ZÁB, lesser, tributary of Tigris,
viii, 189
Zábul, Zábulistán = Nímrúz =

141, 142, 144,
; i, 248, 252, 254, 264,
282, 324, 332, 357, 361,
364, 366, 367, 371, 375,
381; ii, 21, 28, 42, 61,
83, 92, 126, 138, 141, 142,
156, 168, 227, 228, 245,
260, 338, 362, 363, ; iii,
14, 134, 141, 145, 153, 165,
171, 174, 175, 186, 190,
199, 200, 202, 206 seq., 217
246, 250, 269, 274, 321,
326, 342, 347, 354, 356;
iv, 147, 279, 283, 296, 311;
v, 85, 86, 167, 169 seq.,
173, 175 seq., 181 seq.,
193, 194, 212, 215, 219,
223, 224, 235, 248, 251,
252, 255, 256, 258, 265,
266, 273, 275 seq., 281,
283, 285 seq.; vi, 207;
vii, 173, 174, 193; viii,
369; ix, 75
invaded by Shamásás and
Khazarwán, i, 345, 358
Zábul, vintage of, ii, 110
occupied by the Turkmans,
i, 19; iii, 14, 30
Gushtásp goes to, v, 85
Moon of = Rúdába, v, 190
and note
called “Babblestead” by
Asfandiyár, v, 216
Bahman's sojourn in, v, 252,
pillaged by Bahman, v, 287
Bahman quits, v, 290
Zábulí, a native of Zábul, iii,
188, 201, 257, 326; v, 212
a, made king of Kábul, v,
Zád Farrukh, suggests Bahrám
Chúbína to Hurmuzd,
viii, 99
speech of, viii, 241
Zádsham, king of Túrán and
grandfather of Afrásiyáb,i,
92, 342 seq., 376; iv, 149,
163, 166, 203
offspring of = Afrásiyáb, iv,
Zagros, mountain-range in wes-
tern Írán, viii, 189
Zahhák (Azhi Daháka), son of
Mardás, Arab king and
Sháh, 140, 141; i, 42, 90,
91; ii, 33, 81, 318; iii,
257; iv, 89, 206, 272, 274,
290; v, 12, 180, 203, 204,
284; vi, 15, 45, 172, 209,
240 and note; vii, 185,
199; viii, 218, 239, 241,
387, 391; ix, 25, 65,
protagonist of idolatry and
of the Semitic race, i, 54,
143, 226, 256
one of the Zoroastrian triad
of evil, i, 59 and note
referred to by Moses of Cho-
rene, i, 72, 144
Story of, 140, i, 135 seq.
tempted by Iblís, i, 136 seq.
father of, 140
murdered by, i, 137
referred to, viii, 387
Zahhák, becomes king of the
Arabs, i, 137
serpents grow out of the
shoulders of, i, 139
Iblís' advice to, i, 139
invades Írán, i, 139
captures and slays Jamshíd,
i, 140
Reign of, 140, i, 141, seq.
Note on, i, 141, seq.
not destroyed, i, 143
feast in celebration of over-
throw of, i, 143
dream of, i, 147
Arnawáz' advice to, con-
cerning, i, 148
takes counsel with the archi-
mages, i, 149
warned by Zirak, i, 149
seeks for Farídún, i, 150
slays Abtín, i, 151, 153
Birmáya, i, 152
burns Farídún's palace, i,
152, 158
Káwa and, Story of, 140, i,
154 seq.
Káwa revolts against, i, 156
Farídún resolves to war
with, i, 157
marches against, i, 159
capital of, i, 161
entered by Farídún, i, 161
talisman of, overthrown by
Farídún, i, 161
sought for in vain by Farí-
dún, i, 162
minister of, 140, i, 164 seq.
