VOLUMES of blessings, in drawing out the amount of the total of which, the most able calculator would be embarrassed, and details of praise, in writing a single page of the sum of which, the most excellent accomptants would express themselves with hesitation and diffidence, are presented to the comptroller of the Empire; for the description of the warmth of my attachment is too great for my two-tongued pen to express even a small proportion of it. Desisting, out of necessity, from entering on that subject, and cutting short the ropes of eulogium, I hope that the calculator of fate and destiny, having soon balanced the journal of the days of separation, will out of his favor and great goodness, establish and manifest the period of our meeting by his entire approbation. It is expected from the generosity of your disposition that, till meeting, you will collect the sum and detail of your fortunate affairs in the postscript of your kind letter; and not forget me. Why should I trouble you farther?