On the return of Ibrahim Kootb Shah to his
capital, he resolved to be revenged on Moor-
It appears that in the retreat of the Beejapoo-
It has been before observed, that the allies left
thirty thousand horse in the neighbourhood of
Kowlas to cover the retreat of the two armies, the
one proceeding to Berar and the other towards
Bunkapoor. This division accordingly laid waste
and plundered the country on the borders of Tu-
It has been already mentioned, that the allied
monarchs, having raised the siege of Bidur, separated.
Moortuza Nizam Shah marched north
against Toofal Khan of Berar, and Ally Adil
Shah proceeded south to attack the country of
Beejanuggur, and wrest it out of the hands of Sree
Runga Ray. This prince, unable to cope with the
Beejapoor forces, deputed an envoy with magnificent
presents to Ibrahim Kootb Shah at Golconda,
soliciting his aid against their common
enemy. It had been always an understood principle
with the Mahomedan kings of the Deccan not
to invade the Beejanuggur territories without the
general consent of the whole. Ibrahim Kootb
Shah, therefore, readily agreed to the overtures of
Sree Runga Ray, promising to oppose Ally Adil
Shah, and prevent him from making further aggressions.
Accordingly, he detached his general,
Shah Mahomed Anjoo, with a light force, to skirmish
and plunder the borders of the Adil Shahy
dominions, while he prepared to move to the
southward to the support of Sree Runga Ray.
On the Beejanuggur frontier he was joined by
Shah Mahomed Anjoo, after he had sacked the
towns and laid waste the enemy's country, agreeably
to his instructions. He was shortly afterwards
met by Sree Runga Ray, and their junction
induced Ally Adil Shah to raise the siege of Bee-
It appears, from the best authorities, that from
the reign of the late Sooltan Koolly Kootb Shah,
the rajas Venkatadry, Kustoory Timraj, and Nursing
Row, used to pay an annual tribute of two
lacks of hoons into the Golconda treasury, agreeably
to an ancient compact made upon the first
reduction of the fort of Condbeer. For the last few
years, however, since the King had been engaged
in war with the other kings of the Deccan, the
usual tribute had not only been withheld, but the
rajas had had the confidence to cross the Krishna,
and attack the fort of Condapilly, and lay waste
the district. Ibrahim Kootb Shah, having been
long engaged in the defence of his northern frontier,
was unable, for some years, to spare a sufficient
force to repel the invaders. However, having
given his soldiers some respite from their toils,
he now determined to punish the rajas of whom
we have been speaking, and accordingly detached
a large army under the command of his general,
Imad-ood-Deen Mahmood Shirazy, entitled Heidur-