In the Raudzatu-l-âhbâb it is recorded that A’bdu-r-rahman B. A’wuf was the alms-gatherer among the Bani Kalab, A’bdy B. Hâtum among the Ttay, O’tbyah B. Hassan among the Qorârah, Ayâs B. Qays among the Bani Asad, Wolyd B. A’qbah among the Mossttalaq, Hâreth B. A’wuf Morry among the Bani Morrah, Masu’d B. Rahyl among the Ashja’, the O’ttfân and the Bani A’ys, A’jum B. Ssofyân among the A’drah, the Sollamân and the Jahanyah, A’bbâs Mordâs among the Bani Salym, Wolyd B. Alhâjab among the tribe Wârum, A’amer B. Mâlek B. Jajer among the Bani A’amer B. Ssa’ssa’h, Sa’d B. Mâlek and A’wuf B. Mâleku-n-nadzry and Dhohâk B. Sofyân Kallâby among the Bani Kallâb.