Sābarmatī River, 21

ābit K. (also called Dayānat), examiner of petitions, 1, 250

Sadi quoted, 36

Ṣādiq, soothsayer, 235

Ṣādiq K. promoted, 15, 82; Chief Bakhshī, 222; gov. Punjab, 259

Ṣadr Jahān, 88; faujdār Kanauj, 107

Ṣadrā Ḥakīm, bad behaviour of, 213, 217

Ṣafāpūr, in Kashmīr, 176

Saffron, account of, 177-178

Ṣafī K., 262; his victory, 264-267

Sa‘īdā, goldsmith and poet, known as Bī-badal, 29, 30, 179 195, 197, 227, 228

Ṣalābat K., 274

Ṣāliḥ Beg killed, 266

Ṣāliḥ, nephew Jā‘far promoted, 3; at Bardwān, 298, 299

Ṣāliḥa Bānū, d. Qā'im K., one of J.'s wives, also known as Pā-di shāh Bānū Begam, 86 and note; death, 159

Salīm Chishtī, J. visits tomb, 70; account of, saint's death, 70, 71

Sanā'ī Ḥakīm, poet, verse of, 105

Sangrām, landholder, Punjab, 5, 88, 120, 138, 154, 171; pro­moted, 175, 193

Sārang Deo Rāja promoted, 182, 250, 281

Sāras, birds, 16, 18, 23, 25, 32, 39, 42, 60

Sardār K., title of Khwāja Yādgār, b. of ‘Abdu-llah Fīrūz Jang (Blochmann, 492), 89

Sar-farāz K., title of Abdu-llah, s. ‘Azīz Koka, 2, 47

Sayyid ‘Alī Hamadānī, saint, 142

SayyidMuḥ., descend. Shāh ‘Ālam, 34

Sazāwuls, twelve appointed Dec-can, 235

Seer, weight of, 108 and note

Seventeenth Year, 230

Shāb-i-Barāt festival, 22, 94

Shāh-Jahān, s. J., tries his sword, 8; attack of fever, 14; his dia­mond ring, 14, 19; undertakes conquest of Kāngra, 25; asks a pargana for Bikramājīt, 26; re­ceives copy of Jahāngīr-nāma, 27; sends Khūsh-ḥāl to S. ‘Ādil, 37, 39; presents Kashmīrī boat to his father, 47; birth of Aurangzīb, 47; birthday feast, 50; asks pardon for Sūraj Mal, 55; hawking, 60; is weighed, 68; grand entertainment, offer­ings to his father on New Year's Day, 78-79; death of mother, 84, 90; presents tooth (walrus?) to his father, 96, 98; birth of son (Umīd - bakhsh), 112, 113; gives his father a sword of Venetian workmanship, 114; pays his respects, 117, 185, 189, 190; death of daughter, 203; letter from him, 206; J. sends presents to, 208; twenty lakhs sent to, 215; reports Khusrau's death, 228; J. orders him to come with army, 231; report of his misconduct, 235, 236, 238, 239, 243; disloyalty, 247; styled Bī - daulat, 248, 249, 250, 251, 253, 256, 257, 258, 262, 264; levies four lakhs of Maḥmudīs in Surat, 267, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 289, 290, 294, 295, 298, 299

Shāh Nawāz K., s. Khān-khānān, promoted, 5, 37; account of his death, 87; d. married to Shāh-Jahān, 203

Shahriyār, s. J. marries Nūr Jahān's daughter, 187; gets present, 197; promoted, 199, 202; daughter born to, 276; ap­pointed to Qandahar expedi­tion, 237

Shajā'at K. ‘Arab does homage, 8; gifts, 80; promoted, 155, 209; death of, 297

Shālamār garden in Kashmīr, 151

Shankar Rāwat, death of, 18; his son, 86

Shyām Singh, Raja of Garhwāl, 202

Sikandar Mu‘īn, huntsman, 182

Shuja‘ s. Shāh-Jahān, illness, 45-46; accident to, 151; illness, 203

Sirhind, garden of, 113, 193, 220

Sixteenth year, 199

Snake, account of, 275, 297

Srīnagar, 141

Star (?), appearance of, 48

Subḥān Qulī, huntsman, put to death, 27-28

Suhrāb, s. M. Rustam, 39; pro­moted, 68; drowned, 132

Sukh Nāg waterfall, 157

Sulān Ḥusain of Paklī, 125; death of, 271

Sulṭān Sikandar, his mosque, 142

Sundar (see Bikramājīt), serv. Shāh-Jahān, 185; 249, death of, 256, 261

Sūraj Mal, s. Bāsū, 25; misconduct, 54, 74, 75, 138

Sūraj Singh, death of, 99

Surjan Hāḍā of Ranthambūr, 58, 59