Preface, pp. 1 to 10—Praise of India, its fruits, animals, flowers, cities, etc., pp. 11 to 30—Indrapat, Tughlikábád, and ancient Dehlí, pp. 30 to 35—Description of Sháh-Jahánábád, pp. 36 to 38—History of the Hindú Kings of Ujjain, Dehlí, etc., pp. 38 to 84—The Ghaznivide Dynasty, pp. 84 to 110—The Ghorians, Khiljís, Saiyids, and Afgháns, pp. 111 to 238—Bábar, pp. 238 to 253—Humáyún, pp. 253 to 290.
SIZE—8VO. The imperfect volume consists of 352 pages of 15 lines to each page.
The following extract is among the passages copied by the Khulásatu-t Tawáríkh, and shows a ridiculous tendency to exaggeration. [The translation was made by a munshí, and was revised by Sir H. M. Elliot.]
The only copy I have seen of the Mukhtasiru-t Tawáríkh is in one of the Royal Libraries at Lucknow.
India is a very large country, and it is so extensive that other countries are not equal to a hundredth part of it. Notwithstanding its extensive area, it is populated in all places. It abounds in all quarters and every district with cities, towns, villages, caravanserais, forts, citadels, mosques, temples, monasteries, cells, magnificent buildings, delightful gardens, fine trees, pleasant green fields, running streams, and impetuous rivers. On all the public roads and streets strong bridges are made over every river and rill, and embankments also are raised. Lofty minarets are made at the distance of each kos to indicate the road, and at every two parasangs inns are built of strong masonry for travellers to dwell in and take rest. At each inn can be obtained every kind of food and drink, all sorts of medicine, and all kinds of necessary instruments and utensils. On all roads shadowy and fruitful trees are planted on both sides. Wells and tanks are dug which contain fresh and sweet water in abundance. The passengers go along the roads under the shadow of the trees, amusing themselves, eating the fruits and drinking cold water, as if they were taking a walk among the beds of a garden. The merchants, tradesmen and all travellers, without any fear of thieves and robbers, take their goods and loads safe to their distant destinations. The whole of this country is very fertile, and the productions of Írán, Túrán, and other climates are not equal to those of even one province of Hindústán. In this country there are also mines of diamonds, ruby, gold, silver, copper, lead, and iron. The soil is generally good, and so productive that in a year it yields two crops, and in some places more. All kinds of grain, the sustenance of human life, are brought forth in such quantities that it is beyond the power of pen to enumerate. Of these productions the sukhdás rice is the best. Its qualities and flavour are beyond all praise. It is equally palatable to kings and the common people. It is incomparable in tenderness and sweetness, and has a very agreeable smell and taste. The rich and great men, and those who are fond of good living, think that no other food is so excellent. Men of refined and delicate taste find great relish in eating the fruits of Hindústán. A separate book would have to be written if a full detail were given of all the different kinds of fruits which are produced in spring and autumn, describing all their sweetness, fragrance, and flavour.