TABÁK, Íránian chief, 161, vi, 202,
suspected by Ardshír Pápa-
kán, vi, 225
Tabák, justifies himself, vi 226
Ardshír Pápakán and, de-
feat Bahman, vi, 226
buries Ardawán, vi, 229
advises Ardshír Pápakán to
marry the daughter of
Ardawán, vi, 229
Tabarí, Arabic historian (A.D.
838-923), iii, 108; vi, 14
note, 16, 19, 30, 198, 200,
291 note, 310, 313, 315,
321, 326; vii, 3 seq., 156,
159, 160, 170, 171, 185
186, 217; viii, 73, 75 seq.,
188; ix, 4, 56, 61, 64,
account of death of Rustam
by, v, 261
etymology of Dáráb, v,
297 note
Sásánians, vi, 14 note
Alexander's battles with
Darius, vi, 30
Yájúj and Májúj, vi, 78
rise of Sásánian dynasty,
vi, 198
Ardshír Pápakán, vi, 198,
genealogies of Pápak, vi,
Worm, vi, 205, 206
Haftwád, vi, 205, 206
length of Ardshír Pápa-
kán's reign, vi, 254
Ardawán's daughter, vi,
Shápúr, son of Ardshír
Pápakán, vi, 255, 257
death of Shápúr, son of
Shápúr, vi, 365
Bahrám, son of Shápúr,
vi, 368
Yazdagird, son of Shápúr,
vi, 371 seq.
Kubád and Núshírwán's
reform of taxation, vii,
183 note, 215
Turks, vii, 317
Persian, vii, 5; viii, 42, 73
seq., 187 seq.; ix, 4, 5, 43,
Tabarí, Persian, story from, con-
cerning Kubád, vii, 183
Arabic, viii, 42, 73, 187, 190
195; ix, 4, 5, 7, 43, 50
Tabaristán (Mázandarán, q.v.),
i, 39, 40; ix, 74
Firdausí's stay in, i, 39
chief of, i, 39, 40
patron of Firdausí, i, 39
Table of Contents, General, ix, 139
Tables, Genealogical. See Gene-
Tacitus, Roman historian (A.D.
55-120), iii, 10 and note,
15; vi, 73
Tahmásp, father of Zav, i, 90,
369, 370; ii, 11; iv, 283
Tahmína, daughter of the king of
Samangán and mother of
Suhráb, 144; ii, 4, 118
precautions of, for her son's
safety, ii, 127, 140, 149
mourning of, for Suhráb, ii,
184 seq.
death of, ii, 186
Tahmúras, Sháh, 140, i, 42, 90,
91, 214; ii, 168; iii, 293;
iv, 133; vii, 9 and note,
273; viii, 277, 332, 376;
ix, 25
Reign of, 140, i, 125 seq.
Note on, i, 125
Binder of the Dív (Áhri-
man), i, 125, 127, 214
Áhriman and, legend of, i, 125
culture hero, i, 125, 126
dívs rebel against, i, 127
conquers and enslaves the
dívs, i, 127
taught writing by the
dívs, i, 127
dies, i, 128
Firdausí's reflections on, i,
horn of, iii, 335
Tainúsh (Charogos, Kerátór,
Kanír), son of Kaidáfa,
159; vi, 66, 67, 134 seq.
