The Lubbu-t Tawáríkh is divided into three* Books.
Book I.—On Muhammad and the Imáms. As all notice of Abu-bakr, 'Umar and 'Usmán is excluded, D'Herbelot considers our author to be a Shía'. This contains two sections; from page 2 to 13.
Book II.—On the kings who reigned before the advent of Muhammad—the Peshdádians—Kaíánians—the Mulúku-t Tawáif, from the time of Alexander to Ardashír Bábagán—the Sásánians, or Kaiásara. In four sections; from p. 14 to 35.
Book III.—On the kings who reigned since the time of Muhammad. In three chapters (makála), and six sections (báb); from p. 35 to 164.
Chapter 1.—Regarding the holy men, companions of the Prophet, 1 p.
Chapter 2.—The 'Ummayide Khalífas, 4 pp.
Chapter 3.—The 'Abbáside Khalífas, 8 pp.
Section 1.—The Sultáns of Íran, in eleven subsections (fasl), comprising the Táhirians, 2 pp. Saffárians, 2 pp. Sámáníans, 2 pp. Ghaznívides, 3 pp. Ghorians, 1 p. Búwaihides, 5 pp. Saljúkians, 8 pp. Khwárizm-sháhís, 3 pp. Atábaks, 5 pp. Isma'ílians, 6 pp. Karákhitáís of Kirmán, 2 pp.
Section 2.—The Mughals, 13 pp.
Section 3.—The successors of Sultán Abú Sa'íd in Írán, in five subsections, 25 pp.
Section 4.—The descendants of Amír Tímúr, 19 pp.
Section 5.—The Kárá-kúínlú and Ák-kúínlú Turks,* in two subsections, 17 pp.
Section 6.—The descendants of Túshí Khán, son of Changíz Khán, in Khurásán and Transoxiana, 2 pp.
SIZE.—Folio. pp. 164, of 19 lines.
The work is in too abridged a form to render any passage worth translating. Copies of the Lubbu-t Tawáríkh are rare in India, and I know of no good Manuscript. The most celebrated of Europe are those of Paris, Vienna, the Vatican, Bodleian, and Sir W. Ouseley. There are two in the British Museum. Hamaker also notices one in the Leyden Library, No. 1738, written A.D. 1645-6, but ascribed to Mas'údí by some extraordinary mistake.*