[AFTER compliments]........ We have just learned, from the report of the Deputy Governor of Gujunder-ghur, that that friend, having collected together a body of troops, maintains himself with great firmness in the fort of Mudgul; soliciting, however, at the same time, our assistance: we therefore write, to desire that you will, without any reserve or ceremony, state to us what succours you require, when, with the blessing of God, the same shall be effectually furnished.
I am not quite certain with regard to the real name of the fort here mentioned, since, in the original, it is written both Mudgul and Nudgul. From the style and general tenor of this letter it might be concluded, that it was not addressed to any person in the service of the Sultan, but rather to the governor of a fort (belonging either to the Mahrattahs or to the Nizâm) who had entertained a traiterous correspondence with the Sultan. I am not, at present, sufficiently informed on the subject to clear up this point satisfactorily; but if, in the course of this work, I should meet with any new light respecting it, I will communicate it in the Appendix.