Raḥbah.—A town on the Euphrates, between ‘Ânah and
Raḳḳah. It was restored and embellished by Mâlik ibn Ṭowḳ,
who was governor of Al Jezîreh, and died under the Khalifate of
Shaving my head.—Sherîshi speaks of this practice as peculiar to the people of the East when they took the bath. We may conclude that it was not observed in Spain.
Slain his son.—The word
To refer to the Governor.—
Sulayk in his career.—Sulayk, a
Made the boy speak.—
Adorned foreheads with forelocks.—Literally, with hair evenly disposed over the forehead. A girl would cut off the ends of the hair over her forehead and dispose the short locks along the forehead so as to leave a clear space above the eyebrows. According to ‘Âyisheh the Prophet said, “The Angels in heaven adore God by the locks of women and the beards of men; and say, ‘God be praised, who adorned men with beards and women with locks!’” He also said, “If one of you desire to marry a wife, let him have regard to her hair as much as he has regard to her face.” I cannot refrain from giving Rückert’s version of this passage, as it not only shows the extraordinary genius of the German poet, but also how entirely his work is an imitation and not a translation of the original:
Da sprach der Alte dem Jungling: Sprich: Bei dem der die
Stirne geschmückt mit dem Lockenkranz,—und die Augen mit
dem dunklen Glanz,—die Augenbraunen mit der leisen Schei-
Eyes with their black and white.—Various definitions are given
And there rushed on him (a stag) in the morning, at the rising of the sun, early, the dogs of Ibn Morr, or the dogs of Ibn Sinbis,
Hungry, fierce-eyed (
The expression