Kaidáfa warns Sikandar
against, vi, 133
Tainúsh, Fúr's son in law, vi,
insults Sikandar, vi, 134
Kaidáfa chides, vi, 135
Kaidáfa and Sikandar con-
sult about, vi, 135
makes a covenant with
Sikandar, vi, 136
accompanies Sikandar on
his return, vi, 141
Sikandar discovers himself
to, vi, 142
asks grace of Sikandar, vi,
pardoned by Sikandar, vi,
entertained at a banquet,
presented with gifts, and
dismissed, by Sikandar,
vi, 143
Tainúsh (Theodosius), 163, vi,
372, 389, 404
goes to Yazdagird as ambas-
sador, vi, 389
asked by Bahrám Gúr to
intercede with Yazdagird
for him, vi, 389
obtains Bahrám Gúr's re-
lease, vi, 390, 404
Táír (Daizan, q.v.), Arab chief,
162; vi, 3, 322, 324, 330
Taisafún (Ctesiphon, q.v.), 168,
174; vi, 397; vii, 188,
194, 361, 363; viii, 53, 90,
109 note, 118, 173, 175,
180, 182, 229, 241; ix, 9,
10, 90
Ardshír Pápakán goes to,
vi, 245
Shápúr's bridge at, vi, 321,
sacked by Táír, vi, 330
Shápúr sends spies to, vi, 346
Cæsar defeated and taken
prisoner by Shápúr at, vi,
Núshírwán returns to, viii,
Bahrám Chúbína marches
from province of, viii, 106
Taisafún, Khusrau Parwíz im-
prisoned at viii, 421; ix, 9
Bárbad visits Khusrau Par-
wíz at, ix, 29
Táj, viii, 71
Tákdís, Throne of, 174, viii, 391
account of, viii, 391
added to by Jámásp, viii,
Takht (or Ták)-i-Bústán, place
some four miles north-
east of Kirmánsháh in the
Persian province of Arde-
lan and famous for its
Sásánian bas-reliefs, vi,
257; viii, 192
inscription at, vi, 257
Takht-i-Khusrau. See Madá'in.
Takht-i-Sulaimán (Shíz, q.v.),
viii, 189
Talhand, Indian prince, 169,
vii, 394, 396 seq.
Story of Gav and, 169, vii,
394, seq.
mother of. See Gav.
birth of, vii, 396
tutor of, vii, 397, 398, 401,
402, 408, 410, 414
rivalry between Gav and,
vii, 397 seq.
war between Gav and, vii,
404 seq.
rejects Gav's offer of accom-
modation, vii, 406, 409
death of, foretold, vii, 408,
413, 418
defeated by Gav, vii, 412
accepts Gav's proposal for a
decisive battle, vii, 415
defeat and death of, vii,
Tálikán, city and stronghold
east of Marv, ii, 228; iv,
65, 255
ceded by Pírúz to the Haitá-
lians, vii, 156, 160
importance of, vii, 156
Talímán, Íránian hero, i, 211, 217
meets Kai Khusrau in Sughd
vi, 255
Talisman, Cæsar's, 172
described, viii, 271, 275
deceives Persian envoys,
viii, 272
mastered by Kharrád, viii,
Tamarisk, plant, i, 4; v, 240,
243, 246, 247, 256
branch of, fatal to Asfandi-
yár, v, 239 and note
Tammísha (Kús), town in Eastern
Mázandarán, formerly a
seat of Farídún's, between
Sáriyah and Astarábád, i,
177, 216, 230
Tamúz, viii, 77 note
Tanais, river, iv, 315 and note
Tarak, river (the Atrak, the
boundary between Gur-
gán and Dahistán, or the
Turk flowing into the
Jaxartes west of Tásh-
kand?), vii, 164, 165, 359
Taráz, city now in ruins, north-
east of Táshkand near the
present town of Aulieh-
Ata, i, 257, 266; v, 157;
vi, 268; viii, 370; ix, 41
Cypress of=Rúdába, i, 269
Idols of, ii, 123, 206; iii,
248; iv, 218; viii, 370
Tartary, iv, 156
Taurus, constellation, iii, 168;
iv, 177; vi, 151; vii, 282
Tausar, high priest under Ard-
shír Pápakán, i, 62
letter of, i, 63
Tawába, Íránian hero, iii, 25
Tawurg, Túránian hero, iv, 188
sent on an expedition by
Afrásiyáb, iv, 188
defeated by Rustam, iv, 193
Taxation, 167, vii, 224
Firdausí's exemption from,
i, 35, 39; ix, 121
reform of, by Kubád, vii, 183
note, 215, 225
Núshírwán, vii, 215, 225
Taxila, Indian city, vi, 63
situation of, vi, 62
Tazháv, an Íránian deserter to,
and son-in-law of, Afrási-
yáb, 148; iii, 27, 28
sends Kabúda to spy out the
Íránian host, iii, 73
paileys with Gív, iii, 75
defeated, iii, 77
flees with Ispanwí, iii, 77
pursued by Bízhan, iii, 77
escapes to Afrásiyáb, iii, 78
attacks Bahrám, iii, 100
taken prisoner by Gív, iii,
Temperaments, the four, vii, 381
symbolised in the game of
nard, vii, 381
Tennyson, quoted, v, 281
Tharthai, river in northern
Mesopotamia, vi, 322
Theodore, brother of Heraclius,
viii, 194
Theodosiopolis, city in Armenia,
vii, 187
Theodosius II. (Tainúsh, q.v.),
Eastern Roman Em-
peror (A.D. 401-450), vi,
372; vii, 187
Theodosius (Niyátús, q.v.), viii,
Theophanes, Greek Chronicler,
account of last days of
Khusrau Parwíz by, ix, 6
Thermodon, river on the south-
ern shores of the Euxine,
vi, 72
Thornbrake town, the world, i,
Thraétaona, i, 171 seq.; ii, 81
Thrita, i, 171 seq.