hears from Kundrav of Farí-
dún's doings, i, 165
goes to fight with Farídún,
i, 166
enters his palace, i, 167
overthrown by Farídún, i,
Surúsh's counsel to Farídún
concerning, i, 168, 169
fettered to Mount Damá-
wand, i, 169
future final destruction of,
i, 173
saying of, ii, 171 and note
Zahhák, an Aryan myth, ix, 65
king of Babylon, ix, 65
an Arab, ix, 65
Zahír, Íránian hero, iv, 148
commands the Bedouins in
Kai Khusrau's army, iv,
Zainig??u, Záinígáv, ii, 81
Zairi-vairi (Zariadres, Zarír, q.v.),
iv, 316; v, 12
Zál (Dástán, Dástán-i-Sám, Dás-
tán-i-Zand, Zál-i-zar), son
of Sám and father of
Rustam, 141, 142, 153,
154, 156, 157
; i, 145, 235,
384, 387; ii, 4, 11 seq.,
18, 19, 21, 33 seq., 49, 58,
61, 62, 69, 77, 140, 168,
169, 180, 182, 227, 228,
271, 286, 290, 318, 319,
338, 362, 371; iii, 8, 17,
18, 21, 22, 35, 121, 132,
138, 141, 147, 190, 202,
221, 245, 269, 274, 279,
283, 307, 321, 322, 325,
328, 331, 347, 351, 354,
355; iv, 13, 147, 222, 251,
277, 319; v, 11, 14, 15,
58, 86, 169, 173 seq., 197,
200, 204, 210, 212, 219
seq., 231, 240 seq., 246,
255, 256, 261, 277 seq.,
281, 283, 290; vi, 79;
viii, 223; ix, 25
various names of, i, 84, 245
and note, 248 and note
born with white hair, i,
cast away by Sám, i, 241
found and brought up by
the Símurgh, i, 242
seen by a caravan, i,
informed of his parentage by
the Símurgh, i, 245
given a feather by the
Símurgh, i, 246
restored to Sám by the
Símurgh, i, 247
goes with Sám to court, i,
Zál, horoscope of, taken, i, 251
made regent of Zábul by
Sám, i, 253
progress of, in the arts, i, 255
makes a progress through
his realm, i, 256
Rúdába and, story of, i, 257
referred to, iii, 285
hears of, and falls in love
with Mihráb's daughter,
i, 257 seq.
described, i, 260, 268
sees Rúdába's handmaids,
i, 263
interview of, with Rúdába's
handmaids, i, 266
invited to visit Rúdába, i,
267, 269
goes to Rúdába, i, 270 seq.
plights his troth to Rúdába,
i, 272
consults the archimages on
the matter of Rúdába, i,
writes to Sám, i, 275
go-between of, with Rúdába,
i, 280
sends Sám's letter to Rú-
dába, i, 280
goes to plead his cause with
Sám, i, 292
bears a letter of appeal from
Sám to Minúchihr, i, 295
well received by Minú-
chihr i, 306
astrologer's presage con-
cerning, i, 307
questioned by the arch-
images, i, 308
answers the archimages, i,
displays his accomplishment
before Minúchihr, i, 311
returns to Sám, i, 316
goes with Sám to Kábul, i,
felicitated by Sám, i, 318
married to Rúdába, i, 318
and Rúdába go to Sístán, i,
Zál, left regent of Sístán by Sám
i, 319
summons the Símurgh to
succour Rúdába, i, 320
goes with Rustam and Mih-
ráb to meet Sám, i, 324
bids Rustam take Mount
Sipand, i, 329
hears of Rustam's success,
i, 332
bids Rustam destroy the
hold of Mount Sipand, i,
informs Sám of Rustam's
exploit, i, 334
buries Sám, i, 358
hears from Mihráb that
Shamásás and Khazar-
wán are invading Zábu-
listán, i, 359
goes to the help of Mihráb,
i, 359
shoots arrows into the ene-
mies' camp, i, 359
slays Khazarwán, i, 360
wounds Kulbád, i, 361
puts Shamásás to flight, i,
hears of the death of
Naudar, i, 364
fights with Afrásiyáb, i,
proposes the election of a
new Sháh, i, 370
reproached by the Írán-
ians, i, 375
reply of, i, 375
bids Rustam prepare for
war, i, 376
gives Sám's mace to Rus-
tam, i, 378
collects horses for Rustam,
i, 378
marches against Afrásiyáb,
i, 381
urges the Íránians to choose
a Sháh, i, 381
sends Rustam to summon
Kai Kubád, i, 382
goes to do homage to Kai
Khusrau, iii, 17
Zál, witnesses Kai Khusrau's
oath to avenge Siyáwush,
iii, 22
son of = Rustam, iii, 132
meets Gív, iii, 321
sayings of, iii, 316, 351
summoned by the Íránians
to remonstrate with Kai
Khusrau, iv, 278
sets out for Írán with Rus-
tam and sages, iv, 279
met on arrival by Gúdarz
and other chiefs, iv, 282
holds converse with the
Íránians, iv, 282
audience of, with Kai Khus-
rau, iv, 283 seq.
asks pardon of Kai Khus-
rau, iv, 290
holds, with other chiefs, at
the bidding of Kai Khus-
rau, an assembly on the
plain, iv, 291 seq.
