RACES, duplicate in West and
East, vi, 68
fair-haired, vi, 73
Rád, ruler of Zábulistán, vii, 86
Ráda, Mount, ix, 91, 94
Rádwí, archimage
pleads with Máhwí for Yaz-
dagird, ix, 102
Rai, city and district near Tih-
rán, 174, i, 363, 366 seq.;
ii, 23, 399; iii, 242; iv,
147, 255, 256; v, 14, 18;
vi, 32, 202, 219, 229; vii,
84, 160, 184; viii, 72,
155, 166, 171, 173, 174,
189, 214, 216, 240; ix,
68, 69, 89, 95, 96
seat of the Magi, i, 60
Khár of. See Khár. i, 368,
374, 381
Ardawán's capital, vi, 201
Shápúr of, vii, 184, 185, 191,
seat of Arsacid power, viii,
Bahrám Chúbína goes to,
viii, 306
Khusrau Parwíz oppresses,
viii, 365
misery of, viii, 367
Gurdya delivers, viii, 368
Rái. See Rája.
Raibad, town, about twenty
miles west of Nishápúr,
and district east of the
Jagatai range, in Khurá-
iv, 17, 22, 23, 47,
55, 76, 88, 112, 134
occupied by Gúdarz, iv,
arrival of Kai Khusrau at,
iv, 111, 126
Rája (Rái) of Hind, temp. Luh-
rásp, iv, 321; ix, 17
temp. Núshírwán, 169, vii, 140
and note, 143, 424
proposes wager to Núshír-
wán, vii, 5, 385, 387
receives game of nard from
Núshírwán, vii, 5, 381,
389 seq.
fails to discover how to play
the game, vii, 392
pays forfeit to Núshírwán,
vii, 393
receives Núshírwán's gifts
from Barzwí, vii, 425
Rája, assists Barzwí in his mis-
sion to Hind, vii, 428
letter of, ix, 17
put in charge of Shírín,
ix, 17
Rakhsh, Rustam's steed, 142, i,
386; ii, 13, 42 seq., 67, 74,
94, 97, 110, 116, 139, 143,
311 354; iii, 146, 177,
186, 189, 194, 195, 223,
224, 226, 227, 229, 259,
264, 275, 276, 278, 279,
313, 324, 326, 335, 342,
344, 346 seq., 350, 352;
iv, 295; v, 117, 184, 192,
198, 207, 208, 214, 219,
228 seq., 234 seq., 266, 275
caught by Rustam, i, 378
described, i, 379, 380
care taken of, i, 380
slays a lion, ii, 45
encounters a dragon, ii, 48
stolen by Turkmans, ii, 121
sire of Shuráb's charger, ii,
saddled by Gív, Ruhhám,
and Tús for the fight with
Suhráb, ii, 160
referred to, iii, 184, 228,
253; v, 199
wounded by Asfandiyár, v,
returns home without Rus-
tam, v, 229
Rustam's thought of aban-
doning, v, 235
healed by the Símurgh, v,
tries to save Rustam, v,
falls into the pit, v, 270
body of, taken from pit by
Farámarz, v, 275
tomb of, v, 276
lord of=Rustam, v, 306
Rakhshasas, vi, 13
Rakka (Callinicus, Kálíniyús q.v.,
Nicephorium, Warígh),
city, viii, 188
Ram, personification of the
Divine Grace, i, 374. See
Rustam's life saved by a, ii,
constellation, ii, 299; v, 129
Rám, Fire-temple, vi, 202, 226
Rám, Íránian warrior, viii, 291
Rám Ardshír, city, vi, 202, 290
and note
Rám Barzín, high priest and
general, 167, vii, 275
Kubád's testament kept by,
vii, 210
Núshírwán's instructions to,
concerning Núshzád, vii,
267 seq.
goes to fight with Núsh-
zád, vii, 272
hears of Núshzád's last
wishes, vii, 276
Rám Barzín, Persian official,
viii, 313
Rámbihisht, wife of Sásán, vi,
Rám Hurmuz, city in Khúzistán,
east of Ahwáz, vi, 199
plain of, vi, 199
Rámishn - i - Ardshír, district,
vi, 202
Rám Kubád (Aragán), city, vii,
Rám Pírúz. See Pírúz Rám.
