The following Explanation will clear up Mr. Crisp’s Doubts of the Meaning of the Articles.
THE technical terms employed by Tippoo Sultaun in the Mysore, are evidently a mixture of new denominations, engrafted on the Moghul and Hindoo system, in the Decan; it appears contrary to his system to continue more of the ancient terms than are absolutely necessary to make himself intelligible to the different people whom his father had conquered, and united in one kingdom. The following explanation of several of these terms was lately given me by a friend, who had been more than once over the Mysore country:
Article 1. Aumil, the manager of the district, and receiver of the revenue as a government officer.
Reyuts, Putteels, Wurtegans, are different names for farmers of a superior class. Wurtegan is a Canary term; Kusbah means any village.
Art. 2. Cowle means a declaration that the Reyuts to whom it is addressed are in the favour of Government, and under the protection of the law.
Art. 5. Teagecaur is Taajkaur, a collector of customs. Putteel is a government officer. Every village has one Putteel to ten Reyuts, or thereabout; and a Putteel for the whole village, who has, at times, the superintendance of the police.
Art. 12. Ahashaum are troops employed in the service of the Aumil, to aid in collecting the revenue.
Art. 14. Tallaub is rightly explained.
Art. 17. Nukhood is a small grain, of which they make bread.
Coolty is a pulse, commonly called grain, on which horses are fed.
Moot is Doll, or pease.
Art. 21. Turcarree means also esculent roots.
Art. 25. The reason why such attention is directed to be paid to Sikakauhee is, that it is frequently used in cleansing horses; it gives a fine gloss to the coat, and is reckoned good for the animal’s health.
Art. 30. The Jummabundy account contains, 1st, the name of the Reyut; 2d, the quantity of land which he tills; 3d, the rate at which he pays; 4th, the crop; and 5th, the total amount.
The Wasil Bakee account contains the balances due, and the casualties of the year.
Art. 31. The Derra Sultaunee is a measurement adopted by Tippoo. Sultaunee, wherever it occurs, means belonging to Tippoo, or the Sultaun.
Art. 33. Enaum lands are lands exempted from rent, whether for charitable or other purposes.
The several denominations in this article were formerly given to parcels of land held under various tenures by the officers of the ancient Hindoo government.
Art. 34. Tumgha land is an hereditary Jagheer.
Art. 35. Mutsuddy, an accountant.
Art. 36. Mokuddum, in Persian, is Synonimous with Putteel in Telinga.
Art. 39. Kistbundy is an abstract of the Kists, or instalments.
Tuhul is an Hircarrah.
Art. 42. Dewan Cutchery is the principal Cutchery or office of business for the province. Tokurree Cutchery is a subordinate district Cutchery.
Art. 46. Dek is a Ser, or measure.
Art. 47. Naikwar is an officer of Coondachar or matchlock Peons; Tippoo’s father was, early in life, a Naikwar.
Matchlock Peons are frequently employed to compel the Reyuts to pay their arrears, so that they become instruments of oppression in the hands of the Putteel.
Art. 48. Oolkee is the name of the Aumil’s messenger.
Art. 50. Zindigee means those of the Reyut’s family and relations who may have survived him, as well as his effects.
Art. 52. Coruchwaur is a Canary term.
Dek Pokhta, a full measure.
Art. 56. Duftur, the accountant’s office.
Art. 57. Kulthee or Cooltee is gram.
Art. 58. Peishears ought to be Paishcar; he is the Aumil’s deputy.
Munnicaur is Telinga for an inferior Aumil.
Art. 59. Sithee is Siddee, or merchant.
Wutug is synonimous with Putteel.
Cotwaul is the officer who regulates, or rather enforces the regulations for the Bazars or markets.
Art. 70. Cullistaun ought to be Christaun.
Art. 77. A Burrh tree is a Banian.
A Neem tree is a Murgoza.
Art. 78. Duba is a cylinder.
Kuhuttee, I do not know.
Art. 79. The Kunteeroy, an old Mysore coin.
Art. 91. Stable Horse are cavalry, the horses of which belong to the government. The Sair Horse belong to the riders, who receive a certain allowance for man and horse. The Risaladar, or Colonel of a regiment of Stable Horse. The Jemadar, or chief officer of the Sair.
Art. 97. Derogha has the charge of magazines and stores.
Art. 99. Districts upon the coast of Malabar.
Zindiganee, live stock, family effects, &c.
Art. 104. Milik-a-Tajar, head of the merchants.
Seethee is Siddy.
Art. 124. Irsaulnameh is a letter.
Art. 126. Two books upon morality, written in Persian.