He who with pen Mohammad's name has named,
Girdle and collar of its “Mim* has framed.
The word erased from non-existence' board,
A ring for “mulk” and “malak* would afford.
Can wisdom with all knowledge know what's hid
In that so secret “”?* Now God forbid!
In this six-sided sphere through it is manifest
Th' eight-sided grove of gardens* eight possessed.
With the Dál's* anklet when his foot he decked,
Did he the Faithful 'neath his feet subject.
In being's Council Hall, ah! what a name!
No other one has e'er excelled its fame.
Should my tongue chant one letter of the whole,
With pleasure would be filled my heart and soul.
Since such the name, what must its bearer be?
Far more illustrious than all is he.
The race of Adam in the earth are famed;
Most noble he of all who great are named.
God him the chief of every ruler made,
The headship of all prophets on him laid.
On being's road when Adam first did pace,
He spoke with love of his morn-bright'ning face.
Had he the road not, generous, open made,
When on the Mount* had Noah's ark been stayed?
God's friend obtained from him the balmy air
Which made the fire* for him a garden fair.
Messiah of his coming gave the tidings bright,
And Moses* from his torch, too, looked for light.
From Canaan's realm a slave with money bought,
In Egypt to high place was Joseph brought.
When Sáleh* from the vale his camel drew,
The Muhmil* brought to mind, both happy grew.
A graceful cypress of faith's garden he,
A pheasant from the grove of purity,
The heav'ns are based upon his stature tall;
Life to dead bones his lip will aye recall.
The cloud above him is the Chutter's* shade,
As golden dome the sun above his head.
His signal dart* when on the round moon's face
He struck with finger of miraculous grace;
Its “Mim* asunder as two “Nuns* was laid,
Forty was by his thumb two fifties made.
The pen since he himself held in his hand,
To split the moon his finger wrote command.
He did not write, yet with his reed in haste
Both Pentateuch and Gospel* were defaced.
His graceful cypress shadow never knew,
Yet did his grateful shade the world renew.
Yet dignity above all shadow lies,
And in his shadow are both earth and skies.
His body's essence of pure spirit made,
On earth none ever saw his spirit's shade.
Both earth and heav'n him with their shade supply,
And yet beneath his fort as shadows lie.
Wounded his lip by stone from foeman's hand,*
Their backs were broken with a little sand.
Though their crude eyes were blinded by the same,
As bright with Surma Islam's eye became.
His mouth, that box of gems of pearly hue
With blood into a box of coral grew.
Resembling a dinár in mildness wise,
The stone proved him, as gold the touchstone tries.
When by that stone as touchstone proved was he,
There was no coin of greater purity.
To build the wall of faith was aye his aim;
And his four friends* in it four gates became.
Who in religion's road has suffered pain,
Who for each ill a med'cine did not gain?
Soul's med'cine, Jámi, be their pain to thee!
His heart by their grief ever nourished be!