He greatly resembled his father Ebrahim, u. w. b., etc., was faithful, always keeping his promises, and very patient. He was an arrow-maker and good archer. It is related that one day the prophet of God—u. w. b., etc.—fell in with a company of the Beni Aslam who were at that time engaged in shooting arrows; on that occasion his lordship said: ‘Shoot, ye sons of Esma’il; for your father Esma’il was a good archer.’ He was also very fond of hunting. He is surnamed ‘the father of the Arabs,’ and his title is Aghrâq utthara, concerning the explanation whereof the author of these pages is dumb, for want of a knowledge of its meaning.
He worked numerous miracles, one of which was that a sheep, having had dry nipples for many years, was brought to his lordship, who rubbed his hand with a benediction upon them, whereon the milk began to flow abundantly. Another miracle was that on a certain occasion a guest came to his house, but there was no food, and he put a little of Zemzem water into a vessel, covered its top, and prayed over it, whereon several kinds of food issued from the said vessel, whereby the faith in his prophetship was increased.
His life lasted according to some traditions one hundred and thirty years, but according to the most current one he lived one hundred and thirty-seven years, during ninety of which he was contemporaneous with his father. The duration of his mission amounted to about forty-seven, and according to others to fifty, years. His mission began, according to the most correct tradition, before the decease of Ebrahim; this, however, is contrary to the words of Tabari; but Allah is most wise! His blessed sepulchre is in the Hijar,* near the tomb of Hâjar; but some say that it is between the Rakan [buttress] and the Mukâm [Place of Abraham].