Rangwí, Íránian warrior, viii,
Rasafa, viii, 188
Rashnawád, captain of the host
to Humái, 158
assembles troops, v, 301
Dáráb enlists under, v,
host of, reviewed by Húmái,
v, 302
marches on Rúm, v, 302
and the adventure of the
ruined vault, v, 303
gives presents to Dáráb, v,
questions Dáráb, v, 304
sends for the launderer and
his wife, v, 304
Rashnawád, Dáráb and, defeat
the Rúmans, v, 305, 306
praises Dáráb, v, 305, 306
offers Dáráb the spoil, v, 306
grants peace to Caesar, v,
returns to Írán, v, 307
hears from the launderer and
his wife about the case of
Dáráb, v, 308
writes to Humái about the
case of Dáráb, v, 308
appears with Dáráb before
Humái, v, 309 seq.
Rás-Shápúr (Gund-i-Shápúr,
q.v.), city, vi, 255, 256
Ratl, weight, vi, 156 and note
Raven, Raven-head, ix, 91 and
note, 95 note, 96
Ravi (Hydraotes), river in the
Punjáb, vi, 64
Rawalpindi, town and district in
the Punjáb, vi, 62
Rawlinson, Sir Henry, his ac-
count of Gotarzes' inscrip-
tion at Bihistún, iii, 9
Rawlinson, Professor, vi, 253
Red Sea, ii, 364
Reeds (bamboos), vi, 71
gigantic, seen by Sikandar,
vi, 148
used in house-building, vi,
71, 148
Religion, War of the, v, 19, 26
two campaigns of, v, 29
Remus, See Romulus.
Reseph, viii, 188
Responses, of Núshírwán, viii, 14
seq., 28 seq.
Revellers, Rosary of, ix, 38, 40
Rhyme-words, i, 74; ii, 228
note; v, 261; vi, 372;
vii, 88 and note, 89 and
note, 174 and note, 245 and
note, 263 and note
Firdausí and, viii, 397 note
Ridge of Gushtásp, v, 29
Rív-Ardshír, city east of the
Jaráhí river near the head
of the Persian Gulf, vi, 202
referred to, vi, 224
Rívníz, son-in-law of Tús, 147,
iii, 14, 25, 45, 57, 60, 71
prepares to attack Farúd,
iii, 51
referred to, iii, 55
burial of, iii, 68
Rívníz, son of Kai Káús, ii, 3;
iii, 14, 96, 113, 114, 232
slain, iii, 93
battle for crown of, iii, 94
Rívníz, son of Zarasp, iv, 360
Zarír and, go to Rúm, iv, 360
hails Gushtásp as Sháh, iv,
Rízmihr (Zarmihr), son of Súfa-
rai, 166, vii, 207; viii, 169
identical with Súfarai, vii,
Kubád and, go to the Hai-
tálians, vii, 186
fate of, vii, 186
loyalty of, to Kubád, vii, 196
helps Kubád to escape from
prison, vii, 197
negotiates a marriage for
Kubád, vii, 197
made chief minister, vii, 200
Rizwán, angel, ii, 39 and note,
Roc, mythical bird, i, 51, 235
Roman, Romans, i, 10; iii, 286;
vi, 254, 318, 325, 326; vii,
214; viii, 188, 189, 195;
ix, 50, 66
relations of, with the Írán-
ians, i, 14
empire, Eastern, i, 373; vi,
war of, with Persian, viii,
41, 193
Alexander's legendary visit
to, vi, 30
emperors, vi, 321, 371, 372
neglect the defences of the
Caucasus, vii, 187
so-called tribute of, to
Persia, vii, 187
treatment of Munzir by, vii,
leads to war with Núshír-
wán, vii, 217
Romans, defeat Bahrám Chúbína,
viii, 76
Romance of Alexander the Great
q.v.), vi, 11 seq., 88
incorporation of, in Sháh-
náma, vi, 16
vogue of, vi, 17
sources of marvels in, vi, 12,
diagram to illustrate, vi, 84
Rome, vi, 194, 197, 203, 301,
Shápúr son of Ardshír's wars
with, vi, 294, 297
Bahrám Gúr's war with, vi,
Romulus and Remus, foundling
legend of, v, 293
Rook, piece in chess. See Rukh.
