SA'AD, son of Wakkás, Arab
general, 176, ix, 67, 68,
82 seq., 90
Sa'ad, succeeds Abú 'Ubaida, ix,
at Kádisíya, ix, 67, 69
founds Kúfa, ix, 67
takes Ctesiphon, ix, 67
recalled, ix, 68
sent by 'Umar to invade
Írán, ix, 72
letter of Rustam to, ix, 78
taken by Pírúz, ix, 80, 81
Sabbákh, king of Yaman, iv, 146
Sabz dar sabz, melody, viii, 399
and note
Sacae (Scythians), i, 17, 19
Rustam a personification of,
i, 68; vi, 194
Sacaestán. See Sístán.
Sacrifice, human, and serpent-
worship, i, 143
Sada, feast of, 140, i, 23; iv,
317; v, 309; vi, 33, 55,
230 and note, 245, 273,
389; vii, 11, 94, 200;
viii, 68, 133, 216, 313;
ix, 40 92
institution of i, 124
Sáda, Íránian noble, vii, 312
Safíd Rúd, river flowing through
Gílán into the Caspian,
v, 13, 16
Sagastán (Sístán q.v.), v, 13
Sage, sages, 159, vi, 101, 103
Indian, vi, 62
naked (Brahmans q.v.)
of Kaid. See Kaid.
saying of, viii, 155
Sagittarius, constellation, i, 188;
iv, 355
Sagsár, Sagsárs, district and
tribe, i, 279 and note, 290,
323, 339; ii, 143; iii, 152,
Sahadeva, one of the five Pán-
davas, iv, 138
referred to, iv, 139
Sahí, wife of Íraj, i, 188
referred to, i, 182 seq.
Sahl, son of Máhán, Íránian
noble, v, 260, 261, 263
Saifu'd-Daula, title of Sultán
Mahmúd, i, 21
Sakíl, son of Cæsar, temp.
Luhrásp, iv, 355
commands the left wing,
iv, 355
Sakíla, mountain, 169, iv, 342;
viii, 41
dragon of, 154, iv, 342 seq.
referred to, iv, 343, 351,
stronghold of, taken by
Rúmans, viii, 47
Sakláb (Slavonia), ii, 360; iii,
152, 164, 177, 185, 204,
218, 221 seq., 235, 238,
243, 255; vi, 179; vii,
112, 115, 364; viii, 379
Salm, eldest son of Farídún, 140,
141, i, 42, 90, 91, 183 seq.,
335, 342, 344, 362; ii,
19, 237, 318; iii, 37, 115,
iv, 66, 69, 269, 272; v,
205, 261, 284; vi, 353;
vii, 101; viii, 266, 270,
300, 376 note, 378, 381
racial significance of, i, 54
etymology of, Firdausí's, i,
naming of, i, 187
horoscope of, i, 188
receives Rúm and the West,
i, 189
envies Íraj, i, 190
plots with Túr, i, 190
Túr and, demand the abdi-
cation of Íraj, i, 191
Íraj visits, i, 198
Íraj not welcomed by,
i, 198 seq,
slay Íraj, i, 201
send Íraj's head to Farí-
dún, i, 202
hear of Minúchihr, i, 208
send an embassy to Farí-
dún, i, 208
receive Farídún's reply, i,
213 seq.
prepare for war, i, 215
worsted by Minúchihr, i,
plan night-surprise, i, 220
worsted, i, 221
Salm, hears of Túr's defeat and
death, i, 223
retreats on the castle of the
Aláns, i, 223
prevented by Minúchihr, i,
flees from Minúchihr, i, 227
slain by Minúchihr, i, 228
troops of, ask quarter of
Minúchihr, i, 228
head of, sent to Farídún, i
Scimitar of, iv, 335 seq.
Salt, Rustam's caravan of, i,
330 seq.
desert, i, 3
fish, legend of the, vi, 76 seq.
Sám, son of Narímán, Íránian
hero, father of Zál and
grandfather of Rustam,
141, 142, i, 42, 207, 212,
231, 235, 238 seq., 337,
344, 375; ii, 4, 16, 17, 33,
34, 49, 125, 126, 137, 140,
173, 182, 183; iii, 35, 121,
202, 215, 260, 279, 283;
iv, 222, 251, 290, 301,
319; v, 14, 15, 58, 62, 63,
196, 198 seq., 242, 262
seq., 266, 267, 274, 285,
286, 289, 290; vii, 74;
viii, 223
pronunciation of, i, 95 note
etymology of, i, 171 seq.
Minúchihr confided to, by
Farídún, i, 231
mace of, i, 235, 290, 297, 328
given by Zál to Rustam,
i, 378
speech of, to Minúchihr, i,
casts away his son Zál at
birth, i, 241
hears rumours of Zál, i, 243
dreams of, concerning Zál,
i, 243, 244
consults the archmages and
bidden to seek his son,
i, 243
finds his son on Mount
Alburz, i, 244 seq.
Sám, son of, restored to him by
the Símurgh, i, 247
returns home with Zál, i, 248
congratulated by Minú-
chihr, i, 248
goes with Zál to court, i, 249
tells of his quest to Minú-
chihr, i, 250
Minúchihr's gifts to, i, 251
public rejoicings at his
home-coming, i, 252
goes to the wars and leaves
Zál to rule in Zábulistán,
i, 253
Mihráb tributary to, i, 256
Zál writes to, about Rúdába,
i, 275
receives Zál's letter, i, 277
consults the astrologers, i,
Rustam's birth foretold to,
i, 278
replies to Zál's letter, i, 279
returns from the war, i, 280
summoned to court, i, 289
welcomed by Minúchihr, i,
tells of his campaign, i, 290
slays Karkwí, i, 291
bidden to destroy Mihráb
and all his belongings, i,
welcomes and promises to
help Zál, i, 293
writes to Minúchihr and
pleads past services, i, 295
tells of the slaying of the
dragon of the Kashaf, i,
“One blow,” i, 297, 299
receives Síndukht in aud-
ience i, 302
invited by Síndukht to
visit Kábul, i, 305
dismisses Síndukht with
gifts, i, 305
hears of Zál's success with
Minúchihr and informs
Mihráb, i, 314
goes with Zál to Kábul, i,
Sám, sees Rúdába and felicitates
Zál, i, 318
returns to Sístán, i, 319
entertains Mihráb and Sín-
dukht, i, 319
leaves Zál the regent of Sís-
tán and goes on a cam-
paign, i, 319
hears of the birth of Rustam,
i, 323
writes to congratulate Zál,
i, 323
comes to see Rustam, i, 324
bids Zál and Rustam fare-
well, i, 327
hears of Rustam's success
at Mount Sipand and
writes to Zál, i, 334
Naudar's appeal to, i, 339
goes to court, i, 340
met and offered the crown
by the Íránian chiefs, i,
refuses the crown, i, 340
reconciles the chiefs and
Naudar, i, 341
counsels Naudar, i, 341
rewarded by Naudar, í, 341
departs, i, 341
death of, referred to, i, 345,
346, 349
obsequies of, 358
mace of, given by Zál to
Rustam, i, 378
exploits of, recounted by
Rustam, v, 202
Sám, Íránian warrior, temp.
Yazdagird son of Shápúr,
vi, 395
Sáma Keresáspa Narimanau,
Íránian hero, i, 171 seq.
Samangán, city south-east of
Balkh (?), 144 ii, 121 seq.,
king of, 144, ii, 118, 140, 184
entertains Rustam, ii, 122
father of Zhanda Razm,
ii, 150
Sámánid, Sámánids, i, 14, 20,
21, 67; vii, 5, 383
end of dynasty of, i, 21
Samarkand (Sogdiana, Sughd),
city and district in Turk-
istán, ii, 241; vii, 167,
358, 359; viii, 377; ix,
96, 115
early seat of Aryan civili-
zation (?), i, 7
settlement of the Huns at,
i, 19
Sambáz, Íránian chief, speech of,
viii, 242
Samírán, king, vi, 405 and note
Samkurán, Íránian hero, iv, 149
Sandar, Sandarús, the Arar tree,
vi, 19
Sandal, Sandalí, city in Hind,
vii, 395, 396, 401 seq.
king of, entertained by
Bahrám Gúr, vii, 140 seq.
