Like meat on the tray.—An ancient proverbial expression, signifying the being vile and worthless, or exposed to contempt. The proverb, “Women are like meat on the tray,” is derived from a saying of the Khalif ‘Omar, quoted at Arab. Prov. I. 21, and means that they are worthless creatures and soil men’s reputations.
The tovern of a liquor-seller.—The word
The white camels: camels of a white colour lightly mixed with yellow.
The last darkness of night.—
Left together those two old ones, i.e. left the way or space free between them; meaning, left the two free, each to do to the other as he pleased (Lane). We left Abû Zayd and the Devil alone together.
Iblîs.—The Moslem name for the Devil, probably a corruption
of diabolos, though said to be from