YÁJÚJ and MÁJÚJ (Gog and
Magog, q.v.), 160, vi, 79,
163 seq., 211 note
legend of, in the Kurán, vi,
Tabarí on, vi, 78
described, vi, 163
Ya'kúb bin Lais, Persian chieftain
and founder of the Saffárí
dynasty, i, 67, 68
Ya'kúbí, Arabic historian (died
A.D. 891)
Yalán-sína (Mardánsháh), bro-
ther of Bahrám Chúbína,
viii, 74, 102, 122, 135, 138,
157, 163, 169, 204, 288,
291, 296 seq., 303, 316,
356, 357; ix, 6
goes hunting with Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 156
pursues and brings back
archscribe viii, 159
speech of, viii, 165, 170
worsted by Khusrau Parwíz,
viii, 229
commands the centre, viii,
Bahrám Chúbína makes, his
mandatory, viii, 342
defeats the Turks, viii,
negotiates marriage between
Gurdya and Gustaham,
viii, 357
Yama. See Yima.
Yaman (Hámávarán), south-
western Arabia, 140, 160,
162, i, 181 seq., 266, 286;
ii, 80; iv, 146; v, 260;
vi, 73, 120, 121, 324, 331,
385, 386, 396, 401; vii,
262; viii, 98
king of = Sarv, 140, i, 178,
179, 182
Yaman, carnelians of, ii, 123; iii,
Canopus of, ii, 203; iii, 297;
vi, 382
onyx of, vi, 128
striped stuff of, vi, 175
monarch of, vi, 175; viii,
gives gifts to Sikandar,
vi, 175
= Munzir, vi, 378, 387,
Bahrám Gúr goes to, vi, 378,
conquered by Persians, viii,
24 note
curtains of, viii, 148, 151
Yánús (Julian), brother of Cæsar,
162, vi, 324, 326
Yánus, leads a host against Shá-
púr, vi, 351
defeated, vi, 352
Yasht XXII, metrical para-
phrase of, vii, 318
Yátkár-i-Zarírán, Pahlaví text,
v, 13, 24, 27 and note; vii,
compared with Dakíkí's
work, v, 24 seq.
resembles Kárnámak, vi,
195, 196
Yazates (Izads), the, iii, 286
Yazd, city in central Persia, vi,
Yazdagird, son of Shápúr, Sháh
(Isdigerd I), 163, 164, vi,
3; vii, 4, 10, 109, 119,
171, 185, 359
referred to, vi, 369; vii,
Reign of, 163, vi, 371 seq.
Note on, vi, 371 seq.
parentage of, uncertain, vi,
lover of peace like Aknaton
of Egypt, vi, 371
titles of, vi, 371, 372
Tabarí on, vi, 372, 373
coins of, vi, 373
evil administration of, vi,
374, 404
makes search for a governor
for his son Bahrám Gúr,
vi, 376 seq.
Nu'mán and Munzir visit,
vi, 377
puts Bahrám Gúr in Mun-
zir's charge, vi, 378
receives from Munzir a pic-
ture of Bahrám Gúr shoot-
ing, vi, 385
Bahrám Gúr returns to, vi,
gives presents to, and sends
a letter by, Nu'mán to
Munzir, vi, 387
disgraces Bahrám Gúr, vi,
sends Bahrám Gúr back to
Munzir, vi, 390
Yazdagird, consults the astrolo-
gers, vi, 390
death of foretold, vi, 391
attacked by bleeding of the
nose, vi, 390
death of, vi, 373, 393
Nöldeke on, vi, 373
corpse of embalmed and
taken to Párs, vi, 393
Yazdagird, son of Bahrám Gúr
(Isdigerd II), Sháh, 166,
vi, 3; vii, 4, 152, 156, 160,
welcomes his father on his
return from Hind, vii,
appointed by Bahrám Gúr
to succeed him, vii, 150
Reign of, 166, vii, 153 seq.
Note on, vii, 153
a blank in Sháhnáma, vii,
historically important, vii,
wars of, vii, 153
fortifies passes in the Cau-
casus, vii, 153, 187
title of, vii, 153
sons of, vii, 153
appoints Hurmuz to suc-
ceed him, vii, 155
dies, vii, 155
Yazdagird (Isdigerd III), Sháh,
176, v, 294; vi, 3; viii,
55, 73; ix, 5, 61, 64 seq.,
68 seq., 72, 81, 90, 101,
105, 106, 113, 115, 116, 122
Reign and Era of, 176, ix,
Note on, ix, 64
taken for safety to Istakhr,
ix, 64
age of, at accession, ix, 65
difficult position of, ix, 65
Yazdagird, historical importance
of reign of, ix, 65
flight of, from Ctesiphon, ix,
Hulwán, ix, 68
last attempt of, to recover
his empire, ix, 68
Yazdagird, concentrates his
forces at Nahávand, ix, 68
defeated and a fugitive, ix,
death of, referred to, ix, 69
host returns to, after Kádi-
síya, ix, 85
hears of Rustam's death, ix,
quits Baghdád, ix, 88
makes for Marv, ix, 89
entrusted to Máhwí by
Farrukhzád, ix, 95, 96
at Marv, ix, 97, 116
hears of the coming of the
Turks, ix, 97
betrayed by Máhwí, ix, 98
defeated, ix, 98, 116
miller and, ix, 99 seq.
described, ix, 99, 101
Máhwí bids miller slay, ix,
107, 116
slain, stripped and flung into
stream, ix, 108, 109 and
corpse of, recovered, la-
mented over and en-
tombed, ix, 109 seq.
Firdausí on, ix, 111
Yazdagird, chief scribe, temp.
Núshírwán, vii, 304, 307,
312, 333, 337, 339, 394
discourse of, vii, 305
questions Búzurjmihr, vii,
Yazdán, viii, 75
Yazdánbakhsh (Áyín Gashasp
q.v.), viii, 75, 76
Yazdín, viii, 195, 196
Year, New, festival at, i, 104
Yima (Yama, Jamshíd), i, 7,
130, 374
legend of, i, 129
Yokel, a, 164
entertains Bahrám Gúr, vii,
43 seq.
wife of, her converse with
Bahrám Gúr, vii, 45
presage of, vii, 46
rewarded by Bahrám Gúr,
vii, 48
Youths, two, bid Ardshír Pápa-
kán not to tarry in his
flight from Ardawán, vi,
201, 222
Youths, two*,
entertain and coun-
sel Ardshír Pápakán in
the matter of the Worm,
vi, 207, 239 seq.
help Ardshír Pápakán to
slay the Worm, vi, 242,
Yudhishthira, eldest of the five
Pándavas, iv, 138
renunciation of the world,
and pilgrimage to heaven
of, compared with that of
Kai Khusrau, iv, 138
Yúnán, vi, 95 and note, viii, 258
Faith of, vi, 95