Sanja, a dív, ii, 39, 40, 44, 55;
iv, 296; v, 204
Sanscrit, vii, 382
Sapad, mountain. See Spentó-
Sapandármad. See Sipandár-
Sapínúd, daughter of Shangul, vi,
3; vii, 144
married to Bahrám Gúr,
vii, 128
finds out who her husband is,
vii, 131
plans Bahrám Gúr's flight
from Hind, vii, 132
reproached by Shangul, vii,
converted to Zoroastrian-
ism, vii, 139
visited by Shangul, vii, 142
Sapor I (Shápúr son of Ardshír
q.v.), Sásánian king, vi,
294, 321
Sapor II (Shápúr son of Urmuzd
q.v.), Sásánian king, i,
374; v, 13; vi, 294, 321;
viii, 41
Sapor III (Shápúr son of Shá-
púr q.v.), vi, 365
Sarakhs, city in Khurásán, be-
tween Nishápúr and Marv,
ii, 108
Saraparda, i, 84
Sarcostemma viminale. See
Sargon I. of Agani, v, 293
foundling legend of, v,
Sarí, city in Mázandarán, i, 230,
289, 366; v, 174; vii,
237; viii, 168, 341, 355,
392; ix, 86
Iránian captives imprisoned
at, i, 363
released, i, 367
Sar-i-pul-i-Zohab, vii, 187
Sarkab, Rúman general, viii, 281,
Sarkash (Sergius), minstrel, 174,
viii, 193, 398 seq. 406
Story of, 174, viii, 396
disgrace of, viii, 399
Sarkhán. See Súfarai.
Sarúch, desert in Kirmán, ii, 226
vii, 362
Sarúg, Jacob of, Syriac poet.
See Jacob.
Sarv, king of Yaman, 140, i, 211,
286; v, 260; vi, 73
daughters of, asked in mar-
riage by Farídún for his
sons, i, 178
consults his chiefs, i, 179
agrees, conditionally, to
Farídún's request, i, 181
attempts to outwit Farí-
dún's sons, i, 183 seq.
gives his daughters in mar-
riage to Farídún's sons, i,
Sarv=Ázád Sarv, q.v.
Sásán, eponym of Sásánian dyn-
asty, viii, 219, 220, 330,
Sásán, son of Bahman, ii 3; v,
disinherited and flees from
court, v, 291
account of, v, 291
Sásán, name of Dárá's son and
several of his descendants,
ii 3; vi, 200, 211, 224,
255; ix, 105 and note
Sásán, descendants of, help Ard-
shír Pápakán, vi, 224
House of, vi, 251, 270 and
lineage of, ix, 56, 105 and
Sásán, father of Ardshír Pápa-
kán, 160, vi, 3, 193, 198,
200, 201, 240
legend of, vi, 211 seq.
marries daughter of Pápak,
vi, 213
Sásánian, Sásánians, i, 11, 374;
iii, 9; v, 13, 281; vi, 81,
209, 225, 253, 257; vii,
85, 185, 212, 237; viii, 65,
72, 73, 214, 262, 330, 413
note; ix, 4, 5, 46, 47, 50,
54, 65, 72, 73, 76, 77, 83,
dynasty, i, 49, 374; ii, 10;
v, 10, 282; vi, 249 seq.,
253, 257, 321; vii, 1 seq.,
381; viii, 73; ix, 4
Tabarí on the rise of the,
vi, 198
characterised, vi, 249
Zoroastrianism under, vi,
Mas'údí on Church and
State under, vi, 251
duration of, vi, 257
empire, i, 11; vi, 193, 327;
viii, 193
conquered by the Arabs,
ix, 65 seq.
genealogical table of, vi, 3,
Tabarí's history of, vi, 14
fictitious genealogies of, v,
290; vi, 199, 211, 256
view of Sikandar, vi, 15, 224
and note, 240 and note
rivalry with Arsacids, viii,
usage, viii, 190
architecture, viii, 193
race viii, 285, 386, note
Satire, Firdausí's, on Sultán
Mahmúd, i, 40 seq.
Satrapy, satrapies, Núshírwán's
four ix, 69
Saturn, planet, i, 72, 100, 161,
204, 245, 295, 311; ii,
183, 208, 215, 247, 263,
310, 319, 394, 407; iii,
32, 110, 178, 232, 237, 254,
268, 318; iv, 31, 214;
v, 68, 89, 136, 154, 159,
220, 233; vi, 97, 115, 176,
281, 318, 385; vii, 92,
151, 252, 267, 346, 418;
viii, 24, 66, 321, 392, 395;
ix, 73
sphere of, ix, 92
Sav (the S??ovbar of the Pahlaví
texts, now Chashmah-i-
Sabz), a lake among the
hills in the neighbourhood
of Tús and Mashad, 163,
vi, 373, 392
legend of, vi, 372, 391 seq.
Savalán, mountain in Ázarbáiján
v, 14
Sáwa, Túránian hero, 149, iii, 224
slain by Rustam, iii, 224
Sáwa, Íránian hero, v, 154
left in charge of the Brazen
Hold by Asfandiyár, i,
Sáwa, ruler of the Turks, 170;
viii, 74, 94 seq., 100 seq.,
107, 108, 110 seq., 123, 129
132, 133, 135, 137, 139,
164, 169, 174, 216, 219,
222, 224, 240
=Chao-wou, viii, 72
attacks Hurmuzd, viii, 92
letter of, to Hurmuzd, viii,
prophecy about, viii, 98
Hurmuzd sends Kharrád,
son of Barzín, to, viii, 110
hears of Bahrám Chúbína's
army and blames Kharrád
viii, 110
offers of, to Bahrám Chú-
bína, viii, 113 seq., 117 seq.
employs sorcery against the
Íránians, viii, 123
defeated and slain, viii, 126
Sáwa, head of, set on lance, viii,
wealth of, sent to Hurmuzd,
viii, 133
Sawurg, Indian king, 159, vi, 64,
Sayce, Professor, on the Ama-
zons, vi, 71
Scandinavians, vi, 73
found the Russian empire,
vi, 19
Scimitar of Salm, iv, 335 seq.
Scotland, vi, 79
vitrified forts in, vi, 79
Scribe, scribes, office of, highly
esteemed, i, 27 and note;
vii, 311; viii, 50
put to death by Hur-
muzd, viii; 71, 81 seq.
Scriptures, Zoroastrian. See
Scylla, Nisus and, story of, vi,
323 note
Scythia, iv, 316
Scythians (Sacae), their relations
with the Íránians, i, 17
wars of, with Darius Hys-
tapsis, v, 11
Seasons, confusion of the, ix, 77
Sects, Muhammadan, i, 99
parable of, i, 107
Seleucia (Bih Ardshír q.v.), city
on the right bank of the
Tigris, opposite to Ctesi-
phon (Taisafún), ii, 80;
vi, 254, 291 note, 322; viii,
189, 194, 196
Semiramis, legendary queen of
Assyria, historically Sam-
muramat, wife (?) of
Samsi Adad king of Assy-
ria (B.C. 824-804), ii, 10;
vi, 66, 405 note
legend of, v, 292, 293
Humái and, v, 292, 293
Semites, the, i, 9
relations of, with the Írán-
ians, i, 9 seq., ix, 65
Seneca the younger, Nero's tutor
(B.C. 3—A.D. 65), vii, 279
Seoses (Súfarai ?), Persian com-
mander-in-chief, temp.
Kubád, vii, 187
Sergiopolis, viii, 188
Sergius, Saint and Martyr, viii,
patron saint of Khusrau
Parwíz, viii, 188, 195
Roman leader in Tabarí,
viii, 188
Sergius (Sarkash), minstrel, viii,
Serpent, serpents, on Zahhák's
shoulders, i, 139
worship and human sacri-
fice, i, 143
Seven, favourite number in Per-
sian story, vii, 186, 280,
Banquets of Núshírwán. See
Climes. See Climes.