Tiber, river, v, 294
Tiberius II., Eastern Roman
Emperor, vii, 212; viii, 42
Tigris (Arwand), river, vi, 294
322; viii, 193, 194; ix,
small, the, vi, 199 and note
lower, vi, 291 note
bridge over, vi, 321
Tihrán, city, ii, 28; iii, 109; v,
14, 18
edition of Sháhnáma, i, 76
Tír, genius, iii, 287, 328
month and day, i, 88, viii,
Tírí, eunuch of Gúzihr, vi, 198
Tirmid, city and fortress north
of the Oxus (Jíhún) where
the route from Balkh to
Samarkand crosses that
river, ii, 229, 258; iv, 65;
vii, 156, 157, 331
Tírúdih, village in the neighbour-
hood of Istakhr (Perse-
polis), and the birth-place
of Ardshír Pápakán, vi, 198
Tishtar, Sirius, i, 235
Tobit, Book of, iii, 272
Toll-house and ford of Zark, ix,
100 and note, 116
Tollman, Gív and the, 146; ii,
Gushtásp and the, iv, 324,
332 and note, 334 seq., 344
seq., 351
Trade-routes, ancient, i, 11, 57
Traitana, i, 7, 8, 171 seq.
Trajan, Roman Emperor (A.D.
98-117), vi, 322
siege of Hatra by, vi, 322
Translation, the principles adop-
ted in the present, i, 76 seq.
Translators of the Sháhnáma,
list of previous, i, 87
Treasure, of Jamshíd, 164, vii, 36
Kai Khusrau, 160, iv, 295;
vi, 178
Sikandar, vi, 110 and note
Khusrau Parwíz, viii, 406
Tree, the Speaking, 160, vi, 79
described, vi, 167 seq.
Sikandar visits, vi, 167, seq.
warns Sikandar of his death,
vi, 168, 169
Triad of evil, Zoroastrian, i, 59
and note
Tribal, or Part, Kings, the, 160,
vi, 180, 203, 204, 225, 252,
origin of, vi, 179, 181, 210
character of their rule vi,
197, 198
number of, vi, 198
Tribal, or Part Kings, Ardawán,
the chief of, vi, 201
Firdausí on, vi, 210
Tribute, Rúm's to Írán, vi, 24;
vii, 214, 215, 248, 262, 333,
338, 362; viii, 52, 53
Trita, i, 7, 8, 171 seq.
Tshatrang-Námak, Pahlaví text,
vii, 380, 381.
Tughral, a species of falcon, vii,
described, vii, 48
Bahrám Gúr's, vii, 48 seq.
Tukhár, Farúd's counsellor, 147,
iii, 43 seq.
tells Farúd the blazons of
the Íránian chiefs, iii, 44
counsels Farúd, iii, 47, 52 seq.
