On his side Rustam called his mighty men—
Said Rustam: “Be thy words
And wisdom wedded. He is as thou sayest.
We and that old man differ, 'tis no secret;
But, in as much as he hath done us good,
I would not fight him to the bitter end.
Remember how he acted toward the Sháh,
And how he mourned the fate of Siyáwush.
If he should break his word and set on us
I have my lasso at my saddle-straps
To take fierce Elephants. But I will fancy
No ill at first; we may escape a conflict;
But, if he should be faithless, he shall find
The outcome pain and grief.”
Gúdarz and Tús
Praised Rustam, saying: “Sol itself would fail
To cozen thee, and in thy presence sleights,
Deceptions, falsehoods, and Pírán's own words
Take on no lustre. May the earth ne'er lack
Our monarch's head and crown, and mayst thou hold
The chiefest place for ever.”
Rustam said:—
“'Tis dark and now our brains are dazed with talk;
Quaff we till midnight, then safeguard our troops,
And we shall see what God hath purposed for us.”