Assumes the regalia, and causes coin to be struck in his name as King. — Mulloo Yekbal Khan invades his country. — Peace concluded. — The death of Moobarik Shah Shurky.
ON the death of Khwaja Jehan he was succeeded by his adopted son, Mullik Kurrunful, who realised the wish that his predecessor carried with him to the grave; and, accordingly, on his accession, perceiving that the kingdom of Dehly was thrown into disorder and anarchy, he, with the consent of the officers of his government, assumed the regal canopy, and caused coin to be struck, and prayers to be read, in his name, under the title of Moobarik Shah Shurky.
No sooner did this information reach Dehly than Mulloo Yekbal Khan (who had lately usurped the throne, and expelled Mahmood Toghluk from
A. H. 803.
A. D. 1400.
his government,) marched, in the year
803, with an army to attack Joonpoor.
On reaching Kunowj, he found Moo-
A. H. 804.
A. D. 1401.
again preparing to attack Joonpoor. In the mean time Moobarik Shah died, in the year 804, after a short reign of eighteen months.