His origin — raised to the rank of a noble — is created ruler of the province of Berar — assumes independence from the court of Bidur — his death..

THE first person who became distinguished in this family was descended from the Canarese infidels of Beejanuggur. Having been taken prisoner in the wars with that country, when a boy, he was ad­mitted among the body-guard of Khan Jehan, the commander-in-chief, and governor of Berar. As he grew up he discovered abilities and courage, which attracted the notice of his master, who ul­timately became so much attached to him, that he nominated him to offices of distinction. After the death of Khan Jehan, he repaired to the court at Mahomedabad Bidur, and in the reign of Maho­med Shah Bahmuny, through the influence of Khwaja Mahmood Gawan, he received the title of Imad-ool-Moolk, and was subsequently raised to the office of commander of the forces in Berar.

A. H. 890.
A. D. 1484.
In the year 890, he declared his in­dependence; shortly after which he died, and was succeeded by his eldest son.