Courses (Haft Khwán) of
Rustam. See Rustam.
Planets. See Planet.
Persian nobles, legend of the
vi, 207
transferred to Ardshír
Pápákán (?), vi, 207
Stages (Haft Khwán) of As-
fandiyár. See Asfandi-
Warriors, Fight of the, 143,
ii, 25, 82, 107 seq.
Founts, jewel, viii, 392
and forty Sháhs, viii, 395
and note
Severus, Roman Emperor (A.D.
146-211), vi, 322
Hatra besieged by, vi, 322
Shabáhang, Farhád's steed, iii,
313; iv, 8
Bízhan's steed, iv, 47
Shabdíz, Bahrám Gúr's steed,
vii, 37, 80
Gív's steed, iii, 257
Luhrásp's steed, iv, 323
taken by Gushtásp, iv,
Mihráb's steed, i, 326
Khusrau Parwíz' steed, viii,
407; ix, 30
Shabrang, Bahrám Gur's steed,
vii, 37, 80
Bízhan's steed, iii, 296, 302,
313; iv, 8, 39, 50, 119,
Shádán son of Barzín, one of
Firdausí's authorities, i,
67, 69; vii, 382, 423
Shaddád, son of 'Ad, legend of,
i, 100
Shádward, treasure, viii, 406 and
Shaghád, son of Zál, 157, v,
Story of Rustam and, 157, v,
260 seq.
provenance of, v, 260
birth of, v, 263
astrologers' evil prognostic
of, v, 264
sent to be brought up at
Kábul, v, 264
marries the daughter of the
king of Kábul, v, 264
king of Kábul and, plot
against Rustam, v, 265
pretended quarrel of, with
the king of Kábul, v, 266
goes to Zábul, v, 267
cause of, taken up by
Rustam, v, 267
persuades Rustam to go
with Zawára and a small
escort to Kábul, v, 268
warns the king of Kábul of
Rustam's coming, v, 269
glories over Rustam, v, 271
outwitted and slain by
Rustam, v, 272
corpse of, burnt, v, 277
Sháh, accession of, ceremony at,
vi, 409
Sháhá, city in Hámávarán, ii, 89
Sháhábád, the modern name for
the ruins of Gund-i-Shá-
púr in Khúzistán, vi, 295
Shahd, river, ii, 108; iii, 11,
116, 118, 123, 152, 173,
230, 241; vi, 391, 392
Shahd, mountain, iii, 237
Sháhnáma (Bastán-náma, Khu-
dai-náma), 139, i, 66; ix,
4 seq., 43, 50, 61, 70
subject-matter of, how pre-
served, i, 56
origin of, i, 65 seq.
put into writing, i, 66
Prose, compilers of, referred
to, viii, 71, 73
probably compiled by Magi,
i, 69
referred to, by Firdausí, i,
108, 109; iv, 141 seq.;
vi, 196
more than one, i, 29, 66, 67,
Dakíkí and. See Dakíhí.
Sháhnáma, Firdausí's, 139, 176,
3, 23 seq.; iii, 7, 9, 11,
14, 271, 286; iv, 7, 8,
136 seq., 316, v.9. seq., 19,
20, 22 seq., 27 seq., 293,
294; vi, 3 and note, 30,
31, 66 seq., 72, 79, 82 seq.,
194 seq., 205 seq., 249 seq.,
253, 256, 270 note, 294,
301, 307, 310, 325, 326;
vii, 5, 156, 184, 185, 215,
217, 317, 381; viii, 3, 41,
42, 71, 72, 74 seq., 187 seq.
191, 192
scene of, i, 3
theme of, i, 8, 47
Baisinghar Khán's edition
of, i, 23
completion of, Firdausí on,
176; ix, 121
date of completion of, i, 24;
ix, 122
length, metre, and language
of, i, 47; iv, 8; ix, 122
anomalies of, i, 48
explained, i, 48
divisions and chief charac-
ters of, i, 49
machinery of, i, 51
leading motives of, i, 53
cosmogony of, i, 71; iv, 136
imagery of, i, 72
editions of, i, 76
translations of, i, 77, 87
Sháhnáma, principles of the
present translation of, i,
77 seq.
certain terms used in, ex-
plained, i, 80 seq.
Firdausí on the compilation
of, i, 108
historic element in mythical
period of, iii, 8 seq.
Greek subject-matter in, vi,
derivation of Sikandar given
in, vi, 19
historic period of, i, 49; vi, 29
Írán and, analogy between,
vi, 193
portion of, corresponding to
Kárnámak, vi, 196
Kárnámak and, compared,
vi, 200 seq., 255 seq.
Wisdom-literature in, vii,
278 seq.
Sháhnáma, of Abú- 'Alí Muham-
mad, i, 69
Shahra, chief, 165, vii, 92
made king of Túrán by
Bahrám Gúr, vii, 92
Shahrám-Pírúz. See Bádán
Shahrán, ix, 102
pleads with Máhwí for Yaz-
dagird, ix, 102
Shahrán Guráz, Íránian warrior,
speech of, viii, 239
Shabránguráz (Hurmuzd Shah-
ránguráz, Guráz q.v.),
175; ix, 50
heads conspiracy against
Guráz; ix, 54
Shahr-Bánú-Iram, sister of Gív
and wife of Rustam, ii, 4,
Shahrbaráz (Guráz q.v.), Íránian
general, viii, 194; ix, 43,
revolt of, viii, 195
sons of, viii, 196
rebellion of, ix, 43, 44
alliance of, with Heraclius,
ix, 44
Shahr-Barz. See Shahrbaráz.
Shahrgír, warrior in Sikandar's
host, vi, 125, 126
takes Kaidáfa's son and
daughter-in-law prisoners,
vi, 125
Shahrgír, captain of the host to
Ardshír Pápakán, vi, 241
Ardshír's instructions to, vi,
goes to Ardshír's help, vi,
244 and note
Shahrguráz (Shahrbaráz q.v.), ix,
Shahrináz, sister of Jamshíd,
wife of Zahhák and Farí-
dún, and mother of Salm
and Túr, i, 90, 142, 164
seq., 177
married to Zahhák, i, 146
sons of, by Farídún, i, 177
Shahrír, Shahrívar, ameshas-
penta, i, 88; iii, 286, 328
month and day, i, 88; v,
310; vii, 76
Shahrwaráz (Shahrbaráz q.v.),
ix, 50
Shahrwí, archimage, vi, 329
minister during Shápúr son
of Urmuzd's minority, vi,
Shahryár, son of Shírín and
Khusrau Parwiz, ix, 39
father of Yazdagird, ix,
Sháhwí, eldest son of Haftwád,
vi, 237
referred to, vi, 206
helps his father against
Ardshír Pápakán, vi, 236
executed, vi, 245
Sháhwí (=Máhwí ?), one of Fir-
dausí's authorities, vii,
382, 394
Shakespeare, quoted, iii, 286;
v, 156 note; vii, 383; viii
Shakn, region, iii, 152, 177, 185,
192, 204, 222, 223, 228,
Shám (Syria), ii, 80, 84; vi, 357;
viii, 170
Shám, king of, taken prisoner by
Rustam, ii, 97
Shamásás, Túránian hero, 142;
i, 346; ii, 12, 18
Khazarwán and, invade Ká-
bulistán, i, 345, 358
parleyed with by Mihráb to
gain time, i, 358
flees from Zál, i, 361
met and defeated by Káran,
i, 361
Shambalíd, daughter of Barzín,
vii, 53
married to Bahrám Gúr, vii,
Shamírán, Túránian hero, iii, 185
comes to aid Pírán, iii, 152
Shamírán, stronghold north of
Harát (?), ix, 91, 94
Shammákh, king of Súr, iv, 57,
Shammás, legendary founder of
Fire-worship, vi, 339 note
Shammás, Núshzád's general,
vii, 219, 272
Shamtá, viii, 195, 196
Shangul, king of Hind, temp.