Rosary of Revellers, ix, 38, 40
Roxana (Rúshanak, q.v.), vi, 33
Alexander and, vi, 30
account of, vi, 32
Rúdába, daughter of Mihráb
king of Kábul, wife of Zál,
and mother of Rustam,
141, 157, i, 145, 299: ii,
44, 180; v, 182, 184, 190
Story of Zál and, i, 256 seq.
referred to, iii, 285
Zál hears of, i, 257
description of, i, 257, 259,
264, 266, 272
hears of Zál, i, 260
falls in love with Zál, i, 260
handmaids of, go in quest of
Zál, i, 263
interview Zál, i, 266
invite Zál to visit Rúdába,
i, 267
reproached by the porter,
i, 267
describe Zál, i, 268
prepares to receive Zál, i,
entertains, and plights her
troth to, Zál, i, 272
Zál consults the archimages
on the matter of, i, 273
Rúdába, go-between of, with
Zál, i, 280
Zál sends Sám's letter to, i,
rewards her go-between, i,
go between of, discovered by
Síndukht, i, 281
reproached by her parents, i,
282, 287
congratulated by Síndukht,
i, 315
seen and admired by Sám, i,
married to Zál, i, 318
Zál and, go to Sístán, i, 319
grievous travail of, i, 320
saved by the Símurgh, i, 321
Caesarean operation per-
formed upon, i, 322
gives birth to Rustam, i,
fasts in sorrow for Rustam,
v, 278
frenzy of, v, 278
regains her wits, v, 279
referred to, v, 190, 289
lamentation of, v, 289
Rúdagí, Persian poet, versifies
the Fables of Bidpai, vii,
383, 431
Rúdbár, district, v, 30
Rúdyáb, father of Pápak (in
Sháhnáma), vi, 200, 212
Rue, wild, as a prophylactic, i,
Ruhhám, son of Gúdarz, Íránian
hero, ii, 4, 62, 73, 144, 158,
340; iii, 19, 33, 48, 67,
115, 126 seq., 139 seq., 154,
157, 182, 187, 211, 248,
259, 264, 268, 273, 322,
350, 352; iv, 13, 15, 21,
31, 37, 147; vii 156
helps to saddle Rakhsh for
the fight with Suhráb, ii,
mortally wounds Farúd, iii,
embassy of, to Pírán, iii, 87
attacks Bázúr, iii, 128
Ruhhám, worsted by Ashkabús,
iii, 179
goes to the help of Rustam,
iii, 227
worsted by Púládwand, iii,
goes with Rustam to rescue
Bízhan, iii, 334
commands the left wing, iv,
superseded pro tem, by
Farhád, iv, 92
chosen to fight with Bármán
iv, 97
slays Bármán, iv, 102
sent by Gúdarz to fetch
Pírán's corpse, iv, 110
acts as Kai Khusrau's stan-
dard-bearer in his combat
with Shída, iv, 171
protests against Kai Khus-
rau's fighting on foot with
Shída, iv, 174
holds Kai Khusrau's steed,
iv, 175
instructed by Kai Khusrau
to bury Shída, iv, 176
Kai Khusrau remonstrated
with by, and other nobles
for refusing audience, iv,
Ruhhám, king of Rai, temp.
Bahrám Gúr, vii, 85
Ruhhám, Íránian warrior, vii,
helps Pírúz to gain the
throne, vii, 156, 186;
viii, 73
Rúín, son of Pírán, 151, i, 92;
iii, 207, 234; iv, 10, 71,
90, 102, 152, 153, 162
summons Pírán to save
Farangís, ii, 323 and note
sent by Pírán to attack
Bahrám, iii, 98
wounded by Bahrám, iii,
put in command of ambush,
iv, 26
bears letter from Pírán to
Gúdarz, iv, 67
Rúín, entertained by Gúdarz, iv,
returns to Pírán with Gú-
darz' reply, iv, 74
goes to help Pírán against
Gív and is defeated, iv, 84
chosen to fight with Bízhan,
iv, 97
slain by Bízhan, iv, 103
Rúína, place, ix, 91
Rukh, piece in chess (castle), vii,
385, 423
position of, iv, 8,; vii, 388,
move of, iv, 8; vii, 422
Rukhs, Battle of the Twelve, 151;
iv, 7 seq.
meaning of, iv, 7
Battle of the Eleven, 151,
iv, 88
arranged by Gúdarz and
Pírán, iv, 95 seq.
