The liberated slaves were fifty-nine in number, whose names are as follows: Zayd B. Hârethah B. Shorahbi, who was the commander of the Saryah* of Mowtah, and was slain in that battle; Asamah Zayd Thaubân B. Mohadd, who was surnamed A’bdullah; Abu Kabshah, who bore the cognomen of Salym or A’wûs; Ansah, whose sobriquet is Abu Masarrah; Ssâleh, who was surnamed Shuqrân; Ryâh; Ysâr; Abu Râfi’, surnamed Aslam; Abu Muhabah; Abu-l-bahy, whose name was Râfi’ and whose father was Abu Râfi’; the uncle of Rafaa’h B. Zayd Alkhuddâmy; Zayd, the grandfather of Hallâl B. Ysâr; O’bey B. A’bdu-l-ghuffâr, who was appointed over a ship which bore the name of Ttohûn, or Kysan, or Mahrân, or Zakwân, or Rubân, or O’bos; the Copt Wâqid, also named Abu Wâqid; Heshâm; Abu Dhomayrah, who is by some also named Sa’d, by others Ruh B. Sindad, and by others Omm Shyrâr the Hemyarite; Hanyn Abu Asyb, surnamed Hamar or Murrah; Abu O’baydah; Aslam B. Abu O’baydah; Aflah Alkhubshâh; Bâdâm; Khatum; Badr; Zayd B. Naollâ; Sa’yd B. Faryd; Sa’d B. Kathyr B. Solmân the Persian; Sindâd Shima’ûn, who was the father of Rayhûnah; Dhomayrah; A’bdullah B. Dhomayrah; A’bdullah B. Aslam; Ghayllân; Fodhâlah Alyemeny; Naqyr; Karyb; Muhammad B. A’bdu-r-rahman, whose name was first Nâhabah, but the prophet—b., etc.— changed it to Makhûl; Nâfi’, whose cognomen is Abu Ssâyb; Sah Nahyk, whose surname was Abu Bakr, but some called him Abu Kysân; Ruwân; Ysâr; Abu Tylah; Abu-l-bashar; Abu Ssofyâ; Abu-l-bâbah; Abu Naqbatt; Abu-l-ysir; and in the Tanfyh of Ebn Jauzy it is recorded, according to the tradition of Abu Bakr B. Hazam, that one of the freed men of the lord of prophecy—b., etc.—was named Qirqorah, but some write it Karkorah; and Mossa’b alleges that Maqauqes [the Governor of Egypt] presented him [i.e., the prophet] with a eunuch called Mâmûr or Mâbûr.