Kai Khusrau, 149, iii, 161,
172, 185, 198, 205, 210,
217, 251
comes to aid Pírán, iii, 152
volunteers to fight Rustam,
iii, 209, 216
challenges Rustam, iii, 221
worsted, iii, 221
temp. Bahrám Gúr, 165, vi,
325; vii, 109 seq.
border-raids of, vii, 110
gives audience to the Írán-
ian envoy (Bahrám Gúr),
vii, 112
state of, described, vii,
brother of, vii, 113
vaunts his own greatness,
vii, 114
wife of, the daughter of the
Faghfúr, vii, 115
son of, vii, 115
entertains Bahrám Gúr, vii,
Shangul, Bahrám Gúr wrestles
before, vii, 117
plays at polo, vii, 118
Bahrám Gúr displays his
markmanship before, vii,
tries to find out who the
Persian envoy (Bahrám
Gúr) is, vii, 118 seq.
takes counsel with his sages,
vii, 126
offers a daughter and great
advancement to Bahrám
Gúr, vii, 127
marries Sapínúd to Bahrám
Gúr, vii, 128 seq.
goes to a festival, vii,
hears of Bahrám Gúr's flight
vii, 135
reproaches Sapínúd, vii, 135
makes a league with Bahrám
Gúr, 137
bids farewell to Sapínúd, vii,
makes a new treaty with
Bahrám Gúr, vii, 140
entertained with seven other
kings by Bahrám Gúr, vii,
140 seq.
visits his daughter Sapínúd,
vii, 142
farewells Sapínúd, vii, 143
makes Bahrám Gúr his heir,
vii, 143
Bahrám Gúr's parting gifts
to, vii, 144
sends Gipsies to Írán, vii,
Shapígán, treasury of, i, 61, 62
Shápúr, Pishdádian hero, i, 210,
211, 215
slain, i, 352
Shápúr, Kaiánian hero,*
ii, 271,
338, 340; iii, 19, 289, 322,
331; iv, 292
hails Gushtásp as Sháh, iv,
Shápúr, Ashkánian (Parthian)
king, vi, 197, 210
Shápúr, son of Pápak, vi, 199
Shápúr, son of Ardshír Pápakán,
Sháh (Sapor I), 161, i, 42;
vi, 3, 256, 303, 307, 313,
315, 321 seq., viii, 265
compilation of Zandavasta
under, i, 62, 63
stories of, in Kárnámak, vi,
196, 255
Tabarí, vi, 255, 257
crowned in his father's life-
time, vi, 257
secret birth of, vi, 261
origin of name, vi, 262
recognised and acknow-
ledged by Ardshír Pápa-
kán, vi, 264
discovers the daughter of
Mihrak, vi, 268 seq.
summoned and counselled
by Ardshír Pápakán, vi,
286 seq.
confused with Shápúr son
of Urmuzd, vi, 294, 321,
324, 327
Reign of, 161, vi, 294 seq.
Note on, vi, 294
historical inaccuracies of,
vi, 294
wars of, with Rome, vi, 294,
Odenathus and, vi, 294
defeats the Rúmans, vi,
receives tribute from Cæsar,
vi, 298
builds cities, vi, 298
bids Bazánúsh build a bridge
at Shúshtar, vi, 298
summons and counsels Ur-
muzd, vi, 299
Shápúr, son of Urmuzd, Sháh
(Sapor II), 162, 163, i,
374; v, 16 note; vi, 3,
294, 295, 307, 371, 373,
405 (?); vii, 359; viii,
provides for uniformity of
Zoroastrian doctrine, i, 62
Shápúr, son of Urmuzd, Zoroas-
trian canon closed under,
i, 63
referred to, vi, 318
Reign of, 162, vi, 321 seq.
Note on, vi, 321 seq.
bridge of, at Taisafún, vi,
321, 329
residences of, vi, 321, 330
confused with Shápúr, son
of Ardshír, vi, 294, 321,
324, 327
triumphant treaty of, with
the Rúmans, vi, 326, 355
cities of, vi, 327, 357
birth of, vi, 328
crowned as an infant, vi, 328
education of, vi, 329
Málika offers to betray her
father's hold to, vi, 331
opens the gate to, vi, 333
sends Málika to his camp, vi,
treatment of Arab captives
by, vi, 323, 334
receives the title of Zú'l
Aktáf q.v., vi, 335
returns to Párs and receives
tribute, vi, 335
consults the astrologers, vi,
visits Cæsar in disguise, vi,
entertained by Cæsar, vi,
denounced by a Persian resi-
dent at Cæsar's court, vi,
arrested, vi, 337
sewed up in an ass's skin and
imprisoned, vi, 338
pitied by an Íránian slave-
girl, vi, 339
freed from ass's skin by
slave-girl, vi, 340
entertained by a gardener,
vi, 341 seq.
sends the gardener to the
high priest, vi, 344
described by the gardener,
vi, 344
Shápúr, praises the slave-girl, vi,
prepares to attack Cæsar,
vi, 346
sends spies to Taisafún, vi,
sends tidings of his victory
over Cæsar to the prov-
inces, vi, 348
treatment of Cæsar by, vi,
invades Rúm, vi, 350
defeats Yánus, vi, 352
bids Bazánúsh come to him,
vi, 354
dictates terms of peace, vi,
returns to Istakhr, vi, 356
takes Nasíbín, vi, 356
names and honours the
slave-girl, vi, 356
rewards the gardener, vi, 357
keeps Cæsar captive, vi, 357
sends Cæsar's corpse to
Rúm, vi, 357
arranges a disputation be-
tween Mání and the high
priest, vi, 358
Mání executed by, vi, 359
arranges for the succession
with his brother Ardshír,
vi, 360 seq.
dies, vi, 362
Shápúr, son of Shápúr, Sháh
(Sapor III), 163, vi, 3,
251, 360, 371; vii, 171,
Ardshír, son of Urmuzd,
resigns the throne to, vi,
Reign of, 163, vi, 365 seq.
Note on, vi, 365
death of, vi, 366
Tabarí on, vi, 365
Shápúr, son of Yazdagird, king
of Armenia, vi, 373
Shápúr of Rai, Kubád's com-
mander-in-chief, vii, 184,
185; viii, 72
summoned to overthrow
Súfarai, vii, 191
Shápúr of Rai, conference of,
with Kubád, vii, 192
goes to Shíráz and arrests
Súfarai, vii, 193
conveys Súfarai to Sháh
Kubád, vii, 194
Shápúr, Íránian noble, temp.
Núshírwán, vii, 304, 333
Shápúr, Íránian warrior, 172,
viii, 202, 225, 257, 259,
269, 293, 296
deceived by Cæsar's talis-
man, viii, 273
praised by Cæsar, viii,
Bahrám Chúbína writes to,
viii, 285
receives Istakhr and Dáráb-
gird, viii, 313
Shápúr, father of Pírúz, ix,
Shápúr Gird (Gund-i-Shápúr q.v.)
city, vi, 295, 298
Shatt-al-Arab, the combined
streams of the Tigris and
Euphrates, ix, 67
Sháwarán, Íránian hero, 151, ii,
73, 90, 111, 228, 249, 250,
255, 271, 318; iii, 20, 34,
43, 45, 48, 67, 115, 334,
iv, 97, 105, 147, 275
Shawwál, the tenth Muham-
madan month, vi, 208
Sheep's heads, Bahrám Chúbína
and the, viii, 74, 107
omen of, reported to Hur-
muzd, viii, 108
Shem, patriarch, vi, 65
Shepherds, Kai Khusrau brought
up by, ii, 328 seq.
