When Mukoond Raj first opposed the King's authority,
Shunkur Raj the nephew, and Hurry-
At that time one Rawoot Row, a petty raja in
the command of a body of cavalry and infantry,
and who was famed for his courage, had sometime
before joined, and subsequently acted in concert
with Ameen-ool-Moolk; but being offended at
some orders issued by him, Rawoot Row quitted
the King's camp without permission, and afterwards
induced Hurrychundur to quit it also, and to
unite with him in an attempt to establish Hurry-
After having concluded hostilities with Veij
Nat Dew, Meer Zein-ool-Abideen detached Chun-
Julmoor was now occupied by the Mahome-
At this time the King appointed the respectable
Syud, Meer Mahomed Ameen, a native of Astra-
A. D. 1603.
In the year 1012, in consequence of
the increasing friendship which subsisted
at this period between the court
of Hydrabad and that of Persia, Shah Abbas
deputed one of his relatives, Oghzloo Sooltan, on
an embassy to Mahomed Koolly Kootb Shah. On
hearing that the ambassador had arrived at Goa,
the King deputed Ameer Zein-ood-Deen of Ny-
A. D. 1607.
In the year 1016, the Prince Sooltan
Mahomed, son of the late Prince Ma-