D. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
Part II, Chapter XI = XXXVI: On the Excellence of Hospitality. | |||
f134a | f198b | 1354 | Introduction describing the proverbial hospitality of the Arabs. Why ‘Uqba b. Abí Mu‘ayṭ accepted Islám: his apostasy and doom. |
f134b | f199a | 1355 | Yazíd b. Muhallab sets Wakí‘, the defaulter, free simply because Wakí‘ was offered meals at his table. |
” | ” | 1356 | al-Ma’mún and al-Mu‘taṣim test the hospitality of ‘Alí b. Hishám and find him an ideal host. |
f135a | ” | 1357 | The Caliph al-Mahdí as an unknown guest in the tent of an Arab, and the amusing remarks of the latter at the stranger’s appetite and supposititious names. |
” | ” | 1358 | An Arab host who serves a robber guest daily with the flesh of a freshly slaughtered camel prefers to forgive the robber and bestow the camels upon him, in spite of his hospitality being abused by him. |
f135b | f199b | 1359 | The clever artifice of a child, who asked for a drink of water, causes Ma‘n b. Zá’ida to spare the lives of some captives. |
” | ” | 1360 | The Caliph ‘Alí saddened because no guest appears during a whole week. |
” | ” | 1361 | Ibráhím the prophet would not invite an unbeliever to his house; Jibrá’íl warns him, and in consequence of his invitation the old man accepts the faith of the prophet. |
” | ” | 1362 | The remark of Ṭalḥa b. ‘Abdu’llah, better known as Ṭalḥatu’t-Ṭalaḥát, on Málik b. ‘Awf, the chief of the tribe of Qays, that hospitality in its true sense takes into account no distinction whatsoever. |
f136a | ” | 1363 | al-Ḥajjáj was hospitable enough to provide for all his people from his own kitchen, even for the invalids of his army. |
” | ” | 1364 | Maliksháh the Saljúq’s amusing reception by a villager, who treated him indifferently at first, and to his surprise found that the stranger was the great king himself. |
D. | G. | Serial. | TITLES OF THE ANECDOTES. |
f136a | f200a | 1365 | How the Prophet carried away the sins of the miserly wife of a follower of hís, and taught her the lesson of hospitality. |
f136b | ” | 1366 | The extreme sense of hospitality which the wife of the Shaykh Aḥmad Khidhrawayh possessed; her desire to provide even for the dogs of the neighbourhood. |
” | ” | 1367 | Explanation given by a servant to his generous master for the delay in serving meals: his conscience would not allow him to deprive the ants which were feeding on the dishes. |
” | ” | 1368 | An object lesson from two kinds of entertainments: the essence of true hospitality is its informality. |
” | f200b | 1369 | The immortal saint Khidhr’s remark on the vanity of an old man who claimed to have drained the dregs of the cups of 7,000 holy men: the offer of one cup to a needy person would have gained for him all the blessings he desired during the whole of his life. |
f137a | ” | 1370 | A remarkable manifestation of the Caliph ‘Uthmán’s generosity on the day of the feast to the Prophet: liberation of a slave at each step the Prophet took towards his house. |
” | ” | 1371 | The old woman who sacrificed her only ewe for the party of the Caliph ‘Alí, who were strangers to her, and the consequent rewards lavished on her by the sons of ‘Alí. |
” | ” | 1372 | The posthumous generosity of a famous Arab, who appears in dream to a member of a party halting at his grave, and begs them to slaughter his camel; and how his son receives another camel in compensation. |
f137b | ” | 1373 | The famous Ḥátim of Ṭayy finds himself surpassed in generosity by an old woman. |
” | f201a | 1374 | al-Aṣma‘í relates a personal anecdote about his reception in an Arab family. |
f138a | ” | 1375 | Anecdote of the same: the Arabs dislike the idea of loading the camel of the guest who is parting from them. |
” | ” | 1376 | The philosophical interpretation of the utterances of the guest of the Caliph ‘Umar. |
” | ” | 1377 | How an old man sacrifices his last goat for ‘Abdu’llah b. ‘Abbás. |
f138b | f201b | 1378 | The reproach of a host to a learned guest for abusing hospitality. |
” | ” | 1379 | ‘Adhudu’d-Dawla withdraws his forces sent against the hospitable ruler of Kirmán. |
” | ” | 1380 | ‘Amr ath-Tha‘álibí, the poet, runs away from Damascus on account of his satire on the Caliph Walíd b. ‘Abdu’l Malik, and, seizing an opportunity, attends the meals of the Caliph, and pleads the protection due to a guest. |
The chapter ends with a panegyric. |