In the latter days of 932 (A. D. 1526), on account of the death of Sultan Mahomed Lungah, quarrels and dissensions arose amongst the Ameer and his relations. Every one strengthened himself in his own place, and all took themselves away from listening to the orders of others. At that time Sultan Hoosain was young, and in the hands of Shaikh Soojan Bookaree, and the ladies of Lungah: he was unable to do anything. On this account, much discord, violence, taking away other men’s wives, &c. arose. Seeing this, the influential men amongst the Zemindars wished for some other ruler. At that time Lungur Khan went to Shah Hoosain, describing to him the state of the country.

The Meerza had previously considered how he could throw the noose of conquest over the parapets of Mooltan; and on hearing what Lungur Khan said, his wishes on this subject were strengthened.

Having made up his mind to march against it, he sent Mahomed Miskeen Turkhan in advance.

The Lungahs, hearing of the approach of the Urghoons, after delibera­tion, sent Shaikh Ismael Koraishee to make peace. He arrived at Mow, where he had an interview with Shah Hoosain, who showed him all the honour and reverence he could, giving him money for his entertain­ment. The Shaikh spoke to strengthen the root of peace, but no benefit arose from this. He then said to Lungur Khan: “My relations are at Tatta; send me there.” Lungur mentioned this to the Meerza, who complied with the request, and the Shaikh obtained leave to proceed to Sind, and a village near Tatta was given to him in Jageer. From thence Shah Hoosain proceeded towards Mooltan. When his forces drew near, much anxiety fell upon the men of Lungah, all of whom betook themselves inside the fort. At that time Lungur Khan, who was with the Urghoons looting Thuttee Khulwan, brought much grain, cattle, and other things to the army. Mooltan was surrounded, and fighting commenced on both sides. The king sent one of his brothers to Shah Hoosain, with Shaikh Soojan, saying that he would obey orders. Meerza received him with much kindness, saying— “Tell your brother to come out of the fort to visit me, to agree to obey my orders, and I will show him every kindness. I will then leave the fort in his hands, and turn the bridle of my intentions to return back.” These, returning, told what had passed; but the Lungahs, with much pride, would not leave the fort, and they deliberated how to get rid of their enemies. They lighted the fire of war by throwing open the gates, and taking in their hands their bows and arrows, and swords. They fought very well, killing some of the Urghoons. Thus the fire of anger became ignited in Shah Hoosain: he pitched his tent to the eastward of the fort, opposite the Shams gate, erecting batteries around the city. From both sides the fire of battle blazed, and the arrows and bullets began to fall like rain. There was fighting daily. During this time, grain became very scarce in the city, so much so, that one maund (Mooltan weight) of it was priced at 100 Tunkahs, and one cow the same; in this manner things were sold. Many men eat the hides of cattle, which were not fit to eat, and if the flesh of dogs and cats fell into their hands, they looked upon it as the meat of kids. Shaikh Soojan Bookaree had placed Jaduh Mahehee in command over 3,000 foot soldiers, (Kusba­tees, fighting men of the town,) who were the garrison. This man of ill-fortune, without consideration, entered those houses where he even suspected there was grain, looting them. On account of this conduct, the poor people raised their hands in supplication: “Change is good, however it comes upon us!” They prayed for the decline of the rule of the Lungahs.

In short, the men of Mooltan strengthened themselves for death, casting themselves from the walls into the ditch below. Shah Hoosain, hearing of this distress on account of hunger, forbade the destruction of those who acted in this manner.

By reason of the scarcity of supplies, the Ameers of Mooltan prohibited any from eating to the full; they ordered the people to subsist them­selves upon the water in which grain was cooked. When they had been besieged for one year, they became close upon death— the knife had reached the bone. On the 11th of Jumadee-oos-Sanee, in the year 933 Hijree (A. D. 1526), the brave men of the Urghoon army emptied many of the bodies of their enemies of life, by the blows of their arrows, and in the morning, putting forth great strength, they broke down the Loharee gate, and gained an entrance into the city. The hands of plunder being then drawn forth from the sleeves of violence, commenced looting and massacreing.

All the inhabitants of the town from the age of seven to that of seventy were confined, and such occurrences befell the Mooltanees, that it reminded them of the last day: they secreted themselves in the monasteries of their most sacred saints.

Ten or twelve days after the place had been given up to plunder, Mohib Ali Turkhan, taking some men with him, went to these monas­teries of the saints, looting the people, and setting fire to the buildings. The blood of many was spilt in these. Numbers of the Lungahs and Mooltanees were destroyed in that general slaughter. In the plunder, many precious jewels, and money not to be counted, fell into the hands of the Moguls. After this, the fire of anger was cooled in Meerza Shah Hoosain: he showed pity to those who had escaped, giving orders to take up the bodies of the dead from the streets, and to bury them in pits, and from that time none of his men were allowed to lift their hands against them. Mukhdoom Shaikh Buha-ood-deen brought Sultan Hoosain and his sister to Shah Hoosain, who made them both over to the care of Mahomed Miskeen Turkhan, who married the lady, taking her brother into his bosom, as if he had been his own son.

Two months after the conquest of this city, intending to return to Bukkur, Shah Hoosain placed as governors over Mooltan, Dost Meer Akhoor, and Shums-ood-deen Nakhwanee, with 200 horsemen, 100 topechees (men with fire-arms,) and 200 footmen. He fined Shaikh Soojan Bookaree, and the slaves of consequence of Sultan Mahomed Lungah, taking from them all the money they possessed. He then turned towards Bukkur, where, after his arrival, a petition arrived from the Ameers of Tatta, with these contents: “Khungar has the inten­tion to bring a force against Tatta.” On receiving this news, the Meerza marched to go there. Dost Meer Akhoor and Shums-ood-deen, who were left at Mooltan, remained there nearly eleven months, when Lungur Khan, separating himself, went away to the presence of Mahomed Babur Badshah, who received him with honour. After this, Shah Hoosain wrote a petition to Babur Badshah, making Mooltan over to him as a present, and Dost Meer Akhoor and his companions came to Bukkur. Babur Badshah placed Mooltan in the hands of Mahomed Kamran.