He was an old poet of the Greeks, as highly esteemed among them as Amrulqais among the Arabs. From his time till the mission of the Lord Mûsa, a period of five hundred and sixty years elapsed. He composed many wise sayings and poems, and his style was imitated by all subsequent Yonâni poets. The following are some of his sayings: ‘He is a wise man who restrains his tongue from defamation.’ Being asked when he will cease to praise a certain man, he replied: ‘When he ceases to be virtuous and benevolent.’ When told that many falsehoods were embodied in one of his poems, he replied: ‘Poetry confines itself to fine and modulated expressions, and prophecy to truth.’ To a beautiful boy who had no intellect, he said: ‘This house is in good condition, but untenanted.’ ‘The courage inspired by wine must be ascribed to that beverage, and not to the man who displays it.’ He also said: ‘Distinguished persons consider intellect to be [like?] the prophet of God, and whoever has no intellect is to be considered as remaining ignoble for ever and ever.’ ‘Falsehood is licit only in cases of necessity, like a medicine in cases of sickness.’