QUEEN OF CHÍN (wife of the
Khán), viii, 190
daughter of, slain by lion-
ape, viii, 322
asks Bahrám Chúbína to
avenge her daughter, viii,
steward of, plots with Khar-
rád against Bahrám Chúbína
viii, 335
daughter of, cured by Khar-
rád, viii, 336
grants boon to Kharrád,
viii, 338
disgraced, viii, 344
Questions, Mountain of the Holy,
i, 62
hard, vii, 102 seq.
Quince, omen of the, ix, 13, 14
Quintus Curtius, Roman writer
(1st century A.D.), vi, 65
on the Amazons, vi, 72