In the year 757 Hejri, Ameer Shaikh Hussun Elkani Jullair the elder died at Baghdad, and was succeeded by his son, Sultan Shaikh Awees.
Sultan Awees Bahadoor Khan, the son of Shaikh Hussun the elder, the son of Ameer Hussun Goorkan, the son of Akbooka, the son of Sungtoor, the son of Elkan Jullair, after the death of his father, succeeded to the throne, and in the year 759 Hejri, marched to invade Azurbijan, and Ajijook advanced to meet him as far as the Meenai mountains, where he was defeated, and returned to Tubreez. Sultan Awees pursued him thither, and when he arrived there, Ajijook fled to Nukhchiwan. The sultan took possession of the palace of Rushidi, and in the month of Rumzan of the same year he put to death forty-seven rebellious chiefs of the party of Mullik Ashruf, and, in consequence, many other chiefs and ameers joined Ajijook at Karabaugh. Sultan Awees, therefore, despatched Ameer Ali Tulpin to attack him; but Ameer Ali, on account of some enmity subsisting between him and the sultan, knowingly and willingly allowed himself to be defeated, or rather disgracefully fled from Ajijook, and his army being dispersed, the sultan retired to Baghdad. In the spring of 760 Hejri, Ameer Mahummud Muzuffur marched an army to Azurbijan, and defeated Ajijook, and resided some time in Tubreez; but hearing of the advance of Sultan Awees, he returned to his own country, and the sultan, on his arrival at Tubreez, having apprehended Ajijook, beheaded him. In the year 765, Khwajeh Moorjan, who was governor of Baghdad on the part of Sultan Awees, rebelled, and the sultan marched thither to chastise him. Khwajeh Moorjan was defeated in a battle fought near Baghdad, and was obliged to throw open the gates of that city and submit to the mercy of his master, but the sultan spared his life. The sultan passed eleven months enjoying himself in the delightful city of Baghdad, and after that period proceeded by Diarbekir to Mosul, which city he besieged and took; he then marched to Mardin, and thence by the Desert of Moosh and Kara Kaleesa, to Tubreez, where he passed the winter; and in the month of Teer went to Baghdad, and again, next spring, returned to Tubreez.
In the year 772 Hejri, Sultan Awees marched to oppose Ameer Wuli, who, after the assassination of Toghaie Timoor, had conquered Mazinderan; the armies met in the vicinity of Rai, and a battle was fought, in which Ameer Wuli was defeated, and the sultan pursued him to Sumnan; the sultan then returned, and about the end of the month of Rubbi-ul-avul 776 he was attacked by a fatal disease. His ameers and Kazi Shaikh Ali Kumkhani attended the last moments of this just prince, and requested him to declare his will: in reply, he said, “Let the sovereignty remain with Hussein, and the government of Baghdad with Shaikh Hussun.” The ameers said, “Shaikh Hussun is the elder brother, and will not submit to this arrangement.” The sultan said, “You know best;” and the ameers assuming this as a permission to do as they pleased, confined Shaikh Hussun. After this, Sultan Awees Jullair lost the power of speech, and on the night of Jumadi-il-avul 776, departed this life; on the same night, the ameers put Shaikh Hussun to death in the Dumishk palace, and the body of Sultan Awees was carried to Shirwan and buried there.