Sher-kappí, viii, 322 note
Shíbán, vi, 397
Shída (Pashang), son of Afrá-
siyáb, 152, i, 92; iii, 262,
350; iv, 10 seq., 15, 135,
156, 158 seq., 206, 222,
287, 290
consulted by his father, iii,
250 seq.
goes on embassy to Púlád-
wand, iii, 255
Shida, refuses to interfere in the
fight between Rustam and
Púládwand, iii, 363
sent by Afrásiyáb to Khá-
razm, iv, 11
defeated by Ashkash, iv,
60, 72
commands the left wing, iv,
surname of, meaning of, iv,
155 note
urges Afrásiyáb to attack
Kai Khusrau, iv, 159
Afrásiyáb's reply to, iv,
wishes to meet Kai Khus-
rau in single combat, iv,
goes on an embassage to
Kai Khusrau, iv, 161
skirmish of, with Íránian
outposts, iv, 164
welcomed by Káran, iv,
mail and steed of, iv, 168
receives KaiKhusrau's reply,
iv, 170
returns to Afrásiyáb, iv, 170
goes to fight Kai Khusrau,
iv, 171
parley of, with Kai Khus-
rau, iv, 172
challenges Kai Khusrau to
a wrestling-bout, iv, 173
urged by his interpreter to
flee from Kai Khusrau, iv,
refuses, iv, 174
wrestles and is overthrown,
iv, 175
Kai Khusrau instructs Ruh-
hám to bury, iv, 176
Shídásp, minister to Tahmúras,
i, 127
Shídasp, son of Gushtásp, 155,
ii, 3; v, 26, 58
death of, foretold by Jámásp
v, 50
given command of one wing,
v, 55
slain, v, 58
Shídúsh, Íránian hero, i, 211; ii,
58, 85, 158, 340; iii, 33,
45, 48, 127, 129, 130, 139,
141, 157, 248, 253; iv,
13, 15, 25, 191
with Káran and Kishwád,
putsues Kurákhán, i, 354
put in command of the
rear, iv, 92
Kai Khusrau remonstrated
with by, and other nobles,
for refusing audience, iv,
Shí'ite, Shí'ites, Muhammadan
sect, i, 13
origin of, i, 13
Firdausí a, i, 24
Shikbán, Íránian warrior, vi,
Shiknán, place, vii, 359
Shingán, region, iii, 228, 238;
iv, 65
Shíráz, city in Párs (Farsistán),
166, i, 236; vi, 198 note,
210; vii, 6, 173, 190, 193,
Shírín, wife of Khusrau Parwíz,
174, 175, viii, 187, 194,
363, 383, 407; ix, 28, 36
enmity of, to Shírwí, viii,
189, 191, 193
account of, viii, 192
Khusrau and, Persian poem,
viii, 192
meaning of, viii, 193
Maryam murdered by, viii,
193, 389
a Christian, viii, 195
warns Khusrau Parwíz
against Gurdya, viii, 364
Khusrau Parwíz and, ix, 7
Story of, 174, viii, 382
married to, viii, 386
gilded chamber given to,
viii, 389
hears Kubád proclaimed
Sháh, viii, 416
informs Khusrau Parwíz,
viii, 416
has charge of Shírwí's horo-
scope, ix, 16
Shírín, has charge of Rája's letter
ix, 17
companions Khusrau Par-
wíz in prison, ix, 29
reproached and summoned
by Shírwí, ix, 36
makes her Will, ix, 36
goes to Court, ix, 37
justifies herself, ix, 38, 40
exonerated, ix, 38, 41
sons of, ix, 39
unveils to the Court, ix, 39
Shírwí enamoured of, ix, 39
makes request of Shírwí, ix,
40, 41
goes home, ix, 40
distributes her wealth, ix, 40
frees her slaves, ix, 41
poisons herself, ix, 42
Shírkhán (Shirván, district and
town west of the Caspian
between the Kur river and
Darband?), i, 169
Shírkhún, a Zabulí, v, 184
guides Bahman to Rustam,
v, 184
Shírú, son of Gushtásp, 155, v, 26
slain, v, 57
Shírúya, son of Bízhan, iv, 360
goes with Zarír to Rúm, iv,
Shírwán (Shirván?) iii 216.
See Shírkhán.
Shírwí, Íránian hero, i, 207, 215
helps to take the Castle of
the Alans, i, 223 seq.
conveys the spoil to Farídún,
i, 230, 232
Shírwí, Núshírwán's commander-
in-chief, vii, 251
appointed to receive the
Rúman tribute, vii, 262
Shírwí (Kubád q.v.), Sháh, 174,
175, viii, 188, 190, 371
seq.; ix, 7, 8, 11, 27, 28,
31 seq., 36, 45, 47, 64
Shírín's enmity to, viii, 189,
191, 193
internment of, viii, 194, 196,
released, viii, 196, 415
Shírwí (Kubád), secret and public
names of, viii, 372, 416
astrologers consulted at
birth of, viii, 372
ill-omened horoscope of, viii,
372; ix, 16
referred to, viii, 373, 390
kept by Shírín, ix, 16
Khusrau Parwíz gives
Cæsar's gifts to, viii, 381
boorishness of, viii, 390
Khusrau Parwíz' displeasure
with, viii, 390
sends to take Khusrau Par-
wíz, viii, 419
Reign of, 175, ix, 3
Note on, ix, 3
Length of, ix, 42
treatment of Khusrau Par-
wíz by, ix, 7
writes to Heraclius, ix, 7
Ashtád and Kharrád report
their interview with Khus-
rau Parwíz to, ix, 27
reproaches and summons
Shírín, ix, 36, 37
falls in love with Shírín, ix,
grants Shírín's requests, ix,
40, 42
poisoned, ix, 42
son of, ix, 42
Shírzád, herald in Núshírwán's
host, vii, 252
Shírzíl, Íránian warrior, viii,
Shíz (Takht-i-Sulaimán), seat of
the Magi in Ázarbáiján, i,
60; viii, 190
Fire-temple at, vii, 5
Khátún sent to, vii, 5
Shoemaker, Bahrám Gúr and
the, 164, vii, 24
Núshírwán and the, 169,
vii, 218, 260
offer of, to advance money
to Núshírwán, viii, 48
rejected, viii, 50, 71
Shu'ba Mughíra, companion of
the Prophet, ix, 69, 83
embassy of, ix, 69, 82
Shu'íb, Arab chief, 158, vi, 21
attacks Dáráb, vi, 21
defeated and slain, vi, 22
Shúlak, Gushtásp's steed
(Dakíkí), v, 73
Asfandiyár's steed (Fir-
dausí), v, 126
Shúráb (Sura), city on the
Euphrates, east of
Antioch, vii, 217
place of Gushtásp's exile,
vii, 254
taken by Núshírwán, vii,
217, 254
Shúrsán, vi, 379
Shús (Sús, Susa), city on the
Karkhah river north west
of Shúshtar in Khúzistán,
vi, 327
Shúshtar, Shústar, city on the
Dujayl (Kárún) river in
Khúzistán, vi, 199, 295
and note, 299; viii, 381
dam and bridge at, vi, 298,
Sicily, vi, 30
Alexander the Great's legen-
dary visit to, vi, 30
Siege-operations, iii, 246; iv, 208
seq.; vii, 254, 257
Signs, the Twelve (Zodiac), vii,
Sigz, man of (Rustam), ii, 100
and note; iii, 183, 209,
218, 221
Sigzian, a native of Sigz, v, 226
and note 228
= Rustam, iii, 209, 225, 227;
v, 241
=Zawára, v, 226, 228
=Farámarz, v, 228
Sikandar (Iskandar, Alexander
the Great, q.v.), Sháh, 158-
160, i, 42, 49; ii, 3, 8 seq.;
v, 30; vi, 11, 13, 16, 18,
29, 30, 33, 193, 210, 240
and note, 325, 353; viii,
52, 214, 217, 242, 262,
381, 387, 392; ix, 26
paternity of, i, 55 and
Sikandar, derivation of, in Ta-
barí, vi, 19
derivation of, in Sháhnáma,
vi, 19, 26
birth of, vi, 18, 26
adopted as his heir by Faila-
kús, vi, 27
counselled by Arastálís, vi,
refuses tribute to Dárá, vi,
prepares for war with Dárá,
vi, 37
invades, and defeats king of,
Misr, vi, 30, 37
Írán, vi, 30, 37 seq.
visit of, to the camp of Dárá,
vi, 38
invited to banquet with
Dárá, vi, 40
takes the golden cups of
Dárá, vi, 40
recognised, vi, 40
escapes, vi, 41
defeats Dárá, vi, 43, 44, 46
issues proclamation to the
Íránians, vi, 44, 47
gives the spoil to his troops,
vi, 44, 47
marches from 'Irák against
Dárá, vi, 46
enters Istakhr, vi, 46
answers Dárá's letter, vi, 50
marches from Istakhr, vi, 51
hears of Dárá's murder, vi,
arrests Dárá's murderers, vi,
finds Dárá still living, vi, 53
promises to avenge Dárá, vi,
promises to carry out Dárá's
last wishes, vi, 54
Dárá bestows Rúshanak
upon, vi, 55, 86
laments for, and buries,
Dárá, vi, 55, 56
executes Dárá's murderers,
vi, 56
hailed as ruler by the Írán-
ians, vi, 56
Sikandar, sends envoys to Ispa-
hán and to the family of
Dárá, and letters to the
provinces, to announce
his accession, vi, 57
crowned Sháh at Istakhr,
vi, 59
Reign of, 158, vi, 60 seq.
