Machhī Bhawan fountain, 172

Mādho Singh made Raja, 287

Maghs, 93

Mahābat K., gov. Bangāsh, 40; reinforcements sent to, 82, 85, sends apples, 101; does hom­age, 101, 124; gets elephant, 125, 161; visits J., 231; victory over Shāh - Jahān, 271; pro­moted, 275, 279, 281, 282, 284, 288, 294, 295, 296, 297

Māhī River, 7, 8, 28; bridged, 41

Maḥmūd III., 33

Maḥmūd Bīgara, 33

Maḥmūdābād, 33

Maktūb, librarian, promoted, 22

Māldeo, landholder, 99

Malik-maidān gun, 163

Ma‘mūr K., architect, 183

Mān Singh, s. Rāwat Shankar, promoted, 18, 165

Manṣūr, painter, styled Nādir-ul-‘Aṣr, 20, 108, 145, 157

Manṣūr K. Farangī, 258; death of, 271

Manūchahr, s. Shāh Nawāz, 88, 269; joins Parwīz, 269; ap­pointed Jālnāpūr, 296

Mārkhūr goats, 88

Masīḥu z zamān (also called Ḥa­kīm Ṣadrā), physician, 11; bad behaviour of, 213, 217

Masulipatam, Shāh Jahān visits, 290

Meteoric stone, fall of, 204

Mosque built by J. at Kāngra, 227, 228

Maryam zamānī, J.'s mother, her well, 64 and note; too ill to come, 66; visits J., 68; goes Kashmīr, 123, 202; death, 261

Mīr Mīrān made gov. Delhi, 195, 196; promoted, 232

Mīrzā Muḥ., s. Afẓal, diwān, killed, 289 290

Miyān Shaikh of Muḥ. Mīr, 119

Monkeys, 180

Mouse and plague, 66

Mubāriz K. promoted, 163

Muḥ. Sayyid gets Qoran, told to translate it, 34

Mu‘izzī, poet, his ode, 29

Mukarram K. comes from Orissa, 8; gov. Delhi, 209, 218

Mukhliṣ K. comes from Bengal, 104; diwān of Parwīz, 107

Mulberries, 146

Mullā Muḥ. Kashmīrī (? transla or Rājataranginī), 187

Mūminā, physician, 231, 232; pro­moted, 282

Mumtāz K., gov. Agra, death, 285

Muqarrab, gov. Bihar, 35, 38, 72 78, 89; his garden, 112, 193; gov. Agra, 285

Muqīm Bakhshī styled Kifāyat K., 276

Murgh-i-zarīn, golden pheasant (?), 221

Murtaẓa K., real name Farīd Bukhārī, 29; at siege Kāngra, 55; death, 55

Muruwwat K. sends elephants from Bengal, 2; promoted, 7; sends eight elephants, 40; death in battle with the Maghs, 93

Mūsāwī, 164, 249, 250; made examiner of petitions, 257

Musk deer, 151

Muṣafā K., gov. Sind, 232

Mu‘tamid, author Iqbālnāma, in charge artillery, 1; promoted, 2; makes offering, 100-01; in Kashmīr, 128; sent to select a site, 129, 131-132, 158; examiner petitions, 175; obtains leave, 193; Bakhshī Deccan and sent for, 235; continues J.'s journal, 246

Muaffar, gov. Sind, comes Court, 18; honoured, 24, 26 (?)