Jadrūp Gosain, J.'s interviews with at Ujjain, 49, 52; at Ma-thurā, 104, 105, 108

Jagat Singh, s. Raja Bāso, made Raja of Kāngra, 75 and note, 154; rebels, 287; pardoned at instance of Nūr-Jahān, 289

Jagat Singh, s. Rānā Karan, 191; joins J., 261; receives a string of pearls, 270

Jahanda village, 28

Jahāngīr, Emperor, eldest s. Ak-bar, celebrates thirteenth year of reign at Doḥad in Gujarat, 1; fifty-first lunar birthday, 1; makes gifts and appointments, 1-4; goes elephant-hunting, 4-5; proceeds Aḥmadābād, 6; Zo­diacal coinage, 6-7; entertain­ment on bank Māhī, 7; fishes and distributes charity, 8; sends inscribed diamond to S. ‘Ab­bās, 8-9; enters Aḥmadābād, 9; sickness in camp, 10; appoint­ments, 10-12; abuses Aḥmadā-bād and gives it nicknames, 13; in spite of illness attends in jharoka, 14; impromptu couplet, 15; pairing of Sāras, 16-18; de­scribes some elephants, 18; frontispiece Jahāngīr-nāma, 20; violent rain, 21; about dia­monds, 21-22; refers again to Sāras, 23, 25, 32, 39, 42; ele­phant-catch, 24; leaves for Agra, 25; copies of Vol. I. Jahāngīr-nāma, 26; orders exe­cutions postponed till sunset, 28; an impromptu, 30, 31; re­cites verse at meeting of Shaikhs, 32; bids a Sayyid translate Qorān, 34-35; resolves to give up shooting at end of fiftieth year, 36; sends portrait and quatrain Bījāpūr, 37; copies Jahāngīr-nāma given I‘timāda­d-daula and Āṣaf K., 37; hunt­ing, 39; anecdote of Akbar, 41; ‘Ināyat's death, 43; illness of Prince Shujā,’ 45; anecdote of Akbar, 45-46; Aurangzib born at Doḥad, 47; three days' halt 47; comet (?), 48; interviews Jadrūp, Shāh-Jahān presents his child (Aurangzib) and fifty elephants, 50; story of gar­dener's daughter, 50-52; inter­views Jadrūp, 52-53; inspects hawks, 54; crosses Ghāṭī Chān-ḍā, 57; duck-shooting, 58; gives his pustin to Khān khānān, 58; visits Rantambūr, 58; describes Akbar's siege of it, 58-59; re­leases many prisoners and gives them gratuities, 59; enjoys hawking, 60; Hindaun quatrain (Umar Khayyām's) at, 62; visits Bayānā, 63; his mother's well and garden, 64; arrives Fatḥpūr, 64; plague at Agra, 65-67; has S. Jahān weighed, 68; J.'s mother arrives, 68; Salīm Chishtī's tomb, 70; hunt­ing, 70; Fatḥpūr mosque, 71; Amānābād, 73; Nūr Jahān's necklace, 74; Nūr Manzil Gar­den, 76; fourteenth year, 78; Amānābād, 83; S. Jahān's mother (Jodh Bā'ī) dies, 84; enters Agra, 84; death of Shāh Nawāz, 87; honours Khān-khānān's other sons, 88; Mār-khūr goats, 88-89; account of Shaikh Aḥmad, 91; Sultan Parwīz arrives, 93; fine speci­men of fish teeth (? walrus tooth), 94; arranges visit to Kashmīr, 97; plants avenues, 100; visits Akbar's tomb, 101; Brindāban, 103; visits Jadrūp at Mathurā, 104-06, 108; gets Nūr-Jahān to shoot tiger, 105; releases Khusrau, 107; orders painting of a falcon, 108; visits Delhi and Humāyūn's tomb with children and ladies, 109; hunts at Pālam, 109; visits old female servant, 110; Kairāna Garden, 112; hawking, 112; Sirhind Garden, 113; Shāh-Ja­hān's son, 112, 113; Kalānaur, 114; Tīmūr's portrait, 116; verses, 118; visit of a Lahore saint (Miyān S.) (This was the teacher of Mullah Shāh, known as Mīyān Mīr, after whom Meean Mīr was named), 119; ring-hunt made, 120; on way to Kashmīr, 123, etc.; fifteenth year, 130; account of Kashmīr and Kishtwār, 130-151; Shujā's accident, 151; death of J.'s wife, Pādshāh Bānū Begam (also known as Ṣāliḥa Bānū), 159; defeat at Bangāsh, 160; S. Aḥmad pardoned, 161; pic­ture gallery, 162; appointments made, 162, 164, 165; gets parti-coloured fish-tooth from Trans-oxiana, 166; list of birds and beasts not found in Kashmīr, 168, 170; visits Vīrnāg, the source of Jhelam, 170; visits Inch, 172; visits Achval, 173; suffers from shortness of breath, 176; visits Lār Valley, 176; returns India, 177; arrives La­hore, 183; Delhi, 194; Humā-yūn's tomb, 196; hunting, 197; Agra, 197; punishes murderer, reflections thereon, 211; tra­gical fate of blacksmith, 211; illness, 212; bad conduct of physicians, 213; Nūr - Jahān prescribes for him, 214; Parwīz arrives, 215; death of Nūr-Jahān's mother, 216; leaves Agra, 217; Hardwār, 218; Sir-hind, 220; Kāngra, 222; death of Nūr-Jahān's father, 222; in­spects Kāngra fort, 223; has bullocks slaughtered on top, 223; describes jungle-fowl, 226; experiments on a Sannyāsī, 227; entrusts Nūr-Jahān with her father's power, 228; hunt­ing, 229; in Kashmīr, 232; abolishes faujdāri cess, 232; leaves Kashmīr, 237; corre­spondence with Shāh - Abbās about Qandahar, 240-45; gives up journal, 246; bad news about Shāh-Jahān's disloyalty, 246-48; styles him henceforth Bīdaulat (wretch), 248; a con­spiracy detected and punished, 249; near Delhi, 252; eighteenth year, 253; sends his quiver to ‘Abdullah Fīrūz Jang, who sud­denly joins the rebels, 255; death of Sundar (Bīkramājīt), 256; victory over Bīdaulat (Shāh-Jahān) and La'natu-llah (‘Abdu llah), 256; rewards to faithful servants, 256; Manṣūr Farangī and brother join J., 258; Badī‘u-z-Zamān murdered by his brothers, 259; Parwīz starts with large force to pursue Bīdaulat, 260; death of J'.s mother, 261; Ṣafī K.'s victory over La‘natu llah, 261-67; J. kills four tigers, 269; death of Manṣūr Farangī, 271; flight of Bīdaulat, 273; birth of Shāhri-yār's daughter, 276; Bīdaulat at Asīr, 278; J. sets out for Kashmīr, 282; a remarkably fine tiger, 284; ‘Abdu - llah, s. Ḥakīm Nūru d dīn, exe­cuted for disrespectful language; 286; J. arrives Delhi, 287; Bīdaulat takes refuge in Qubu­l-Mulk's territory, and proceeds towards Orissa and Bengal, 289; nineteenth year, 294; orders that the blind and mutilated should be kept away from his presence, 294; Parwīz ordered to proceed towards Allahabad and Bihār, 296; Bīdaulat at Rājmaḥal, 299

