vast force; it is better for you to go and make your fort over to him, and remove your families wherever you please.” Khizur Khan sent back word, that Sultan Bahadoor was alive at Gurnal (Joonagur), and that he did not see how it was necessary for him to give up the fort of Puttun to the Moguls of Sind. These two then went to the mother of Khizur Khan, telling her what Sultan Mahomed had said, adding that they did not think it proper for them to return without taking some present from her to him. The mother of Khizur Khan said— “What is your advice?” These replied that it was fitting for her to send one lakh of Ferozshahees for the entertainment of Shah Hoosain, and thirty thousand for Sultan Mahomed; and, if you will give this, we will take away the army. In short, she sent one lakh and thirty thousand Ferozshahees by her men of trust.
The following morning Shah Hoosain arrived at some high ground near Puttun, when Sultan Mahomed came to him, requesting permission to proceed in advance. Shah Hoosain replied that it was preferable to send some one to the king, to acquaint him of their arrival there, and that we will go wherever he orders us. He sent an Urzee by Abdool Koodoos to the king. At that time men arrived, bringing presents from Khizur Khan to him. He remained there fifteen days, in which time Sultan Mahomed went to Mahomedabad, plundering the country, when much money and valuable property fell into the hands of the sepoys. Meer Furookh at that time represented to Shah Hoosain that “When the royal orders arrived for us to go and encamp with his highness’ army, there will be no other medicine for us but to do so, and it is not proper for us to go there, because the Badshah gives much money to his troops from the wealth of Guzerat, and there is much valuable property with the Chughtteeyuh Ameers. If our Urghoons and Turkhans see this, they will not remain with us, many men will go away. It is better that we turn the bridle of our intentions back to Sind. This was approved of by the Meerzas and all the chiefs, and determining to abide by it, he sent an Urzee to the king by Meerza Kasim Beg, saying: “I came here with a large force; now I have received a petition from the Ameers of Tatta and Bukkur, who tell me that the Kulumtees and Guttooees (Zemindars) having assembled, men are looting the country, and much discord has arisen; for this reason my return there is necessary.” Hoomayoon was plundering the country, and twenty days previous to his arrival at Ahmedabad Shah Hoosain had turned back from Puttun. This was in the early days of 945 (A. D. 1538).
He returned to Tatta by Radhunpoor, looting and slaying the Jharejas and Sodahs as he passed.