Firdausí's reflections on,
iv, 7, 98, 106
referred to, v, 29; vii, 156
Rúm, the Eastern Roman Em-
pire, 154, 158, 162, 167,
172, 173, i, 15, 229; ii,
143, 297, 307, 360; iii,
106, 151, 164, 296; iv, 14,
133, 148, 196, 197, 208,
272, 312, 314, 316, 317,
323 seq., 330, 331, 333 seq.,
339, 341 seq., 345, 348, 349
352, 353, 355, 356, 359,
361, 364,; v, 75, 76, 102,
180, 188, 262, 301, 305;
vi, 40, 41, 45, 51, 53, 81,
94, 104, 113 seq., and
king of=Mahmúd, i, 113
=Sikandar, vi, 172
West and, Salm's portion, i,
brocade of, i, 157, 183, 210,
252, 263, 316 and passim;
iii, 26, 235, 291, 297, 355;
iv, 128, 271, 364; v, 295;
vi, 56, 89; vii, 64, 67, 276,
384; viii, 157, 173, 278,
337, 367, 374; ix, 99, 101
Rúm, helm of, iii, 114
sea of, iii, 177
city in, founded by Salm, iv,
ravaged by Rashnawád and
Dáráb, v, 307
ambassadors from, come to
Dáráb, vi, 21
Dáráb wars with, vi, 22
prince of, vi, 22
chiefs of, vi, 23, 153
withdraw on Dáráb's ap-
proach, vi, 23
tribute of, to Írán, vi, 24
explained, vii, 187
ambassadors from, come to
Dárá, vi, 35
reed (pen) of, vi, 85
stuffs of, vi, 143
philosophers of, vi, 115,
154; viii, 279, 382
cavaliers of, vi, 167
Sháh of=Sikandar, vi, 170
Sikandar's policy to safe-
guard, vi, 178
Arastálís' advice to Sikan-
dar concerning, vi, 179
invaded by Shápúr, vi, 350
slave-girls of, chosen by
Bahrám Gúi, vi, 382
Bahrám Gúr's war with, vii,
4, 5, 84
Núshírwán's wars with, vii,
robes of, viii, 308
captured cities of, restored
to, viii, 312
monks of, slain by Máhwi,
ix, 113
Rúman, Rúmans, 154, 158, 162,
167, 172, 173, iii, 309; iv,
357, 360, 363; v, 173, 205
292; vi, 44, 45, 101 seq.,
113, 114, 127, 142, 148,
168, 170, 179 seq., and
slaves, i, 252; vi, 382; vii,
54, 259
invade Írán, v, 301
defeated by Rashnawád and
Dáráb, v, 305 seq.
Rúman, Rúmans, king of=Philip
of Macedon, vi, 19
carry out works in Írán, vi,
=Sikandar, vi, 50, 52,
Íránians ask quarter of, vi,
tongue, vi, 160; vii, 256,
dispute with the Persians as
to Sikandar's burial, vi,
sages, vi, 185
their sentences over the
coffin of Sikandar, vi,
1, 85, seq.
silk, vi, 280,; vii, 424
defeated by Shápúr, son of
Ardshír, vi, 297
engineers build bridge at
Shúshtar, vi, 299
astrologic tablets, vi, 376
eunuchs, vii, 67,; viii,
pen, vii, 73
helmet, vii, 89, 272, 274
bishop, vii, 275, 276
envoy, viii, 8 seq.
surrender to Núshírwán, viii,
entrench themselves, viii,
sue for peace and pay tribute
viii, 51 seq.
