On the morning of the following day, Shah Hoosain mounted his horse, and marched, with the expectation of a battle. He exerted himself in arranging his troops, putting all in their proper positions. He placed in command of the right Mahomed Miskeen Turkhan, and Meerza Eesa; over the left he put Meer Furookh, and Meer Abeek Urghoon; he gave charge of the advance to Sultan Mahomed Khan, Meer Mahomed Sarban, and Meer Aboo Mooslin.

The descendants of Rai Suheeruh, the Beloochees, and all the sepoys of Mooltan, advanced to meet him, placing the men of Nahur in their front. The forces of Mooltan were double in number to those of Shah Hoosain.

When the two forces came in front of each other, the Moguls began to light the fire of battle, and the Lungahs and Beloochees raised their hands to shoot their arrows. At that time Shah Hoosain fell upon, and put the enemy to flight. In that attack numbers of them were slain. Boohlool, a descendant of Rai Suheeruh, and many others, were taken prisoners, all of whom Shah Hoosain ordered to be given to the sword. From the field of battle Shah Hoosain advanced, coming in sight of Ooch. He broke down the gate of the fort, and commenced fighting. The Lungahs, standing on the walls, threw arrows and stones. The Moguls, then, raising on bamboos the heads of their Sirdars, showed them to the garrison, on seeing which fear seized them, and they fled, casting themselves down from the walls and bastions, seeking a way to save themselves, but such as fell into the hands of their enemies were slain, agreeably to the orders of Shah Hoosain, and the people of the city were looted by the Moguls. Then Junab Zain-ool-ula-bideen Bookaree and others went to Shah Hoosain, telling him of what was going on in the city. He gave orders to his attendants, that from that time there was to be no violence offered to any one, that such as had been taken prisoners were to be released, and that the heads of those who disobeyed their orders were to be raised on high on bamboos. He directed the fort and chief buildings in Ooch to be destroyed, and placing the timber of these latter on boats, he sent it to Bukkur.

When the news of the strength of Meerza Shah Hoosain, and of his capturing Ooch, reached Sultan Mahomed Lungah, the King of Mooltan, he sent men, through his country, to collect the Beloochees, the Juts, the Rindhs, the Dodaees, the Koraees, the Chandeeyuhs, and all fighting men. In the space of one month he had assembled 80,000 men, horse and foot, in Mooltan. With this large force, Sultan Mahomed Lungah, with great arrogance, went forth from Mooltan towards the field of action, intending to fight. Shah Hoosain, hearing of his collecting troops, encamped on the Ghara, looking for his approach. Sultan Mahomed spent one month near his city, putting his materials for war in order. Having prepared this, he marched from thence with greater pride than before: he did not know that “The Creator of fate makes His decrees behind the curtain.” Certainly no one has gathered the flower of fortune from the garden of the unkindness of heaven until the thorn of the non-obtainment of his desires has pricked the foot of his heart: what man has drank one sip of good fortune in the pleasure-house of this world, without finding the sickness of bad fortune? The produce of this is: Shaikh Soojan Bookaree, the son-in-law of Sultan Hoosain, held in his hands all the affairs of the state. On some account he became treacherous with the attendants and slaves of Sultan Mahomed, who, on hearing of this, became very wrath. These, seeing that their lives depended on his death, girded their loins to kill him, and forget­ting his kindness, gave him very potent poison, which was in the treasure chest for some one else, and he, drinking half a cup of this, became so intoxicated, that his eyes did not again see the face of wakefulness. When the mother of Sultan Mahomed heard of this, she said in her heart that it was right for her to remain there, and to get all the troops to her side. This was kept secret for two or three days, when it became known, and all the Beloochees and Lungahs assembling, placed Sultan Hoosain, the son of Sultan Mahomed, on the throne of the kingdom; and they did not find any other medicine save to make peace. In short, they placed between them as mediator Mahomed Shaikh Buha-ood-deen, which honorable Shaikh had an interview with Shaikh Hoosain on the Ghara. The Meerza received him with great distinction, bowing before him, and showing him much veneration; and on what the Shaikh said, he agreed to make peace. He wrote a treaty to this effect:— “The boundary of the country of Mooltan is the water of the Ghara: from this day no ruler of Mooltan is to go beyond that limit.” He then gave the Shaikh his dismissal, presenting him with nine horses, a string of camels, with some ready money, and he returned full of happiness. Shah Hoosain gave orders for another fort to be built with great expedition at Ooch, which was done as directed, and that building is standing at this time. After this, leaving men of trust there, he prepared to return. At that time Ikbal Khan, the servant of Sultan Mahomed, came and made his Salaam to him, saying he wished him happiness. Shah Hoosain showed him kindness, agreeing to meet his wishes.