WAHR, region, iii, 177, 228, 235
Wakkás, father of Sa'ad q.v.,
; ix, 72, 78, 82, 90
Wálid, Khalífa, vi, 325
Walnuts, taxes on, vii, 225
War of the Religion, v, 19, 26, 29
two campaigns of, v, 29
Warázád, king of Sipanjáb, 146,
ii, 341 seq., 346
Warígh (Callinicus, Kálíniyús,
q.v., Nicephorium, Rakka)
city, viii, 188, 253, 257,
Khusrau Parwíz takes up his
abode at, viii, 257
Warriors, the Seven, Story of the
Fight of, 143, ii, 25, 82,
107 seq.
Warstead = Bídád, iii, 245
Wash, city, viii, 24 and note
Water, scarcity of, i, 3
—courses, underground, i, 3
—horse, 163, vi, 373, 392
referred to, vi, 373
legend of Yazdagird and
the, vi, 392
—stealing demons, i, 7, 338
of Life, 160, v, 30; vi, 159,
Wazír (minister), piece in chess,
vii, 385, 423
position of, vii, 388, 422
move of, vii, 422
West, Dr. E. W., referred to, v,
West, the, Salm's portion of the
world, i, 189
gateway of, viii, 369 and
Western sea, the, 160; vi, 158
Whale, mistaken for an island,
vi, 71, 147
Whale, Sikandar's adventure
with a, vi, 71, 147
Wheeler, James Talboys, quoted,
vi, 81
Whip, Bahrám Gúr's, vii, 47, 54,
63, 64
object of reverence, vii, 47,
54, 63
White Castle (Mount Sipand,
q.v.), stronghold north-
west of Nishápúr, 144, i,
369; ii, 118, 131, 138
Malcolm's identification
and description of, i,
236; v, 30
besieged by Bármán, i,
evacuated by Gazhdaham
ii, 137
Dív, 143. See Dív.
Elephant, 141. See Elephant.
Huns (Haitálians, q.v.), i, 20
Will, of Alexander the Great, vi,
provisions of, vi, 81, 181
Kubád, son of Pírúz, vii, 210
Wine-drinking, forbidden by
Bahrám Gúr, vii, 23
again permitted, vii, 25
Firdausí's love of. See Fir-
Wísa, Túránian hero, uncle of
Afrásiyáb, 142, i, 92, 337,
342, 353, 361, 362; ii, 112
354; iii, 79, 102, 105, 121,
197, 202, 206; iv, 32, 39,
50, 54, 55, 74, 84, 95, 99,
103, 113, 115, 122
pursues Káran, i, 355
finds Bármán dead, i, 356
defeated by Káran, i, 357
returns to Afrásiyáb, i, 357
sayings of, iv, 32
Wísagird, city in Túrán, 151, iv,
19, 20, 65; vii, 157, 331.
Wisdom, praise of, vii, 103
Firdausí's, 139
referred to, vii, 278
—literature, Persian, vii, 278
seq., viii, 3
Mohl on, vii, 280
Wisdom, literature, Nöldeke on,
vii, 281
apportionment of, viii, 202
Witch, 143, 156. See Sorceress.
Wizard-land, vii, 120 and note
Wolf, 154, 156, 165, vii, 121 seq.
and note
slain by Bahrám Gúr, vii,
of Fáskún. See Fáskún.
Women, City of, 160 See Harúm.
Wonders, 160, iv, 245
the Four, of Kaid, 159. See
World, on the making of the, 139
Worm, the, 161, vi, 195, 206, 238
Story of, 161; vi, 196, 203
seq., 232 seq.
Mohl, Nöldeke, and Dar-
mesteter on, vi, 203 seq.
cult of, vi, 235
Ardshír Pápakán's strata-
gem against, vi, 242
servants of, vi, 242 seq.
Writing, art of, taught by the
dívs to Tahmúras, i, 127