Note on, vi, 60 seq.
diagram to illustrate Per-
sian Romance of, vi, 84
inaugural address of, vi, 85
correspondence of, with the
the wife and daughter of
Dárá, vi, 33 86, seq.
marries Rúshanak, vi, 90
invades Hind, vi, 98
Kaid and, vi, 61, 98
approaches Mílád, vi, 61, 98
inquires about the Four
Wonders of Kaid, vi, 100
Four Wonders and other
gifts sent by Kaid to, vi,
marries daughter of Kaid, vi
sage of Kaid and, vi, 62, 104
principle of the cup ex-
plained to, vi, 109
conceals his treasures, vi,
110 and note
advances to Kannúj, vi, 110
troops of, protest, vi, 113
remonstrates with his troops
vi, 113
troops of, ask pardon, vi,
war of, with Fúr (Porus), vi,
67, 110 seq.
hears of Fúr's elephants, vi,
his device to overcome, vi,
challenges Fúr to single
combat, vi, 116
slays Fúr, vi, 117
Fúr's troops submit to, vi,
becomes king of Hind, vi,
Sikandar, bestows Hind on
Sawurg, vi, 118
visit of, to Mecca and the
Kaaba, vi, 64, 67, 119 seq.
ends the rule of the Khuzá'
in Arabia, vi, 120
sets up Nasr instead of the
Khuzá', vi, 120,
goes to Judda, vi, 121
marches to Misr, vi, 121
welcomed by king of, vi,
stays for a year in, vi, 121
Kaidáfa (Candace) and, vi,
vi, 65, 121 seq.
portrait of, obtained by
Kaidáfa, vi, 122
Kaidáfa praised by Kabtún
to, vi, 122
writes to Kaidáfa, vi, 123
Kaidáfa's answer to, vi, 123
assumes the name of Nait-
kún (Antigonus), vi, 66,
125 seq.
pleads (as Naitkún) for
Kaidrúsh and his wife, vi,
goes (as Naitkún) to Kai-
dáfa, vi, 127
graciously received by Kai-
dáfa, vi, 128
audiences of, with Kaidáfa,
vi, 128 seq.
recognised by Kaidáfa, vi,
129 seq.
delivers his message, as
envoy, to Kaidáfa, vi 129,
covenant of, with Kaidáfa,
vi, 132, 138
warned by Kaidáfa against
Tainúsh, vi, 133
insulted by Tainúsh, vi, 134
counsels Kaidáfa about Tai-
núsh, vi, 135
covenant of, with Tainúsh,
vi, 136
Kaidáfa's gifts to, vi, 140
returns with Tainúsh, vi, 141
welcomed by his troops, vi,
Sikandar, reveals himself to Tai-
núsh, vi, 142
entertains at a banquet,
gives gifts to, and dis-
misses, Tainúsh, vi, 143
final message of, to Kaidáfa,
vi, 143
Brahmans hear of the com-
ing of, and write to, vi,
interview of, with the Brah-
mans, vi, 67, 144 seq.
quits the Brahmans, vi, 147
Fish-eaters (Ichthyophagi,
q.v.) and, vi, 69, seq., 147,
adventure of, with a whale,
vi, 71, 147
sees gigantic reeds (bam-
boos), vi, 71, 148
attacked by snakes, scor-
pions, and boars, vi, 148
the people of Habash, vi,
the Narmpái, vi, 150
adventure of, with a dragon,
vi, 71, 151
visits the temple of Diony-
sus, vi, 71, 152, 166
warned of his death, vi, 152,
161, 166
marches toward Harúm, the
City of Women (Amazons
q.v.), vi, 153 seq.
encounters snow and frost,
vi, 156
encounters great heat, vi,
encounters the negroes, vi,
reaches and inspects Harúm,
vi, 157
marches westward and finds
a fair-haired race, vi, 73,
hears of the Gloom, q.v., and
of the Fount of Life, q.v.,
and prepares to visit them
vi, 158
sets forth with Khisr as
guide, vi, 159
Sikandar, Khisr and, part com-
pany, vi, 160
fails to find the Fount of
Life, vi, 160
interview of, with birds, vi,
interview of, with Isráfíl, vi,
78, 161
emerges from the Gloom, vi,
marches eastward, vi, 163
hears of Yájúj and Májúj,
vi, 163
barrier of, 160, i, 16; vi, 78,
164, 249
Speaking Tree visited by, vi,
167 seq. See Tree.
reaches “The World's
End,” vi, 168
receives gifts, vi, 169
expedition of, to Chín, vi,
80, 169 seq.
goes as his own ambassador
to the Faghfúr, vi,
describes himself, vi, 171
Faghfúr's gifts to, vi, 173
departs with Faghfúr's en-
voy, vi, 173
identity of, discovered by
the envoy, vi, 173
dismisses the envoy with
gifts and a message to
Faghfúr, vi, 174
arrives at Chaghwán, vi,
marches to Sind, vi, 175
defeats Bandáwa, chief of
the Sindians, vi, 175
marches to Nímrúz, vi,
receives gifts from the king
of Yaman, vi, 175
meets Gúsh-bistar, vi, 177
carries off the treasures of
Kai Khusrau, vi, 178
policy of, for safeguarding
Rúm after his decease, vi,
81, 178, 197
adopts the advice of Aras-
tálís, vi, 180
Sikandar, arrives at Bábil, vi,
prodigious birth at, vi, 81,
consults the astrologers
on, vi, 180
warned of his end, vi, 180
sickens, vi, 181
Will of, vi, 81, 181
grief of the troops for, vi,
183, 184
dies, vi, 183
dispute as to burial of, vi,
body of, taken to Iskanda-
ríya, vi, 185
sentences of sages over, vi,
82, 83, 185
cities of, vi, 83, 189
Zoroastrian and Sásánian
view of, i, 59 and note, 61
seq.; vi, 15 and note, 224,
240; vii, 79 and note
Silk, account of, vi, 204
introduction of, into the
West, vi, 204
Silk-worm. See Silk.
Silvia, vestal, v, 293
Símáh Barzín, scribe, Hurmuzd
plots against, 170, viii, 85,
Simmas, chief herdsman of
Ninus, v, 292
Símurgh, mythical bird, 156, 157,
i, 51; iii, 158, 313, 330;
v, 117, 132 seq., 166, 246,
248, 255
described, i, 235 and note,
253, 276, 302, 326, v, 132
nest of, on Mount Alburz, i,
241, 244, 250
young of, i, 242, 250, v, 132,
finds and brings up the in-
fant Zál, i, 242
informs Zál of his parentage,
i, 245
gives Zál one of her feathers,
i, 246, 321
their efficacy, i, 246, 320
restores Zál to Sám, i, 247
Símurgh, referred to, i, 251
succours Rúdába, i, 320 seq.
foretells Rustam's future
greatness, i, 321
slain by Asfandiyár, v, 133
summoned to Rustam's aid
by Zál, v, 235 seq.
heals Rustam and Rakhsh,
v, 237
instructs Rustam how to
overcome Asfandiyár, v,
Sind, the river Indus and the
parts adjacent, i, 113; ii,
285; iii, 10 note, 117, 185,
216, 238 iv, 65, 71; v,
75, 180, 203, 277; vi, 113;
vii, 110, 112, 390
king of, iii, 185; vi, 113,
entertained by Bahrám
Gúr, vii, 140 seq.