Tukhár, king of Dahistán, iv, 148
commands with Faríburz
the troops from Kháwar,
iv, 148
slays a scout from Makrán,
iv, 242
Tukhár, Íránian chief, viii, 228
takes letter to Cæsar, viii,
Tukhár, Íránian general, con-
spires against Khusrau
Parwiz, viii, 414
releases Shírwí, viii, 415
refuses to help Pírúz against
Guráz, ix, 48
Tukhára, Íránian warrior, viii,
son of, viii, 314
Túmáspa (Tahmásp, q.v.), i, 369
Túr, second son of Farídún and
ruler of Túrán, 140, 141,
i, 42, 90 seq., 335, 337,
342, 344, 362; ii, 8, 17, 19,
99, 237, 262, 297, 302, 303,
318, 327, 363, 390; iii,
7, 30, 37, 115, 197, 245,
246; iv, 11, 34, 66, 69, 70,
78, 166, 167, 188, 201, 203,
206, 269, 272, 290; v, 42,
206, 261, 284; vi, 353;
vii, 73; viii, 266, 300, 376
note, 378; ix, 103
racial significance of, i, 54
Túr, etymology of, i, 174
naming of, i, 187
horoscope of, i, 188
made ruler over the Turk-
mans and Chín, i, 189
plots with Salm, i, 190
Salm and, demand the abdi-
cation of Íraj, i, 191
Íraj visits, i, 198
reception of Íraj by, 1,
198, seq.
slay Íraj, i, 201
send Íraj's head to Farí-
dún, i, 202
hear of Minúchihr, i, 208
send an embassy to Farí-
dún, i, 208
receive Farídún's reply,
i, 213 seq.
prepare for war, i. 215
parley of, with Kubád, i, 217
Salm and, worsted by Minú-
chihr, i, 220
plan a night-surprise, i,
worsted, i, 221
slain by Minúchihr, i, 221
head of, sent to Farídún, i,
Fire-temple at Bukhárá
built by, iv, 255
daughter of, iv, 304
= Túrán, iv, 51, 164
chief of = Húmán, iv, 51
prince of = Shída, iv, 164
Túrán (Turkistán), the legendary
patrimony of Túr, q.v. and
a general name for the
non-Íránian regions north
of the Oxus (Jíhún), 142,
146, 148, 152, 153, 165-
167; i, 189, 229, 351, 371,
ii, 9, 18, 25, 79, 82, 101,
112 and passim; iii, 8, 11,
15, 25, 29 and passim;
iv, 10, 15, 17, 19, 20, and
passim; v, 12, 20 seq., 25,
32, 41, 43, 45, 53, 61, and
passim; vi, 43, 182, 398;
vii, 43, 92, 136, 156, 178;
viii, 118, 123, 130, 242,
329, 331, 349, 350, 376,
405, 407; ix, 11, 89, 99
monarch of Chín and = Afrá-
siyáb, ii, 99
host of, ii, 110
lord of = Mahmúd, iv, 142
Túránians (Turkmans), 143, 148,
149, 151-153, 155, 165;
i, 9, 10, 54; ii, 11, 81, 265;
iii, 30, 115, 320, 322; iv,
7, 81, 129, 223, 227; v,
13, 20, 116; vii, 90; viii,
123, 320
historical relations of, with
the Íránians, i, 16
Turk, Turks, i, 10, 20; viii, 95,
103, 121, 135, 136, 138
seq., 142, 164, 169, 170,
189, 316, 320, 349, 352;
ix, 70, 96 seq., 105, 114,
117, 120
confused with the Haitá-
lians, vii, 4
historical appearance of, vii,
Tabarí on, vii, 317
defeat the Haitálians, vii,
described, vii, 332
War of, with Persians, viii,
prophesied, viii, 98
= Sáwa, viii, 98
defeated, viii, 126
find Sáwa's corpse, viii, 127
sorcerer, sends ill dream to
Bahrám Chúbína, viii,
121, 128
put to death, viii, 129
heads of chiefs of, sent to
Hurmuzd, viii, 130
retreat to Túrán, viii, 131
three, the, viii, 187, 204
one of, attacks Khusrau
Parwíz, viii, 220
reproved by Bahrám
Chúbína, viii, 221
lead night-attack on Khus-
rau Parwíz, viii, 227
= Makátúra, viii, 319
Turk, Turks = Kulún, viii, 345
