Kabīr Bārha, rioter, executed, 284
Kairāna pargana, 112, 193
Kākāpūr bhang, 171
Kalānaur visited, 114, 115
Kalyān, Raja of Ratanpūr, 93
Kalyān, blacksmith, tragic fate of, 211
Kāngra, 25, 114, 167; taking of, 183; J. visits, 223
Kānkrīya tank, 22, 23, 33
Kāpūr tank. 68
Karohi, ring hunt at, 120
Kashmīr, account of, 130 et seq.; praise of, 143; gifts to poor of, 234
Kashmīris dirty habits, 148; merchants and artificers Sunnīs, soldiers Shias, 149
Khalīl Mīrza, painting by, 116
Khalīlu llah s. ‘Aẓdu d-daula, 83
Khān ‘Ālam, ambassador to Persia, 10, 24, 115, 211, 219
Khān A‘am, or ‘Azīz Koka, captures
Muẓaffar Gujarātī, 19,
250, 256; guardian of Dāwar-
Khān Daurān, real name Shāh Beg, arrives from Kabul, 61; appointed Sind, 81; his petition, 97; his sons, 97; death, 172
Khān Jahān Lodī entertains J., 80; gov. Agra, 81; anecdote by, 163; renounces wine, 165; village given to, 172; gov. Multan, 191, 233, 234; illness, 259; comes from Multan, 281, 285, 295
Khanjar K., gov. Ahmadnagar, 9, 112
Khān - khānān ‘Abdu - r - Raḥīm (which see), ode by, 15, 21, 57; appointed Deccan, 60, 155; misconduct of, 250, 253, 273, 274, 277, 278, 279
Khidmat K., 83
Khiẓr K. of Khandesh, 83, 196, 198, 211
Khūshāb given Khān Daurān, 97
Khusrau released, 107; death of, 228
Khwāja Ḥasan Khāldār, 91
Khwāja Jahān, real name Dost Muh, 28; in charge Agra, 67; presents gifts, 76; promoted, 81; arranges ring hunt, 83; promoted, 95; death and character, 121, 122
Khwāja Beg Ṣafawī, s. Ma‘sūm Beg, death of, 9
Kifayat K., Diwan Gujarat, 37, 40
King and Gardener's d. story, 50
Kishan Dās Raja, 111, 123, 287
Kishtwār, 135-138; Raja of, 139-
Koel, The, 7
Kokhra, diamond mine, 22
Kos, correct length of, 141 and note
Kūh-i-Madār, 225
Kunhar, brother of Sundar, 261
Kunwar Singh Raja of Kishtwār. released from Gwalior, 238 (probably he is the Raja mentioned at pp. 139-140)
Kuwārmat Kotal, 133