Jahāngīrābād, hunting lodge, 182

Jahangīr Qulī, s. ‘Azīzkoka, re­moved from Bihār, 38; pays his respects, 113; receives dress of honour, 117

Jalāl, s. Dilāwar, 135, 136, 137, 171

Jalāl Gakhar, father of Akbar Qulī, killed in battle with Afghans, 160, 161

Jalāl Sayyid, descend. Shāh ‘Ālam Bukhārī, given elephant, 98

Jalāl Tārīkī, 85

Jām, the, 2, 19

Jamāl, eldest s. Dilāwar, 135, 136

Jamāl Balūch, Abkar's huntsman, 27

Jamāla d dīn Ḥusain Injū. See ‘Aẓudu d-daula.

Jāmī, his verses, 15, 71

Jān-bahan, name of a bird, 220

Jareja tribe, 4

Jauhar Mal, rebel, 185 (? Sūraj Mal)

Jay Singh, grandson Mān Singh, 253, 257

Jharokha, J. sits in for hours at Aḥmadabad, 14

Jogrāj promoted, 253

Jones, Sir W., 36 and note

Jotik Rāy, astrologer, 152, 160, 203, 215, 235

ghāsī tulips, 153

Jumla, Mīr, proper name Muḥ Amīn, arrives from Persia, 3 and note; promoted, 15; made Examiner of Petitions, 37; pro­moted, 154; made Khānsāmān. 175; promoted, 276

Jungle fowl, 226

Jwālā Mukhī, 224