Ráí Síhar Langáh, Zamíndár of Zábírí,* having expelled Shaikh Yúsuf from the city of Multán, himself assumed the kingdom, with the title of Sultán Kutbu-d dín. Shaikh Yúsuf came to Dehlí and entreated the Sultán's aid. Sultán Bahlol and his veteran army having accordingly set out for Multán, in company with Shaikh Yúsuf, Sultán Mahmúd of Jaunpúr came to Dehlí and besieged it.
Sultán Bahlol was at Dípálpúr when he heard the distressing intelligence of the siege of Dehlí, and he said to his nobles and ministers: “The countries of Hind are broad and rich, and their kings are of Indian extraction. In my own land I have many kinsmen renowned for their valour and strength, who are pressed for a livelihood. Were they here they would be relieved from the contempt of poverty, and I could grasp Hind and destroy my enemies.”
His chiefs replied: “* * * It is expedient under present circumstances that His Majesty the Sultán should send letters to the chiefs of the tribes in the Roh country to this effect: ‘God in his goodness has granted the kingdom of Dehlí to the Afgháns, but the other kings of Hind wish to expel them from the country. The honour of our women is concerned; the lands of Hind are broad and rich, and can afford maintenance to many. Come, then, to this country; the name indeed of sovereignty shall remain with me, but whatever countries we may conquer shall be shared between us as brothers. Sultán Mahmúd of Jaunpúr is now besieging Dehlí, where the families of the Afgháns are. If you feel disposed to assist me, you must do so now, and with a large force.’” * * The king, approving of this advice, issued farmáns to the chiefs of the various Afghán tribes. On receipt of the farmáns, the Afgháns of Roh came, as is their wont, like ants and locusts, to enter the king's service.
When they drew near to Dehlí, a force was sent by Sultán Mahmúd Sharkí to give them battle. Fath Khán Hirawí, Sipah-sálár of Sultán Mahmúd, had with him a large force, and elephants like mountains; but the Afgháns, in a moment, overthrew his army and levelled it with the dust. When Sultán Mahmúd heard of the death of Fath Khán, he fled without fighting, and of the countries of Hind a considerable portion fell on this occasion into the possession of Sultán Bahlol.
Kálú Khán, chief of the Mahmúd-khail, of the family of Sáhú-khail Bahlolí, was wounded in the engagement above mentioned, and Sultán Bahlol sent him a present of money by way of recompense; but he refused it, saying, “I did not come here to sell my wounds.” At the same time, many of the chiefs of name besought the king for leave to depart. The king entreated them to remain, but they said:—“We came on this occasion to succour and assist you, to save the reputation and honour of your women. Dismiss us now we entreat of you, hereafter we will again return to your service.” The king loaded them with presents of money and goods of all kinds, beyond their utmost expectations, and provided them with everything they could possibly want. Such Afgháns as chose to remain in his service he ennobled, and gave them jágírs to their full content. Kálú Khán, however, said:—“Your Majesty must excuse my declining to accept anything, as I did not come to this country from any worldly motives.”
When the chiefs of the tribes of Roh had gone, the king commanded his nobles, saying:—“Every Afghán who comes to Hind from the country of Roh to enter my service, bring him to me. I will give him a jágír more than proportioned to his deserts, and such as shall content him; but if he for reasons of kindred or friendship prefers remaining in the service of any one of you, do you provide for him to his satisfaction; for if I hear of one Afghán from Roh returning thither again for want of a livelihood or employment, I will resume the jágírs of that noble who may have refused to entertain him.” When the Afgháns of Roh heard of this, and saw the favour and affection of the king towards them, they began every day, every month, and every year, to arrive in Hind, and received jágírs to their heart's content.
It was at the time of this bounty of Sultán Bahlol, that the
grandfather of Sher Sháh, by name Ibráhím Khán Súr,*
his son Hasan Khán, the father of Sher Sháh, came to Hindu-
Sher Sháh was born in the reign of Sultán Bahlol, and they named him Faríd Khán.*
After some time had elapsed, Ibráhím Khán left Muhabbat Khán, and entered the service of Jamál Khán Sárang-kháni, of Hisár-Fírozah, who bestowed on him several villages in pargana Nárnaul for the maintenance of forty horsemen. And Míán Hasan Khán, the father of Faríd Khán, entered the service of Masnad-i 'álí 'Umar Khán Sarwání Kalkapúr, who bore the title of Khán-i 'azam, and was a counsellor and courtier of Sultán Bahlol. After the death of Masnad-i 'álí Tátár Khán, Bahlol gave (the government of) Láhore to this 'Umar Khán, who held as jágírs, in the sirkár of Sirhind, Bhatnúr, Sháhábád, and Páelpúr; and 'Umar Khán gave several villages in the pargana of Sháhábád as a jágír to Hasan Khán.
After some time, Faríd Khán said to his father Hasan Khán, “Take me before Masnad-i 'álí 'Umar Khán, and say for me: ‘Faríd Khán wishes to serve you—order him on any duty of which he is capable.’” Hasan Khán declined compliance on account of his tender age, recommending him to wait some time longer. Faríd Khán then spoke to his mother, and his mother said to Hasan Khán—“Since he desires to see the Masnad-i 'álí, take him with you—perhaps he may be pleased at the request of so young a boy, and give him something” Hasan Khán, to please Faríd and his mother, took him with him before Masnad-i 'álí 'Umar Khán, and said:—“Faríd wishes to serve you.” 'Umar Khán replied—“Faríd is now a little boy; when he is fit for my service I will employ him. For the present I give him Balhú, a hamlet of the village of Maháwalí.*” Hasan Khán and Faríd Khán were exceedingly delighted, and when Faríd got home he said to his mother—“My father would not take me but at your request, and Masnad-i 'álí has given me a village in pargana Sháhábád.”
Several years after this, Ibráhím Khán, the father of Hasan Khán, died at Nárnaul. Hasan Khán, when he heard of his father's death, left Sháhábád, and coming before 'Umar Khán, who was with Sultán Bahlol's army, requested leave of absence to condole with the members of his father's family and retainers, saying he would return with them, for that he would not quit 'Umar Khán's service for any worldly advancement. 'Umar Khán replied: “You are aware that I have already given you your share of the jágírs which I possess, nor can I entertain more men. Your father's retainers now all look to you. You will be able to obtain you father's jágír, or even a larger one than your father's was. I am not so unjust to my own tribe as to keep you on a small jágír.” Such were the Afghán nobles, and such their favour towards their own race and kindred, that if they saw their Afgháns could elsewhere obtain more than they themselves were able to give, they at once sent them with recommendations in search of better employment.