[82] | 5 |
MAJNŪN’S path in love I tread;
Barren earth may be my bed,
Or silken pillows prop my head;
’Tis all one to me.
Majnūn left his house and home
Through the desert wastes to roam;
Lacquered roof or heaven’s dome,
’Tis all one to me.
Give me in the wild to dwell,
Or where Jaihun’s waters well;
Sun-scorched sands or verdant dell,
’Tis all one to me.
Many a bitter draught is mine
While in solitude I pine;
Sweet and bitter, wormwood, wine,
’Tis all one to me.
Wine may flow, and tears may rain;
Love alone can still my pain;
Wine and tears alike are vain.
’Tis all one to me.
NOTE.—The couplets of the original have been rearranged in translation, thus: 1, 3, 5, 2, 4