architect, viii, 193, 401
marches, viii, 252
robes, viii, 253
helms, viii, 105, 276, 417
worsted by Bahrám Chú-
bína, viii, 292
artificers imprisoned by
Khusrau Parwíz, viii, 402
released by Khusrau Par-
wíz, viii, 403
Rúmiya (New Antioch, Súrsán
q.v.), a suburb of Ctesiphon
(Taisafún) on the east bank
of the Tigris, vii, 218
Rús (Russia), vi, 19; viii, 406
king of, vi, 22
Rúshanak (Roxana, q.v.), daugh-
ter of Dárá (in Sháhnáma)
and wife of Sikandar, 158,
159, ii, 3; vi, 86 seq., 188
account of, vi, 32
derivation of, vi, 33
bestowed by Dárá on Sikan-
dar, vi, 55
son of, vi, 81, 181
visited by Náhíd, vi, 89
married to Sikandar, vi, 90
reference in Sikandar's Will,
to, vi, 181
Rúshan Pírúz, city, vii, 160
Russia, vi, 19
Russian, Russians, vi, 19
empire, vi, 19
foundation of, vi, 19
cloth, ix, 110
Rustam, son of Zál, Íránian
national hero, 141-150,
153, 154, 156, 157, i, 42,
68, 90, 174, 235 seq., 376
seq.; ii, 4, 18, 25, 34, 35,
42 seq., 79, 92 seq., 188,
236, 237, 271, 286, 290,
311, 316, 318, 319, 335,
344 seq., 349 seq., 371, 372,
380, 394, 400; iii, 24, 35,
36, 40, 107 seq., 121, 134,
138, 141 seq., 155, 164 seq.,
182 seq., 294, 307, 308; iv
11, 13, 27, 30, 65, 157,
167, 172, 198, 226, 227,
277, 285, 289, 292, 319,
324; v, 9, 22, 30, 50, 73,
86, 165, 254 seq., 278, 279,
281, seq., 298; vi, 325,
395; vii, 151; viii, 106,
177, 219, 223, 332; ix, 25
Caesarean birth of, i,
236, 321 seq.
account of, in Moses of
Chorene, i, 236
presage of, by the astrolo-
gers, i, 278, 307
Símurgh, i, 321
origin of name, i, 322 and
effigy of, sent to Salm, i, 322
nurturing of, i, 324
Rustam, goes with Zál and
Mihráb to meet Sám, i, 325
slays the white elephant, i,
327, 377
bidden by Zál to take Mount
Sipand, i, 329
takes Mount Sipand, i, 331,
sends the Spoil to Zál, i, 333
sets fire to Mount Sipand, i,
bidden by Zál to prepare for
var, i, 376
reply of, i, 376
Zál gives Sám's mace to, i,
obtains Rakhsh, i, 378
goes in quest of Kai Kubád,
i, 382 seq.
slays Kulún, i, 386
first campaign of, ii, 11 seq.
nearly takes Afrásiyáb
prisoner, ii, 14, 116, 354
rewarded by Kai Kubád, ii,
Seven Courses of (Haft
Khwán) 143, ii, 44 seq.
life of, saved by a ram, ii, 46
song of, ii, 51
rescues Kai Káús in Mázan-
darán, ii, 58
handgrip of, ii, 66, 67
encounter of, with Kaláhúr,
ii, 67
Juyá, ii, 71
audience of, with the king of
Mázandarán, ii, 67 seq.
encounter of, with the king
of Mázandarán, ii, 73
rewarded by Kai Káús, ii, 77
entertains Kai Káús, ii, 83
takes the king of Shám
prisoner, ii, 97
defeats Afrásiyáb, ii, 100
made paladin of paladins by
Kai Káús, ii, 101
goes in search of Kai Káús,
ii, 104
takes part in the Fight of the
Seven Warriors, ii, 107 seq.
slays Alkús, ii, 115
Rustam, and Suhráb, Story of,
ii, 118 seq.
loses Rakhsh, ii, 121
Afrásiyáb's plot against, ii,
holds a drinking-bout, ii, 141
quarrels with Kai Káús, ii,
reconciled by Gúdarz, ii, 144
goes in disguise to see Suh-
ráb, ii, 149
adventure of, with Zhanda
Razm, ii, 149 seq.