kings of, send tribute to
Gushtásp, v, 75
chiefs of, vi, 123
warriors of, vi, 132, 137
Sikandar marches to, vi, 175
Sindbad, the sailor, vi, 71
lands on a whale, vi, 71
Sinde, river, iii, 10 and note
Sindian, Sindians, 160, vii, 126
defeated by Sikandar, vi,
Síndukht, wife of Mihráb and
mother of Rúdába, 141, i,
259, 299
Mihráb praises Zál to, i, 260
discovers the loves of Zál
and Rúdába, i, 281
reproaches Rúdába, i, 282
informs Mihráb about Zál
and Rúdába, i, 284
goes with gifts to Sám, i,
300 seq.
well received by Sám, i, 302
invites Sám to visit Kábul,
i, 305
returns to Kábul, i, 306
hears of Zál's success with
Minúchihr, i, 315
felicitates Rúdába, i, 315
Síndukht, Mihráb and, prepare
to welcome Sám and Zál,
i, 315, 317
entertain Sám and Zál, i,
317 seq.
visit Sám in Sístán, i, 319
Sinjibú, first historical Khán of
the Turks, vii, 317
relations of, with Núshír-
wán, vii, 317
Haitálians and, vii, 317
Sipahram, Túránian hero, 151;
ii, 228, 229, 388; iv, 26,
chosen to fight with Hajír,
iv, 97
slain by Hajír, iv, 104
Sipand (Spentó-dáta, q.v., Spen-
dyad, Sapad, White
Castle), mountain north-
west of Nishápúr, 142, i,
377; ii, 118; v, 30, 116,
Malcolm's identification and
description of,*
i, 236
Zál bids Rustam take, i, 329
described, i, 329
taken by Rustam, i, 331
treasures of, i, 331, 332
hold of, destroyed by Zál's
orders, i, 333
Sipandármad, ameshaspenta,
q.v., iii, 287, 328; v, 18
month, i, 89; iv, 252; ix,
70, 122
day, i, 88, 89, viii, 331
Sipanjáb (Farghána?), region, i,
375; ii, 241, 342, 344, 345
358; iii, 151
Sipansár, Íránian warrior, viii, 293
Sistán = Nímrúz = Zábulistán,*
144, 149, 155,; i, 319;
ii, 80, 335, 365; iii, 165,
166, 191, 207, 321, 356;
iv, 14, 278; v, 13, 17, 29,
85, 86, 89, 94, 173, 174,
201, 220, 248, 261, 264,
267; vi, 32, 198; vii, 214
former capital of, i, 4
lake of, i, 4; v, 239 note
Sístán, origin of name, i, 19
invaded by Shamásás and
Khazarwán, i, 358
mourning in, for Rustam, v,
invaded by Bahman, v, 284
Sitír, Persian measure of weight,
iii, 184
Sitúh, Túránian hero, v, 86, 87
goes as a spy to Írán and
reports to Arjásp, v, 86,
Siyah Chasm, slave of Farrukh-
zád, ix, 62
handmaid of Farrukhzád
and, ix, 62
imprisoned, ix, 62
released, ix, 62
poisons Farrukhzád, ix, 63
Siyámak, son of Gaiúmart, 139,
i, 117, 119
slain by the Black Dív, i, 120
lamentations over, i, 120
Siyámak, Túránian hero, 151, iv,
chosen to fight with Guráza,
iv, 97
slain by Guráza, iv, 100
Siyávakhsh. See Siyáwush.
Siyávashána. See Siyáwush.
Siyáwush, son of Kai Káús, and
father of Farúd and Kai
Khusrau, 144-148,; i, 55,
92; ii, 3, 25, 82, 104 note
187 seq., 335, 338 seq., 346
seq., 363, 371, 372, 374
seq., 383, 386, 388, 396,
403, 411; iii, 8, 13, 18, 19,
21, 22, 29, 39, 42, 43, 51,
52, 57, 66, 67, 71, 72, 87,
93, 99, 112, 117, 118, 137,
146, 148, 149, 156, 163,
183, 197, 199, 200, 201, 203
seq., 211, 214, 226, 237,
238, 256, 283, 289, 297,
307, 315, 324, 347; iv, 7,
17, 18, 34, 50, 51, 70 seq.,
89, 90, 95, 96, 102, 109,
120, 127, 129, 130, 137,
152, 159, 162, 167, 168,
172, 201, 202, 204, 205,
214, 215, 221, 223, 231,
235, 249, 250, 252, 257,
267, 270, 271, 283, 285,
289, 299, 305, 307, 310;
v, 174, 176, 192, 208, 272;
viii, 104, 349, 395 note;
ix, 25 and note, 26 note,
mother of, 144, ii, 3
Story of, 144, ii, 188 seq.
Note on, ii, 188 seq.
good example of Fir-
dausí's method, ii, 188
Prelude to, ii, 191
identical with Cambyses,
the father of Cyrus the
Great, in legend, ii, 191
adventure of the mother of,
ii, 193
destined to misfortune from
birth, ii, 196
brought up by Rustam, ii,
horoscope of, ii, 196, 205,
returns to court, ii, 197
made ruler of Kuhistán, ii,
mourns for his mother's
death, ii, 199
temptation of, by Súdába,
ii, 200 seq.
marches against Afrásiyáb,
ii, 225 seq.
demands hostages of Afrá-
siyáb, ii, 239 seq.
goes over to Afrásiyáb, ii,
258 seq.
plays at polo with Afrásiyáb
ii, 264
archery of, ii, 266, 293
marriage of, with Jaríra, ii,
268 seq.
marriage of, with Farangís,
ii, 270 seq.
entertained by Pírán, ii, 278
builds cities, ii, 278 seq.
consults the astrologers, ii,
Siyáwush, foretells the future to
Pírán, ii, 282 seq.
entertains Pírán, ii, 287
entertains Garsíwaz, ii, 290
plays at polo with Garsíwaz,
ii, 292
challenged by Garsíwaz, ii,
overthrows Gurwí and Dá-
múr, ii, 295
slandered by Garsíwaz to
Afrásiyáb, ii, 296 seq.
summoned to court by
Afrásiyáb, ii, 300 seq.
betrayed by Garsíwaz, ii,
301 seq.
excuses himself from going
to court, ii, 306
passion of, ii, 307 seq.
foretells the future to Faran-
gís, ii, 310 seq.
charges and turns loose
Bihzád, ii, 312
attacked and taken by
Afrásiyáb, ii, 314
execution of, ii, 320
referred to, iv, 268
Blood of (plant), ii, 321
birth-mark of, iii, 49
mail of, iii, 58, 60, 61, 69, 81,
iv, 40 seq., 51
murderer of=Afrásiyáb, iv,
garth of=Siyáwushgird, iv,
goods of, viii, 148, 151
Siyáwush, Íránian chief, 172;
viii, 128, 163, 187, 233
son of=Bahrám, viii, 247
Siyáwush, wild duck, ii, 104
Siyáwushgird, city built by Siyá-
wush, 145, 146, 153; ii,
301, 314, 373; iv, 250,
building and description of,
ii, 285 seq.
becomes the home of Kai
Khusrau, ii, 333
referred to, iv, 238
Skirts, binding together of, in
battle, iv, 85 and note, 177
and note, 209
Slavs, viii, 194
Smerdis, the false, v, 11; vi, 207
Snakes=Arabs, ix, 91
Snowstorm, iii, 108
Íránian host distressed by,
iii, 71, 128; v, 137; vi, 156
paladins of Kai Khusrau
lost in, iv, 308 seq.
Sohrab and Rustam, Matthew
Arnold's, ii, 118
Sol, planet, viii, 395
Soma. See Homa.
Son of Firdausí, death of, viii,
Song, of a dív, ii, 31
of Rustam, ii, 51
of Asfandiyár, v, 129
of the daughter of Barzín,
vii, 52
of the daughter of Máhiyár,
vii, 60, 61, 66
Sophia, Empress, her treatment
of Narses, viii, 76
Sorcerer, a Jewish, brings about
the death of Núshírwán's
minister, Mahbúd, vii, 320
Sorceress, Rustam and a, 143, ii,
50 seq.
