While Kalíj Khán and Naorang Khán, with the army of Málwa, sent against Bhroch, were unsuccessfully besieging it, Nasír Khán, who was in the fort, thinking he should recommend himself to the imperial troops, treacherously put to death Hájí Beg. The Khán Khánán consequently sent Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán with troops to that quarter, and gave him Bhroch in jágír. One of the gunners from the fort came to tell Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán that the men within were quite harassed by the siege, and that he and his associates would open the doors, provided the imperial troops directed their efforts there. As the man appeared to speak truth, a party was instantly detached to the gates, and easily got possession of the place. Nasír Khán and Charkish Khán escaped, with much difficulty; and the latter, falling into the hands of the Imperialists as a prisoner, was put to death.
When Sultán Muzaffir, now much distressed, went at the end of this year to Júnagarh, the Imperialists returned to Ahmadábád, while several of the commanders of the subsidized troops of Gujarát returned to their jágírs. But, as the collection from the jágírs, on account of the disturbances in the country, was at this time less than usual, the troops were much distressed for want of pay.
The rebels, who only waited for a fit opportunity, again collected; and the Khán Khánán, leaving Ahmadábád in charge of Kalíj Khán, marched against the enemy, with troops under Naorang Khán and Khoájah Nizámu-d-dín Ahmad Bakhshí; after previously detaching Sayyid Kásim Báráh to Patan, and stationing detachments wherever they were required. Sultán Muzaffir, having come to Múrbí, plundered Rádhanpúr, and continued forcibly to seize whatever he could find. While he was looking for assistance from the Zamíndárs of this quarter, the imperial troops arrived; when he, having fled before them, was pursued by Khán Khánán, as far as the mountainous country of Barnagar. The Zamíndárs of this part, wishing to be received into imperial favour, sent forward their agents, and, though they had previously accompanied Sultán Muzaffir, they yet perceived that being thus received would be the means of saving themselves. They, therefore, came in submissively, and made their complaints. Amín Khán Ghorí, the commandant of Júnagarh, agreed to send his son to attend the Khán Khánán; and the Jám Rájá, to show how well disposed he was to the imperial government, sent to say that Sultán Muzaffir was in a certain place, and that he might possibly be taken prisoner, if a party of the light troops were quickly sent to do so. The Khán Khánán went in person; and, as he found no traces of Sultán Muzaffir on entering the mountainous country, divided his troops into four portions. After retaining the command of one of these for himself, he appointed Naorang Khán, Khoájah Nizámu-d-dín Ahmad Bakhshí, and Daolat Khán Lódí, to the other three, with orders to enter the cultivated country and plunder it.
It was at this time rumoured abroad that Sultán Muzaffir, leaving his son in charge of the Jám, had gone to Ahmadábád. This disappointment did not dismay the Khán Khánán, who determined to punish the Jám; and, on this occasion, many of the Rájpúts were slain, and much plunder obtained by the imperial troops. When the latter came within four koss of Nawanagar, the Jám sent in his submission; and, after having obtained the intercession of Rái Durga and Kalián Rái, sent his son to present the Khán Khánán with an elephant and other valuables. The Khán Khánán, being victorious, respected the offer made him, and returned.
Sultán Muzaffir, who, with great boldness and presumption, had gone towards Ahmadábád, having arrived at the post of Puránti, the troops there, with those of Nahrwálah, happening to be together, made an effort to expel him. These, having come to action with his followers, slew many of them. When the glad tidings of this victory reached the Khán Khánán on the road, he returned thanks for this great mark of kindness shown by Providence.
Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán, who from the
Zillah of Bhroch had been promoted to the
government of Málwa, went there in the year
A. Hij. 993,
A.D. 1585.
A. Hij. 994,
A.D. 1586.
In A. Hij. 994, A.D. 1586, Khán Azíz Koká, who held the government of the Dekhan, being at enmity with the commanders of the subsidized troops, there under his orders. quitted them; and, coming alone to Ahmadábád, requested the assistance of the Khán Khánán against those who were hostile to him. The Khán Khánán, who much respected him, and went to give him an honorary meeting, was about to comply with his request; but, after hearing the representations of those opposed to him, abandoned this intention. Wherefore, Khán Azíz Koká, without obtaining his wishes, went into Málwa.
A. Hij. 995,
A.D. 1586-7.
In A. Hij. 995, A.D. 1586-7, the Khán Khánán went to Court, agreeably to order, as the celebration of the marriage festival of Sultán Morad then took place; and, having left Kalíj Khán as his deputy, the same continued to perform the duties of his office at Ahmadábád.
The Khán Khánán, whose original name was
Abdu-r-Rahím, was brought from Gujarát to
Court, at the death of his father, Beirám Khán,
and was then only four years of age, as has
been already mentioned in this work. After
receiving instruction, under the immediate care
and kindness of the Emperor, he was first dignified
with the title of Mírzá Khán; and was
A. Hij. 983,
A.D. 1575.
In this same year, an order for the establishment and adoption of the Iláhí Era,* and code of regulations in all the countries of Hindústán, was issued, and all government servants were to observe the same. Wherefore a copy of these two orders is inserted in the present work.