Suhráb described by, ii, 151,
encampment of, described,
ii, 154
armed by Tús, Gív, and
Ruhhám for his fight with
Suhráb, ii, 160
challenges Suhráb, ii, 161
charge of, to Zawára, ii, 167
declines Suhráb's advances,
ii, 169
saves his life by a ruse, ii,
prays that his strength may
be restored, ii, 171
learns too late that Suhráb
is his son, ii, 173
grief of, ii, 173 seq.
makes a truce with Húmán,
ii, 176
tries to slay Hajír, ii, 176
himself, ii, 177
brings up Siyáwush, ii, 196
marches with him against
Afrásiyáb, ii, 225, seq.
returns and quarrels with
Kai Káús, ii, 242 seq.
grief and wrath of, at the
death of Siyáwush, ii, 338
puts Surkha to death, ii, 346
fights with the Túránians, ii,
349 seq.
appoints Tús ruler of Chách,
ii, 358
Gúdarz ruler of Sughd and
Sipanjáb, ii, 358
Rustam, daughter of, ii, 383,
384, iii, 323
wife of, ii, 384, iii, 323
hears of Kai Khusrau's
arrival in Írán, ii, 395
Turkman occupation of Zá-
bulistán, account of by, iii,
goes to do homage to Kai
Khusrau, iii, 17
witnesses Kai Khusrau's
oath to avenge Siyáwush,
iii, 22
proposes to Kai Khusrau to
expel Turkmans from Zá-
bulistán, iii, 30
asks Kai Khusrau to pardon
Tús and the Íránians in
the matter of Farúd, iii,
summoned by Kai Khusrau,
iii, 143
advocates the marriage of
Faríburz and Farangís,
iii, 146
marches to succour Tús, iii,
meets Gúdarz, iii, 171
takes counsel with Tús and
the chiefs, iii, 172
arrays the host, iii, 177
fight of, with Ashkabús,
legend about, iii, 109
referred to, viii, 75
parleys with Ashkábús, iii,
slays Ashkabús, iii, 181
described by Pírán, iii, 183
harangues the troops, iii,
186, 219, 223, 232, 235
challenged by Kámús, iii,
spear-bearer of, slain by
Kámús, iii, 188
parleys with Kámús, iii, 188
takes Kámús prisoner, iii,
and the Khán of Chín, Story
of, 149, iii, 191 seq.
refe??red to, iii, 193
slays Chingish, iii, 195
Rustam, parleys with Húmán,
iii, 196
conditions of peace offered
by, iii, 197, 205
parleys with Pírán, iii, 202
proposes peace on terms to
the Íránians, iii, 211
warned by Gúdarz not to
trust Pírán, iii, 212
wrath of, with Pírán, iii, 218
unhorses Shangul, iii, 221
prowess of, in battle, iii, 222
overthrows Kundur, iii, 224
slays Sáwa, iii, 224
Gahár, iii, 225
attacks the Khán of Chín,
iii, 225, seq.
victorious, iii, 231, seq.
wroth with Tús and the
Íránians, iii, 234
sends Faríburz to Kai Khus-
rau with tidings of victory,
iii, 236, seq.
leads on the host, iii, 238
reaches Sughd, iii, 244
sends troops to attack
Bídád, iii, 244
slays Káfúr, iii, 245
besieges and storms Bídád,
iii, 246
sends Gív to raid Khutan,
iii, 247
praised by Gúdarz, iii, 248
described by Afrásiyáb, iii,
attacks the Túránians, iii,
challenges Púládwand, iii,
overthrows Púládwand, iii,
defeats the Túránians, iii,
divides the spoil, iii, 266
ravages Túrán, iii, 266
returns in triumph, iii, 267
asks Kai Khusrau's leave to
return to Zál, iii, 269
rewarded by Kai Khusrau,
iii, 269
Rustam, Story of fight of, with
the dív Akwán, 149, iii,
271 seq.