defeated by Yalán-sína, viii,
Turkhán, Túránian hero, v, 151
sent with troops to recon-
noitre outside the Brazen
Hold, v, 151
Turkish, ix, 87
Turkistán (Túrán), 147, ii, 19;
iii, 109, 228; iv, 233; v,
55; vi, 179, 278, 280, 397;
vii, 84, 92, 118, 334, 365;
viii, 324, 336, 363, 376,
377, 407
Turkman, Turkmans (Túrán-
ians), 148, 155, i, 20, 189,
263, 343, 352, 357; ii,
12, 14, 15, 92, 100 and
passim; iii, 30, 63, 81, 93,
and passim; iv, 10, 13,
15, 19, 20, 22, 29 and
passim; v, 22, 25, 36, 39,
40, 44, 47, 51, 52, 61, 72,
90 seq., 98 seq., 104 seq.,
108, 110, 113, 114, 116,
135, 152, 157, 158, 171,
173, 206, 254; vii, 48, 88,
92, 97, 177, 179, 239, 344,
364; viii, 377; ix, 25, 76,
slave-boy of Zál meets the
damsels of Rúdába, i, 263
make peace with Zav, i, 371
army of, surrenders to As-
fandiyár, v, 72, 113
monarch of = Arjásp, v, 74
led by Kuhram, storm
Balkh, burn the Fire-
temple, and slay Zar-
duhsht and the priests, v,
92, 93
take Gushtásp's daughters
captive, v, 93
kingdom of, offered by
Asfandiyár to Gurgsár in
return for faithful service,
v, 120
ordered by Arjásp to march
out from the Brazen Hold
in force to attack the in-
vaders under Bishútan, v,
hear the cries of the Írán-
ian watch in the Brazen
Hold, v, 155
refused quarter by Asfandi-
yár, v, 158
language, vi, 147
defeated by Bahrám Gúr,
vii, 90, 91
sue for peace, vii, 91
war of Pírúz with, vii, 164
inroads of, through the
Caucasus, vii, 238
make submission to Núshír-
wán, vii, 360
= Turk, viii, 87, 89, 94,
king = Afrásiyáb, ix, 25
Tús, son of Naudar, Íránian hero,
146-149, 154, 176; i, 90
353, 370; ii, 33, 35, 38,
58, 62, 70, 73, 85, 90, 91,
127, 138, 142, 148, 177,
188, 193, 197, 199, 226,
257, 316, 319, 335, 338,
340, 349, 353 seq., 371,
383, 394; iii, 11, 18, 19,
24, 25, 37 seq., 45 seq., 60,
62, 64, 66 seq., 76, 78, 80,
82 seq., 108, 111 seq., 132
seq., 136 seq., 145, 149
seq., 154, 155, 159, 161,
163, 166, 167, 169, 170,
172, 174, 177 seq., 182,
183, 187, 206, 211, 213
seq., 225, 228, 230, 232,
234, 235, 238, 246, 248,
253, 254, 255, 257, 259,
268, 273, 277, 289, 294,
307, 322, 327, 329; iv, 13,
15, 62, 79, 91, 157, 180,
191, 224, 226, 227, 242,
292, 296, 306 seq.; v,
57, 116, 207, 208; viii,
Gustaham and, sent by Nau-
dar to conduct the Íránian
women to Alburz, i, 351
Tús, Gustaham and, hear of
Naudar's death, i, 364
passed over in the succession
i, 369, 370
character of, i, 369
appointed captain of the
host, ii, 78
taken prisoner in Hámá-
varán, ii, 90
released by Rustam, ii, 97
goes in search of Kai Káús,
ii, 104
engaged in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, ii, 107
commanded by Kai Káús to
hang Rustam and Gív,
ii, 143
encampment of, described,
ii, 153
summons Rustam to fight
Suhráb and helps to
saddle Rakhsh, ii, 160
quarrels with Gív over the
future mother of Siyá-
wush, ii, 194
supersedes Siyáwush, ii, 246
leads the host home, ii, 258
intercedes for Surkha, ii,
worsted in fight by Afrási-
yáb, ii, 353
appointed ruler of Chách, ii,
returns to Írán, ii, 362
dispute of, with Gúdarz over
Kai Khusrau, ii, 400 seq.