Kai Khusrau's gift to, iv,
companions of, rewarded by
Kai Khusrau, iv, 297
returns thanks, iv, 298
protests against Luhrásp's
succession, iv, 301
acknowledges Luhrásp as
Sháh, iv, 302
sets out with Kai Khusrau
on his pilgrimage, iv,
turns back at the bidding of
Kai Khusrau, iv, 307
laments the loss of the pala-
dins and returns to Írán,
iv, 310
promises fealty to Luhrásp,
iv, 311
Rustam and, welcome Gush-
tásp to Sístán, v, 85
hears of Bahman's ap-
proach, v, 182
interview of, with Bahman,
v, 183
give Bahman a guide to
conduct him to Rustam,
v, 184
Zál, Rúdába and, bidden by
Rustam to prepare to
receive Asfandiyár, v, 190
Rustam recounts his inter-
view with Asfandiyár to,
v, 196
Rustam and, vilified by
Asfandiyár, v, 201
receives a message from
Rustam by Zawára, v,
grieves over Rustam's
wounds, v, 234
summons the Símurgh to
Rustam's aid, v, 235
goes to Rustam and Asfan-
diyár, v, 247
forebodes Rustam's future,
v, 247
father of Shaghád, v, 260,
sends Shaghád to be brought
up at Kábul, v, 264
laments for Rustam, v, 273
sends Farámarz against
Kábul, v, 274
bids Rúdába to cease to
mourn for Rustam, v,
receives and replies to Bah-
man's hostile message, v,
goes to meet Bahman, v,
palace of, sacked, v, 286
Bishútan intercedes for, v,
released and returns to his
palace, v, 289
Zál-i-zar (Zál, q.v.), i, 84, 248 and
Zam (now Karkhí), town on the
left bank of the Oxus
beween Ámwí (Charjui)
and Tirmid, where, there
was a crossing-place, ii,
394, 395; iv, 65, 157; vii,
= Oxus, ii, 97
Zamyád, Yasht, i, 338
Zamzam, iv, 258 note
Zand, comment, i, 65
Zandavasta, i, 116, 129, 144, 171
seq., 234, 337, 338, 369;
ii, 8, 25 seq., 81, 118, 189,
190; iii, 8; iv, 151, 228,
253, 259, 308; v, 11 seq.,
30, 36, 41, 43, 51, 82, 85,
100, 173, 176, 216, 241,
294, 299, 309; vi, 17, 55,
226, 252, 343, 356; vii,
200, 207, 283, 302; viii,
96, 246, 283, 312
traditional origin of, i, 61
discussed, i, 62
language of, i, 63 seq.
meaning of, i, 65
origin of chief characters in,
i, 65
diffusion of traditions in, i,
extant portions of, i, 70
quoted, i, 99, 130, 141, 142,
172, 235, 369; viii, 218,
sent by Gushtásp to every
clime, v, 77
burnt by the Turkmans at
Balkh, v, 92
passage from, metrically
paraphrased, vii, 318
Zanga, Íránian hero, 145, 151,
ii, 73, 90, 228, 249, 271,
318; iii, 20, 34, 43, 45,
48, 67, 92, 115, 350; iv,
13, 15, 24, 105, 147
takes part in the Fight of
the Seven Warriors, ii,
107 seq.
accompanies Siyáwush
against Afrásiyáb, ii,
sent on an embassy to Afrá-
siyáb, ii, 250 seq.