summoned to court by Kai
Khusrau, iii, 274
pursues the dív Akwán, iii,
foiled by Akwán, iii, 276
taken at a disadvantage by
Akwán, iii, 276
offered a choice of deaths by
Akwán, iii, 277
outwits Akwán, iii, 277
finds Rakhsh among Afrá-
siyáb's herds, iii, 278
encounters Afrásiyáb's
herdsmen, iii, 279
defeats Afrásiyáb, iii, 280
slays Akwán, iii, 281
carries off the spoil, iii,
welcomed by Kai Khusrau,
iii, 282
tells his adventure with
Akwán, iii, 282
rewarded by Kai Khusrau,
iii, 283
returns home, iii, 283
summoned to court in the
matter of Bízhan, iii, 319
visited by Giv, iii, 322
promises to help Giv, iii,
goes with Gív to court, iii,
address of, to Kai Khusrau,
iii, 327
undertakes the rescue of
Bízhan, iii, 330
plan of, iii, 333
chooses his comrades, iii,
goes disguised to Túrán, iii,
gives presents to Pírán, iii,
welcomed by Pírán, iii, 336
opens a market, iii, 337
interviews of, with Manízha,
iii, 337, 342
Rustam, sends food and his ring
to Bízhan, iii, 340
removes boulder of Akwán
from pit's mouth, iii, 345
makes conditions for release
with Bízhan, iii, 345
releases Bízhan, iii, 346
arrays his troops against
Afrásiyáb, iii, 350
mocks Afrásiyáb, iii, 351
defeats Afrásiyáb, iii, 352
triumphant return of, iii,
presents Bízhan to Kai
Khusrau, iii, 354
rewarded by Kai Khusrau,
iii, 356
goes to Sístán, iii, 356
sent to Hindústán by Kai
Khusrau, iv, 14
successes of, iv, 60, 71
troops of, recalled, iv, 145
commands the right wing,
iv, 147
attacks with Kai Khusrau
from the centre, iv, 180
goes with Zawára to the
right wing, iv, 180
sent to the desert to attack
Tawurg, iv, 188
reports his defeat of Tawurg,
iv, 193
advances, iv, 194
failure of Afrásiyáb's at-
tempt to surprise, iv, 195
takes part in the siege of
Gang-bihisht, iv, 199, 208
Kai Khusrau's converse
with, iv, 198, 199
captures Jahn and Garsíwaz,
iv, 210
advises Kai Khusrau to
reject Afrásiyáb's over-
tures, iv, 222
ordered to prepare for a
night-attack from Afrá-
siyáb, iv, 224
supports Kai Khusrau's pro-
posal to pursue Afrásiyáb
to Gang-dizh, iv, 231
Rustam, left by Kai Khusrau in
Chín, iv, 241
welcomes Kai Khusrau on
his return from Gang-
dizh, iv, 251
accompanies Kai Khusrau
to Siyáwushgird, iv, 252
summoned by the Íránians
to remonstrate with Kai
Khusrau, iv, 278
with Zál and the sages, sets
forth for Írán, iv, 279
met on arrival by Gúdarz
and other chiefs, iv, 282
holds converse with the
Íránians, iv, 282
audience of, with Kai Khus-
rau, iv, 283 seq.
holds, with other chiefs, at
the bidding of Kai Khus-
rau an assembly on the
plain, iv, 291 seq.
Kai Khusrau's gift to, iv,
confirmed by Kai Khus-
rau in possession of Ním-
rúz, iv, 297
sets out with Kai Khusrau
on his pilgrimage, iv,
turns back at the bidding of
Kai Khusrau, iv, 307
laments the loss of the pala-
dins and returns to Írán,
iv, 310
Zál and, welcome Gushtásp
to Sístán, v, 85
rivalry in legend between
Asfandiyár and, v, 116
Haft Khwán of, compared
with that of Asfandiyár,
v, 117
Asfandiyár's fight with,
Story of, 156, v, 166 seq
recited by Nadr, son of
Hárith, at Mecca, v, 166
referred to, v, 169, 170, 306
Gushtásp bids Asfandiyár
go against, v, 173
Asfandiyár's message to, v,
Rustam, life of, attempted by
Bahman, v, 184
interview of, with Bahman
v, 185
entertains Bahman, v, 186
great appetite of, v, 186, 210
jests with Bahman on his
small appetite, v, 186
sends Zawára and Farámarz
to bid Zál and Rúdába
prepare to receive Asfan-
diyár, v, 190
goes to the Hírmund, v,
parleys with Asfandiyár, v,
192, seq.
invites Asfandiyár to visit
him, v, 193
accepts Asfandiyár's invita-
tion to a feast, v, 195
tells Zál, of his interview
with Asfandiyár, v, 196
indignation of, at not being
summoned to the feast,
v, 197
sets forth to reproach Asfan-
diyár, v, 198
wrangle of, with Asfandiyár,
v, 198 seq.