advocates the claims of Farí-
burz, ii, 401
asks pardon of Khusrau, ii,
hostility of, to Farúd, iii, 13,
51, 62
marches on Kalát, iii, 40
sends chiefs to attack Farúd,
iii, 47 seq.
Bahrám's remonstrance
with, iii, 51
horse of, slain by Farúd, iii,
Tús, resolves to attack Kalát, iii,
remorse of, for the death of
Farúd, iii, 67
builds a charnel for Farúd,
Rívníz, and Zarásp, iii,
marches from Kalát, iii, 68
defeats Tazháv, iii, 77
occupies Giravgard, iii, 78
defeated by the Turkmans,
iii, 82
deprived of his command,
iii, 83
Kai Khusrau's wrath with,
iii, 84, 111, 112
superseded, iii, 86
returns to Kai Khusrau, iii,
disgraced, iii, 86
imprisoned, iii, 87
pardoned, iii, 114
challenges Pírán to battle,
iii, 117
joins battle with Pírán, iii,
118, 126
parleys with Húmán, iii, 121
prays to be delivered from
the snowstorm, iii, 128
retreats to Mount Hamá-
wan, iii, 132
makes a night-attack upon
Pírán, iii, 139
harangues the host, iii, 141
hears of the approach of suc-
cours, iii, 159
takes counsel with the host,
iii, 167
arrays the host, iii, 169 -
chiefs and, take counsel with
Rustam, iii, 172
Rustam's wrath with, iii,
collects the spoil, iii, 235
worsted by Púládwand, iii,
leads a host to Khárazm, iv,
son of = Zarásp, iv, 135
made overseer of the host,
iv, 149
Tús, posted on Khusrau's right,
iv, 146
takes part in the siege of
Gang-bihisht, iv, 199
ordered to prepare for a
night-attack from Afrá-
siyáb, iv, 224
Kai Khusrau remonstrated
with by, and other nobles,
for refusing audience, iv,
Gúdarz, and other nobles
take counsel, iv, 277
audience of, with Kai Khus-
rau, iv, 283 seq.
holds with other chiefs, at
the bidding of Kai Khus-
rau, an assembly on the
plain, iv, 291 seq.
Kai Khusrau's gifts to, iv,
295, 300
asks for further recognition
from Kai Khusrau, iv,
retains the charge of Káwa's
flag and receives Khur-
ásán, iv, 300
sets out with Kai Khusrau
on his pilgrimage, iv,
refuses to turn back when
bidden by Kai Khusrau,
iv, 307
Kai Khusrau farewells and
warns, and his comrades,
iv, 308
disappears and is sought
in vain by, and his
comrades, iv, 308
end of, iv, 309
Tús, city, now in ruins, north of
Mashad in Khurásán, i,
39; v, 28; vi, 393; ix,
90, 95
birthplace of Firdausí, i, 38,
41, 45
governor of, i, 39
prince of, i, 100, 114
legendary origin of, iii, 14
legend concerning Firdausí's
burial at, iii, 191
Tús, city, treasure of Kai Káús
called “The Bride” stored
at, iv, 295
Sám and the dragon of, v,
local legend of, vi, 372, 391
governor of, ix, 92
Tuwurg, Túránian hero, ii, 253
Tuwurg, brother of Khán, 173,
viii, 364
reports flight of Gurdya, viii,
sent in pursuit, viii, 351
parleys with Gurdya, viii,
Twelve Rukhs (Champions),
Battle of the. See Rukhs.
Signs (Zodiac), vii, 408
Tyre, city, vi, 30
siege of, vi, 30