As already related in these pages, Itimád Khán obtained permission to proceed to Mekka on a pilgrimage; and, returning from thence, joined the Emperor. Having had expectations held out to him that he would obtain the government of Gujarát when the latter conquered the country, Itimád Khán made several repre­sentations on this subject, at the time when Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán was raised to the dignity of governor. Among other things, he represented that he was a well-wisher to the Emperor, and promised both an increase of revenue and prosperity in the province. His Highness consequently caused him to be raised to the distinguished post of governing Gujarát, about the end of the year of the Hijra 991, A.D.

A.Hij. 991,
A.D. 1583.

1583; although many of the imperial advisers said that he had not the capacity to settle the country. But, a promise having been passed, and the business settled, the Emperor would not listen to them, and accordingly gave Itimád Khán permission to go to his govern­ment. On this occasion, Mír Abú Túráb was raised to the dignity of Amín, and Khoájah Nizámu-d-dín Ahmad to that of Bakhshí.* The Emperor also appointed Khoájah Abú-l-Kásim to be collector-general, and sent along with him, as assistants, Mohammed Husain, Shaikh Mír, Muzaffir Beg, Mohammed Beg, Mír Moháb­ullah, Mír Sharfu-d-dín, Mír Saláh, Sháh Beg, Mír Háshim, Mír Másúm Bhakrí,* Zainu-d-dín Kamboh, Sayyid Jalál Bhakrí, Sayyid Abú Is'hák, Faiz-ullah Beg, and Pehlwán Alí Sístání.

The son of Mehtar Ramazán, superintendent of the perfume department, who was named Karm Alí, was appointed to conduct Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán to Court, after Itimád Khán's arrival in Ahmadábád. At this time, crowds of people complained against Hájí Ibrahím Sirhindí, chief judge of the province, on which the Emperor removed him from office and recalled him to Court. Clear proofs of his crime having been established, he was imprisoned in the fort of Rentumbhore.

When Itimád Khán was about to join his government, there were several rebellious wretches in Ahmadábád, who had been once retainers of the Mírzás, but, after their overthrow, had con­tinued in the service of whatever person held the government of the province. These people watched every fit opportunity for rebellion, and, during the government of Wazír Khán, had actively excited an insurrection, which Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán opportunely put down, whilst he entertained several of them in his ser­vice. Akbar, on then hearing the state of the matter, ordered that they should be dismissed from service, and expelled that country, and that others more trustworthy should be taken to replace them. He, in the mean time, marched for Kábúl; and Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán, not thinking it advisable to expel them, increased their munsubs and jágírs; and, by various other means, endeavoured to make them contented. Orders were again issued for expelling them, when Itimád Khán went to Gujarát; and these seditious men, hearing of these, were thinking what they should do. Mír Ábid, chief of these vagabonds, in consultation with Mohammed Yúsaf Balkhí and Khalíl Beg Bádakhshí, agreed that they ought to put Ahmad Khán to death, before Itimád Khán had arrived in Gujarát, and that, after electing Muzaffir for their leader, they should take possession of Ahmadábád. One of the mutineers, named Jahángír, informed Ahmad Khán of this iniquitous plot; but he, being about to leave the government, made no inquiry into the matter, and merely sent a mes­sage to Khalíl Beg and Mohammed Yúsaf, that they must quit the city. They perceived that by doing so they would strengthen their cause, and went accordingly to their jágír at Matur, where they began to make preparations. They at the same time wrote to Sultán Muzaffir, inti­mating their submission to him, and requesting that he would join them. Mír Ábid outwardly professed that he was ready to accompany Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán; but, by secretly plotting evil, induced Moghul Beg Wafádár and Taimúr Husain, chief men about Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán, to unite with him in the insurrection.

At this time, Itimád Khán, Khoájah Abú-l-Kásim Díwán, and Khoájah Nizámu-d-din Ahmad Bakhshí, arrived at Patan; while Karm Alí, who had been sent on deputation to Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán, reached Ahmadábád, along with Itimád Khán's agent. Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán, who came forth to meet the horse and honorary dress, which accompanied the impe­rial commands, conducted Karm Alí to the city, and, on being made acquainted with the Emperor's instructions, delivered over the keys of the town to Itimád Khán's agent. He also caused the parties of cavalry to be withdrawn from the different posts, which were nearly eighty in number; but, as soon as the troops left, the Kúlis and Grássiahs destroyed several fortifica­tions, and excited disturbances. In the mean time, Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán, leaving Ahmadábád, encamped at Osmánpúr, on the Sabarmatí river, while Itimád Khán, with the others, entered the city. Mír Ábid and the rebels, in number about five hundred persons, took up a position near the reservoir of Batwáh. The latter sent Itimád Khán a message, that, being in distress, he could not accompany Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán to Court, but was willing to perform whatever service might be required of him, provided he was put in posses­sion of the jágír formerly belonging to him, and that, if the last was not conceded, he would be under the necessity of following a vagabond life. Itimád Khán replied, that, though he could not, contrary to the Emperor's orders, assign them a jágír, he would do as much as he had personally power to do. These unfortunates now became altogether desperate; and, going to Khalíl Beg and Mohammed Yúsaf, at Mátar, joined them in insurrection.