As Wazír Khán had not successfully accomplished
the settlement of Gujarát, Shahábu-d-dín
Ahmad Khán, governor of Málwa, who had the
rank of five thousand cavalry, was ordered to
assume the former government in the end of the
A. Hij 985, A. Hij. 986,
A.D. 1577.
A.D. 1578.
As the Emperor was wholly given in these days to beneficent acts, he yearly appointed one of the nobles as chief of the caravan going to Mekka; and supplied him with money and valuables, to be given away among the attendants and visiters at that holy place. Mír Abú Túráb, who, at this time, obtained permission to make a pilgrimage to the Hijáz, was therefore made chief of the caravan; and Itimád Khán Gujarátí was also permitted to accompany it.
Mír Abú Túráb, on returning from this pilgrimage, brought with him an impression of the Prophet Mohammed's foot, which belonged to the temple of Mekka; and, after landing this relic at the port of Súrat, prepared to send it to Akbar, then at Fat'hpúr. He accordingly appointed seven or eight hundred people of Hijáz to accompany it; and, after wrapping it in a portion of the veil which had covered the temple of Mekka, set forward with it in a covered litter. Letters were also sent to acquaint the Emperor of having obtained this precious prize; when an order was issued, complimenting the chief of the pilgrims. Instructions were also sent that due notice of its arrival within one stage of the royal residence should be given, in order that the Emperor, to show the relic due respect, might advance and welcome its arrival.
Due notice was accordingly given; when the
ladies of the Emperor's family, with all the
nobles, went out to meet it, and were blessed
by having thus made the pilgrimage. All ranks
flocked to kiss this model of the Prophet's foot;
and the Emperor, after wrapping it in a splendid
covering, carried it the distance of a hundred
feet, in the direction of the city. It was subsequently
entrusted to the particular charge of
Mír Abú Túráb, chief of the pilgrims; when all
the ministers, judges, and principal nobles, relieved
each other in conveying it to the foot of
the throne. This impression of the foot was
kept for one year contiguous to the palace, and
here the people made pilgrimages. But Mír
Abú Túráb, having been allowed to go into Gu*-jarát,
A. Hij. 988.
A.D. 1580.
Subsequently, Sháh Fakhru-d-dín was ordered to go from Ujain to the government of Patan, and to send Tarsú Khán to court. Hájí Ibrahím Sirhindí was promoted to the chief-justiceship of Gujarát; and Asif Khán, on receiving the appointment of Bakhshí, was ordered first to put the imperial mark on the cavalry of Málwa, according to regulation; and then to do the same to those of Gujarát, on arriving there, provided the concurrence of Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán and Kalíj Khán was obtained.
A short time after these events, Sultán Muzaffir, who had been kept in close attendance on the Emperor, fled to Gujarát, and remained for some time at Tarwárí, with the Zamíndár of Rájpípalah, without the circumstance being known by Kutbu-d-dín Mohammed Khán, then at Bhroch. After leaving this place, he took up his residence among the Kattís of Karrein, in the parganah of Sordhar, one of the dependancies of Sorath; where he remained so completely concealed, that it was the only period during the government of Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán when the seditious were at rest, and the people in quiet.
Fat'h Khán Shírwání, who commanded the troops of Amín Khán Ghorí, being annoyed at his master, made a proposition to Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán to wrest Júnagarh and the country of Sorath from the latter, and to render it subject to the Emperor, provided he was supplied with troops. Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán accordingly appointed his own brother, Mírzá Khán, with four thousand horse, to accompany Fat'h Khán on this expedition. When the troops arrived in the neighbourhood of Sorath, Amín Khán Ghorí sent a messenger to say that he would pay tribute, and mark his cavalry, according to imperial regulation, provided a sufficient jágír was assigned him for this purpose. He also stipulated that they would permit him to retain Júnagarh for the sake of his dignity, whilst the rest of the country should remain with them. To this Mírzá Khán answered that such could not be conceded, without taking Júnagarh; and, having afterwards advanced, captured the city of Júnagarh, named Mustafábád, through the efforts of Fat'h Khán. Amín Khán Ghorí now strengthened the upper fort, and took refuge there. Fat'h Khán, at whose instigation this expedition had been undertaken, fell sick at this time and died; when Mírzá Khán, abandoning the siege, marched to Manglúr, distant twenty koss, where he took up a position, having this town between him and the enemy. Amín Khán Ghorí, now assisted by the Jám with four thousand cavalry, left his stronghold, and hastened to Manglúr; and, on his approach, Mírzá Khán, retreating to the mountain of Dínar, risked a battle there and met with a defeat. The whole of his baggage fell into the hands of the enemy, and he himself, after having been severely wounded, came to Ahmadábád.
Shahábu-d-dín Ahmad Khán now built fortifications at Morásah and other towns, where the people were disaffected; and, having there stationed parties of cavalry, thus completely settled the country. On a complaint from the cultivators of Ahmadábád and several other parganahs, he made a second admeasurement of all arable dry lands, and brought them into cultivation.