goes with Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, iii, 334
opposes Farshídward, iv,
chosen to fight Akhást, iv,
slays Akhást, iv, 106
Zanga, Kai Khusrau remon-
strated with by, and
other nobles, for refusing
audience, iv, 275
Zangúla or Zangula, Túránian
hero, 151, iv, 26
chosen to fight with Furú-
hil, iv, 97
slain by Furúhil, iv, 101
Zarang, former capital of Sístán,
situated some twenty
miles from the north-
eastern shores of Lake
Zirih, i, 4
Zarár, vi, 200
Zarasp, son of Minúchihr, i, 248;
iv, 147 (?)*

kindred of*,

go to the
temple of Ázargashasp,
iv, 270
go to meet Zál and Rus-
tam, iv, 282
go with Zarír to Rúm, iv,
Zarásp or Zarasp, son of Tús, 147,
iii, 24, 54, 57, 59, 60, 67,
72, 113, 114; iv, 135
goes against Farúd, iii, 53
referred to, iii, 55; iv, 149
burial of, iii, 68
Zarasp, treasurer of Kai Khus-
rau, iv, 269
makes gifts to Ázargashasp,
iv, 269
Zarasp, Íranian hero, iv, 180, 301
Zarathustra, Zarathushtra. See
Zarduhsht (Zarathushtra, Zoro-
aster), prophet, law-giver,
and evangelist of ancient
Írán, 155, i, 53, 116, 235,
236; ii, 8, 9; iv, 272;
v, 9 seq., 23 seq., 27, 28,
42, 51, 77, 173, 206, 216,
217, 241, 255; vi, 55, 252,
328; vii, 9, 207, 264, 318;
viii, 67, 213, 308
Zandavasta revealed to, i, 61
title of a line of priest-
princes, i, 61
Zurduhsht, account of, i, 62
meaning of, v, 13
legend of, v, 14 seq.
converts Gushtásp, v, 18,
success of evangel of, v, 34
plants the Cypress of Kish-
mar,, v, 27, 34
advises Gushtásp not to pay
tribute to Arjásp, v, 35
referred to, v, 36, 38, 41
slain at Balkh, v, 92, 93
amulet given to Asfandiyár
by, v, 130
religion of, under the Sásá-
nian empire, vi, 251
girdle of, v, 16; vi, 332 note.
Fire-fane of, vii, 139
high priest of, converts
Sapínúd, vii, 139
saying of, viii, 218, 240
Zarduhsht, high priest, 170, viii,
visits Ízid Gashasp in prison,
viii, 82
visit of, reported to Hur-
muzd, viii, 83
poisoned by Hurmuzd, viii,
83 seq.
Zariadres (Zairi-vairi, Zarír, q.v.),
v, 26
legend of, iv, 314 seq.
Zarír (Zariadres, Zairi-vairi),
brother of Sháh Gushtásp,
154, 155, i, 42; ii, 3;; iv,
315, 316, 318, 347; v, 12,
13, 24 seq., 37, 41 seq., 49
seq., 60 seq., 73, 94, 109,
169, 181, 193, 254, 261
sent by Luhrásp in pursuit
of Gushtásp, iv, 320
charger of, iv, 321
returns with Gushtásp, iv,
consulted by Luhrásp, iv,
323, 358
advises Luhrásp, iv, 358
goes with other chiefs on a
mission to Rúm, iv, 359
reaches Halab, iv, 360
Zarír entrusts the host to
Bahrám, iv, 360
goes to Cæsar's court, iv, 360
audience with Cæsar of, and
recognition of Gushtásp
by, iv, 360
gives Luhrásp's answer to
Cæsar, iv, 361
visited in his camp by Gush-
tásp, iv, 361
informs Gushtásp of Luh-
rásp's abdication in his
favour, iv, 362
Love-story of, v, 26, 27
Death-story of v, 26, 27
converted by Zarduhsht, v,
answers, in conjunction with
Asfandiyár and Jámásp,
Arjásp's letter, v, 42
death of, foretold by Jám-
ásp, v, 51
receives the standard and
the command of the cen-
tre from Gushtásp, v, 55
prowess of, v, 61 seq.
slain by Bídirafsh, v, 63
Zarír-náma, v, 26, 27
Zark, town south-east of Marv,
ix, 98
canal of, ix, 98
corpse of Yazdagird flung
into, ix, 109
recovered from, ix, 109
ford and toll-house of, ix,
100 and note
chief of, ix, 100
hears from miller about
Yazdagird, ix, 109
Zarmihr. See Rizmihr.
Zarnúsh, city in Khúzistán, vi, 35
Zartusht Bahrám Pazdhú,
author of the Zartusht-
náma, v, 18
Zartusht-náma, poem, v, 18
Zav, Sháh, 142, 143, i, 90, 91,
381; ii, 11, 36; iv, 283
Reign of, 142, i, 369 seq.
