Ismá'íl on his death was succeeded by his son Aḥmad, in A. H. 294 (= A. D. 906—7). After two years and a few months he dismissed Abu`l-'Abbás, whom he hated, from the government of Ṭabaristán, and in A. H. 297 (= A. D. 909—910) sent to succeed him a Turk named Salám. His father’s officers, such as Abú Ṣáliḥ Manṣúr and Fáris, were disgusted at this, and wished to swear allegiance to Abu`l-'Abbás, who sought to retire to Gurgán to effect a junction with Fáris, but was stopped by Hurmazd-Káma, the lord of Tammísha, Rustam the son of Qárin, and the Ispahbad Shahriyár. He therefore returned to ´Amul, and tried to go thence by Kajú and Rúyán to Ray, but the Ispahbad Shahriyár met him at Injír and persuaded him to refrain from any act of rebellion. At this juncture Muḥammad b. Ḥajar arrived as an ambassador from Aḥmad b. Ismá'íl the Sámánid, bringing a robe of honour and conciliatory messages (f. 125b), and conducted him to Bukhárá, where the Sámánid nobles advised that he should be treated with honour and sent at the head of 30,000 horsemen to 'Iráq. In Jumáda I, A. H. 297 (= January—February, A. D. 910) Salám the Turk came to ´Amul, on the first day of the old Persian month of ´Adhar, and governed the country for 9 months and 22 days, till one day Abú Aḥmad Zanrás (B. “Zanráshan”) of Náṣirábád came before him to complain of the exorbitant taxes which he was compelled to pay, and was answered by blows; whereupon he rushed out and raised the people against the Turk, whom, after he had fired the bázár and repelled them for three days and nights, they drove out of the city.