Súdába and a, 144, ii, 214
Asfandiyár and a, 156, v, 128
Sóshyans, the Zoroastrian Mes-
siah, i, 131
Souterrain, ii, 137 iv, 212
Spain (Andalús), vi, 66
Spand-dát (Spento-dáta, Asfan-
diyár), v, 24 seq.
Span-dát-náma (Asfandiyár—
náma), v, 26, 27
Speaking Tree, the, 160. See
Speech, modes of, viii, 30
Spendyád, mountain. See
Spentó-dáta (Spand-dát, As-
fandiyár q.v.), v, 12
Spentó-dáta (Spendyad, Sapad,
Sipand q.v.), mountain
north-west of Nishápúr,
ii, 118; v, 30, 116, 117
Sphinés. See Calanus.
Spica, star, i, 245, 271; viii, 379
Spitama, clan name of Zarduhsht
(Zoroaster), i, 236; iv, 15
Spityura, brother of Yima (Jam-
shíd), i, 130
Spring, a, 143
of Sav, q.v., 163
Sróvbar, mythical serpent, i, 172
Stages, the Seven, 156. See As-
Stateira. See Barsine.
Steed, piece in chess. See Horse.
Steeds, iron, Sikandar's, 159, vi,
filled with naphtha, vi, 115
Fúr's elephants and troops
routed by, vi, 116
Stone, the Black. See Black.
Strabo, Greek geographer (born
c. 63 B.C.), vi, 68, 81
Strength, handgrip as test of.
See Handgrip.
Subuktigín, father of Sultán
Mahmúd, account of, i, 20
title of, i, 21
referred to by, i, 100, 114
Súdába, daughter of the king of
Hámávarán and wife of
Kai Káús, 143-146, ii, 3,
79, 188, 189, 200, seq. 225,
249, 257, 335, 339
description of, ii, 86
marries Kai Káús, ii, 88
imprisoned with Kai Káús
by her father, ii, 91
released by Rustam, ii, 97
temptation of Siyáwush by,
ii, 200 seq.
slain by Rustam, ii, 340
referred to, v, 174
Súfarai (Sarkhán, Sukhrá,
Seoses?), 166, vii, 170
and note, 171, 173 seq.;
viii, 72, 75, 168, 285
appointed minister to the
regent Balásh, vii, 164
Súfarai, glorification of, in
Íránian tradition, vii, 170
account of, vii, 173, 184,
resolves to avenge Pírúz,
vii, 173
writes to Balásh, vii, 173
marches on Marv, vii, 174
correspondence of, with
Khúshnawáz, vii, 174
defeats Khúshnawáz, vii,
gives the spoil to the troops,
vii, 177
Khúshnawáz sues for peace
to, vii, 178
consults his troops, vii,
resolves to make peace, vii,
replies to Khúshnawáz, vii,
returns to Írán in triumph,
vii, 180
welcomed by Balásh and
the chiefs, vii, 181
greatness of, vii, 181, 190
dethrones Balásh and makes
Kubád Sháh, vii, 182
proverb concerning, vii, 185
identical with Rizmihr, vii,
fall of, vii, 190 seq.
Kubád's letter to, vii, 193
arrest of, vii, 193
property of, confiscated, vii,
conveyed to Sháh Kubád,
vii, 194
executed, vii, 195
son of, (Rizmihr), vii, 196
Súfís, vi, 59 and note
Sughd (Sughdiana, Samarkand),
district and city in Turk-
istán between the Oxus
and Jaxartes, i, 19; ii,
230, 232, 237, 241, 249,
358; iii, 244; iv, 65, 188,
189, 255; vii, 331, 337,
358, 359
Sughdiana, vi, 72. See Sughd.
Suhráb, son of Rustam and
Tahmína daughter of the
king of Samangán, 144,
ii, 4, 25; iv, 296; v, 204;
vi, 325
Story of, 144, ii, 118 seq.
Note on, ii, 118
purely episodic, ii, 118
Sir John Malcolm's ver-
sion of, ii, 118
Matthew Arnold's version
of, ii, 118
Prelude to, ii, 119
lament of, for the loss of
Gurdáfríd, ii, 119, note
questions his mother as to
his father, ii, 126
charger of, sired by Rakhsh,
ii, 128
Afrásiyáb's plot against, ii,
gifts to, ii, 130
invades Írán, ii, 130
takes Hajír prisoner, ii, 131
beguiled by Gurdáfríd, ii, 133
described by Gazhdaham,
ii, 136
sees from White Castle the
Íránian host advancing,
ii, 148
seen while feasting by Rus-
tam, ii, 150
hears of the death of Zhanda
Razm, ii, 151
misled by Hajír, ii, 152 seq.
overthrows the camp-en
closure of Káús, ii, 160
challenged by Rustam, ii,
Rustam described by, ii,
154, 169
advances of, to Rustam,
ii, 169
spares Rustam's life, ii, 170
again encounters Rustam, ii,
makes himself known to
Rustam, ii, 173
last requests of, to Rustam,
ii, 175
mourning for, ii, 182 seq.
Súkhrá. See Súfarai.
Súkhta, treasure, viii, 406 and
Sultán. See Mahmúd.
Sumai, viii, 195
Sun, on the Nature of the, 139,
i, 105
one of the seven planets, i,
in astrology, i, 188, 310
and note
total eclipse of, vii, 159
Sunday, viii, 378, 380
Sunnites, orthodox Muhamma-
dans, i, 13
origin of, i, 13
Súr, city near Ispahán, 176, iv,
146, 180; ix, 74, 89, 95,
97, 100, 116, 118
Sura. See Shúráb.
Surkha, son of Afrásiyáb, 146,
i, 92; ii, 344 seq.
taken prisoner by Fará-
marz, ii, 345
death of, ii, 347
Súrsán (Zíb-i-Khusrau, Rúmiya
q.v.) city built by Núshír-
wán, 168, vii, 317, 327,
Surúsh, angel, the messenger of
Urmuzd, 153, 172, i, 51,
175, 182; ii, 288, 289,
364, 408; iii, 277; iv,
139, 203, 265, 285, 307;
v, 170, 253; vi, 199
note, 372; vii, 38; viii,
warns Gaiúmart against the
Black Dív, i, 119
bids Gaiúmart avenge Siyá-
mak, i, 120
visits and instructs Farídún,
i, 159
counsels Farídún about Zah-
hák, i, 169
appears to Gúdarz in a
dream, ii, 363
referred to, iv, 273
informs Kai Khusrau that
his prayer is granted, iv,
Surúsh, angel, bids Kai Khusrau
appoint Luhrásp as his
successor, iv, 281
may be assumed to have
accompanied Kai Khus-
rau on his pilgrimage, iv,
139, 303, 308
saves Khusrau Parwíz from
Bahrám Chúbína, viii,
189, 299
Surúsh, day, i, 88; vi, 411
Surúsh, astrologer, vi, 372
takes Bahrám Gúr's horo-
scope, vi, 376
Súsanak, a miller's daughter,
vii, 32 and note
taken to wife by Bahrám
Gúr, vii, 33
Susiana (Khúzistán q.v.), vi, 295,
321; vii, 184
Sviatoi, island lying off western
shore of the Caspian, i, 58
Swat, river in Northern India,
vi, 65
Swyamvara, Indian form of
marriage, iv, 316
Syávarshána (Siyáwush q.v.),
ii, 189; iv, 137
Syria (Shám), country, ii, 80;
vi, 30; viii, 193
raided by Persians, viii, 41
Syriac, version of the Pseudo-
Callisthenes, vi, 14, 16, 18,
30, 31 seq., 61, 63, 65, 66,
68, 71, 72, 74, 78 seq.
Christian Legend of Alex-
ander, vi, 14, 15, 74, 78, 84
quoted, vi, 15
metrical version of, vi
15, 78, 84
Syrian, ix, 66