Note on, i, 369
mentioned in the Zanda-
vasta, i, 369
Zav, accession of, i, 370
drought and famine in the
time of, i, 371
concludes peace with the
Turkmans, i, 371
dies, i, 372
Zawára, brother of Rustam, 146,
, ii, 4, 96, 228, 347,
349; iii, 30, 202, 325,
328; iv, 24, 34; v, 173,
174, 182 seq., 187, 191,
231, 260, 261
engaged in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, ii, 110
worsted by Alkús, ii, 115
rescued by Rustam, ii, 115
made leader of Rustam's
host, ii, 142
left in charge of Rustam's
host, ii, 161
goes on embassy to Húmán,
ii, 176
safe-conducts Húmán from
Írán, ii, 176, 181, 182
incites Rustam to avenge
Siyáwush, ii, 360
given a command, iv, 149
goes with Rustam to the
right wing, iv, 180
referred to, v, 186, 228,
Farámarz and, sent by Rus-
tam to bid Zál and
Rúdába prepare to re-
ceive Asfandiyár, v, 190
brings Rustam's armour, v,
put in charge of the troops,
v, 222
goes with Rustam to the
Hírmund, v, 222
Rustam's instructions to, v,
provokes the Íránians to
combat, v, 225
slays Núsh Ázar, v, 227
goes in quest of Rustam, v,
takes from Rustam a mess-
age for Zál, v, 230
Zawára, grieves over Rustam's
wounds, v, 234
goes to Rustam and Asfan-
diyár, v, 247
warns Rustam against Bah-
man, v, 250
Rustam and, with small
escort, go to Kábul, v, 268
goes hunting with Rustam,
v, 270
falls a victim to treachery,
v, 270, 273
death of, v, 273
body of, taken from the pit
by Farámarz, and buried
v, 275
Zend, language, i, 64
improper use of term, i, 64
Zeus, Babylonian, vi, 22
oracle of, consulted, vi, 22
Zhanda Razm, maternal uncle of
Suhráb, 144, ii, 149, 151
accompanies Suhráb to Írán,
ii, 150
death of, ii, 150
referred to, ii, 160
Zhangwí, Turkman noble, viii,
Zíb-i-Khusrau (Rúmiya, q.v.),
city, 167, vii, 259
Zijának, daughter of Ardawán,
q.v., 161, vi, 255
Story of, in Kárnámak, vi,
Tabarí, vi, 255
Sháhnáma, vi, 259 seq.
Zínígáv, ii, 81
Zira, father of Gurwí, 152, ii, 295,
314; iii, 120, 197, 199; iv,
97, 99, 127, 219; v, 272
Zirak, an archimage, i, 150
warns Zahhák, i, 149
Zirih, sea or lake, i, 4; ii, 80; iv,
the Lake of Sístán, i, iv; ii,
Zirih, son of Sháh Pírúz, vii, 170
Zodiac, viii, 394
Zoroaster. See Zarduhsht.
Zoroastrian, Zoroastrians, v, 17;
vi, 206, 251, 328
Zoroastrian, cosmogony, i, 5
view of Buddhism as idola-
trous, i, 16
conception of destiny, i, 52
propaganda, i, 58 seq.
triad of evil, i, 59 and note
scriptures. See Zandavasta.
calendar, i, 88
adopted by Darius Hys-
taspis, i, 59
Zoroastrianism, i, 49; vi, 15, 196,
251, 252, 327, 328; vii,
188, 317
conceptions of, i, 5, 51, 52
original seat of, i, 56 seq.,
becomes the state religion,
i, 59
declines after Alexander's
conquest, i, 60
scriptures of, See Zanda-
under the Parthians, i, 60,
revival of, i, 63
based on nature-worship, i,
existed before Zoroaster, i,
under the Sásánian empire,
vi, 251
millenia of, vi, 252
Zú'l Aktáf, title of Shápúr, son
of Urmuzd, 162, vi, 323
meaning of, vi, 323
Zú'lfakar, ii, 337 and note
Zú'l-karnain (Sikandar, Alex-
ander the Great), vi, 51
legend of, in Kurán, vi, 78,
barrier of, vi, 78
site of, vi, 79
Zúr. See Gúr.
Zúrán, Núshírwán's chamber-
lain, 168
envies Mahbúd, vii, 319
plots with a Jew against
Mahbúd, vii, 320 seq.
makes confession to Núshír-
wán, vii, 324