demands his proper seat at
the feast, v, 200
Zál and, vilified by Asfan-
diyár, v, 201
details his ancestry, v, 202
recounts Sám's exploits, v,
his own exploits, v, 203,
patents of, from Kai Káús
and Kai Khusrau, v, 203
aged six hundred years, v,
tries a handgrip with Asfan-
diyár, v, 209
accepts Asfandiyár's chal-
lenge, v, 209
asks for neat wine, v, 211
makes fresh overtures to
Asfandiyár, v, 211 seq.
addresses the royal tent-
enclosure, v, 215
Rustam, bids Zawára bring him
his arms, v, 218
rejects Zál's counsels, v, 220
arms for battle, v, 222
gives Zawára charge of the
troops, v, 222
goes with Zawára to the
Hírmund, v, 222
instructs Zawára, v, 222
crosses the Hírmund and
summons Asfandiyár to
the combat, v, 223
suggests a general engage-
ment, v, 224
distress of, at the death of
Núsh Ázar and Mihr-i-
Núsh, v, 228
offers to surrender Zawára
and Farámarz to Asfan-
diyár, v, 228
wounded by Asfandiyár, v,
flees from Asfandiyár, v,
sends Zawára with a message
to Zál, v, 230
parleys with Asfandiyár, v,
recrosses the Hírmund, v,
kin of, grieve over his
wounds, v, 234
bids the leeches to attend to
Rakhsh first, v, 234
despair of, v, 235
advised by Zál, v, 235
Zál summons the Símurgh
to the aid of, v, 235
healed by the Símurgh, v,
instructed by the Símurgh
how to overcome Asfan-
diyár, v, 237, seq.
cuts the fatal branch of
tamarisk, v, 239
prepares the arrow, v, 240
summons Asfandiyár to re-
new the fight, v, 240
makes a final effort for peace
with Asfandiyár, v, 241
Rustam, bewails Asfandiyár to
Bishútan, v, 246
Asfandiyár confides Bahman
to, v, 248
foretells an evil future for,
v, 248
laments Asfandiyár, v, 250
warned by Zawára against
Bahman, v, 250
sends Asfandiyár's corpse to
Gushtásp, v, 251
Bahman remains with, v,
252, 256
instructs Bahman, v, 256
writes to Gushtásp to excuse
himself in the matter of
Asfandiyár, v, 256
overtures of, to Gushtásp
supported by Bishútan,
v, 257
Gushtásp accepts the ex-
cuses of, and writes to, v,
requested by Gushtásp to
send back Bahman, v, 258
equips Bahman for his jour-
ney, v, 258
Story of, and Shaghád, 157,
v, 260 seq.
provenance of, v, 260 seq.
death of, v, 261, 273, 289
versions of, v, 261
Kábul's tribute to, question
of, v, 265
Shaghád and the king of
Kábul plot against, v, 265
takes up Shaghád's cause, v,
prepares to occupy Kábul
with a host, v, 268
persuaded by Shaghád to go
with Zawára and a small
escort, v, 268
pardons king of Kábul, v,
entertained by king of
Kábul, v, 269
goes hunting with Zawára,
v, 270
falls a victim to treachery,
v, 270
Rustam, Shaghád, glories over,
v, 271
slays Shaghád, v, 272
last words of, v, 272
corpse of, taken from the
pit by Farámarz, v, 274
obsequies of, v, 274 seq.
Artabanus and, v, 282
burial place of, v, 287
scene of the battle be-
tween Bahman and Fará-
marz, v, 287
personification of the Sacae,
i, 68; vi, 194
conduct of, in Hámávarán,
viii, 104, 168
banner of, bestowed on
Bahrám Chúbína, viii,
105, 217
Rustam, Persian commander in
chief under Yazdagird III,
176; ix, 66, 67, 69, 73, 81
seq., 90, 95
brother of Farrukhzád, viii,
413 and note
revolt of, viii, 413
overthrows Ázarmdukht, ix,
advances to Kádisíya, ix, 67,
end of, ix, 69
finds evil aspects in the stars
ix, 73
writes to his brother, ix, 73
hears of Shu'ba Mughíra's
arrival, ix, 82
Rúzbih, Bahrám Gúr's high
priest, 164, vii, 26 seq., 54,
bewails Bahrám Gúr's
course of life, vii, 56
reproached by Bahrám Gúr
for his parsimony, vii, 83
Rúzbih, scribe, viii, 252