If we might trust Ferishta's authority, Mahmúd, at this time marching into the mountains between the sources of the Ráví (Hydraotes) and Beyáh* (Hyphasis) rivers, captured the celebrated fortress of Nágrakót, then called the Fort of Bhím. It was not, however, till the following
A.D. 1009.
year, Hij. 400, according to the Tabakát Akbarí and Habíbu-s-Sair, that this expedition was undertaken; and, as the hostile armies, prior to the last battle, had consumed three or four months in operations west of the Indus, it is not probable that Mahmúd could have marched into India at the commencement of the rainy season.* The fortress of Nágrakót had been for ages the object of Hindú veneration; and not far distant from it there are temples, near one of those extraordinary spectacles of nature, a burning fountain, for which the ignorant have a superstitious and idolatrous regard. The last is known by the name of Jwálá-Mukhí,* or “the effulgent countenance.”
Fifth Expedition.
When Mahmúd invested Nágrakót, which was his fifth expedition, the temples were filled with wealth and jewels; the pious offerings, by rulers of the neighbouring kingdoms, that had been thus accumulating for many years. Such was the vast booty obtained, by this expedition, that the conqueror, on his return to Ghazní, prepared a magnificent festival; and, having caused his pavilion to be pitched without the city, exhibited, to the assembled multitude, a golden throne and other ensigns of luxury, which the spoils of Hindústán had enabled him to prepare.
As the Afgháns, inhabiting the mountains of
Ghór, employed Mahmúd's attention in the succeeding
year, the war against the Hindús was
for a time suspended. But another crusade
against idolatry was, according to Ferishta,
undertaken to Thánesar, near Dehlí, in Hij.
A.D. 1011. Sixth Expedishy;tion.
Part of the two succeeding years was spent
in sending an army into Jurján; and in political
discussions with the Khalif of Baghdad, regarding
the surrender of the Khorásán province,
and the city of Samarkand, to the government
A.D. 1014.
Hij. 405.
Seventh Expedition.